Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 37 Pipi Shrimp

Chapter 37 Pipi Shrimp

In the end, Wang Wei didn't go home at noon, but ate with Yin Ya, and didn't go home until evening.

"Come in, tiptoe, if you have the ability to live there!"Liu Xia scowled and said angrily.

"I, I just ate some snacks, and I gave the half to the teacher."Wang Wei came back with a small bag of snacks. I bought so many, but for the teacher.

"Hurry up and wash your hands and eat."Both of them knew Wang Wei's little trick, but they didn't expose it.

Seeing that her mother and brother no longer mentioned snacks, Wang Wei also became active, eating happily, and even snatching her favorite big chicken drumsticks.

The next day, Wang Hai still went to sea early in the morning.This time he didn't go straight to the east, but went a little south first, and then went east.

After drawing a certain distance, Wang Hai began to prepare to go into the sea. This time, he didn't have any specific goals. He just caught whatever he was going to meet.

"Little sampan, it's just a little slower!"It was a bit windy and rough today, which made it a bit difficult for Wang Hai to paddle.

The little ball, standing on the bow of the boat, facing the wind, riding the wind and breaking the waves, with its hair flying, feels a little mighty.

Unfortunately, when a big wave hit, Wang Hai swiped a few times to the left, but unfortunately the ball fell down.

"Wow woof woof"!The ball barked, meaning, stop quickly and pull me up.

"You, you, who told you to stand so far in front, with such a little distance, you will definitely fall if you bump!"
Now that he stopped, after pulling the ball up, Wang Hai was going to go down to see if there was anything good.

"Hey, it's a swimming crab. Since you have met it, let's catch it."After Wang Hai went down, he found a group of swimming crabs crawling on the bottom of the sea.

Now that we met each other, how could we let it go? Wang Hai held the net bag in one hand, and started to pick it up with the other, especially picking the big one.

After a while, Wang Hai picked up a large net bag, although there were still many, but Wang Hai stopped, he couldn't catch them all, even if it was a big one, he couldn't catch all of them, otherwise, this group would be It's going to be dangerous.

This Portunus crab tastes very delicious, even if you can't finish it by yourself, it is also very good when you take it out and sell it, and the price is not low.

Just when Wang Hai wanted to go back, he found that not far ahead, there were many U-shaped holes in the mud on the bottom of the sea, and there were some drag marks around them.

Wang Hai swam slowly over, then kicked over with one foot, and then kicked with both feet.

Soon, the mud was floating, and the bottom of the sea became cloudy and its color changed.

Suddenly, many shell-covered shrimps kept crawling out.

These shrimps have a flat body and a bright color. On the back is a segmented carapace, under the abdomen are short legs, and there is a large breastplate and two small tentacles on the head. They are Pipi shrimp.

In fact, Pippi shrimp has many names. Different places have different names, such as climbing shrimp, mantis shrimp, etc. In Southeast Asia, it is also called Fugui shrimp, which is very auspicious.Even in ancient times, it was very popular.

April to August is the best time to eat pippi shrimp. This is the spawning period, the most plump and nutritious.

Fat Pippi shrimp, the brain is full of fat, the meat is delicious and very fragrant.

Wang Hai swam up with the net bag, threw the net bag into the cabin, took an oar, and came down again.

Coming back to the muddy ground, Wang Hai held the oars and stirred differently, making the sea water more turbid.

The Pippi shrimps were frightened and crawled out one after another. As the Pippi shrimps climbed more and more, Wang Hai began to pick the big ones and put them in the net bag.

Because Pippi shrimp likes to hide in the mud, fishing like Wang Hai's is okay, but it's impossible to operate like a big fishing boat.

Therefore, there are more and more Pippi shrimps every year, and they are not afraid of being caught by you at all. They will not cause extinction like some fish.

Therefore, when catching Wang Hai, in addition to choosing the big ones, he would also choose those female shrimps, the ones with seeds are very fragrant.

Male and female Pippi shrimp are actually very similar, the difference is that the male will be slightly larger, the bigger it grows, the more obvious it is, and it can be distinguished at a glance.

The big ones are obvious, but the small ones are not so easy to distinguish.

On the chest of Pippi shrimp, the last pair of legs, the male has a pair of rod-shaped joints on the inside of the thick frontal bone, but the female does not.

In addition, when the female shrimp is in the breeding season, there are white king characters on the sixth to eighth ventral sides of the chest, which is considered a symbol.

There were more and more Pippi shrimps, Wang Hai was very happy, and after a while, he picked up a big net bag.After tying it up and placing it on a boulder, Wang Hai took out another net bag and continued to pick.

After picking up two net bags, Wang Hai stopped. Although there were still a lot of Pippi shrimps, he didn't continue. Remember this, you can come again next time.

Before leaving, Wang Hai didn't forget to throw out a drop of spiritual liquid so that Pippi Shrimp could recover as soon as possible.

A lot of swimming crabs and pippi shrimps were harvested, and the small sampan was almost full, which made Wang Hai a little awkward. If he caught more, he would not be able to put them down.

"It seems that the small sampan is still a little small!"Wang Hai shook his head, at least a metal boat like Wang Qiang was needed.

However, that would be a bit wasteful, because Wang Hai's goal is a modern fishing boat, which can go to far seas and withstand wind and waves, which is much better than an iron boat.

Of course, the price is much higher.

"Let's go back and talk later."The small sampan was almost full, and Wang Hai lost interest in fishing, so he simply went back.

After walking for a while, the ball was very dishonest, so Wang Hai simply threw it down and let it swim for a while, since the boat was uncomfortable, he simply swam back by himself.

"Wow woof woof"!After the ball was thrown down, it kept yelling, as if to say no, no, it's too far, when can I swim back.

After a few minutes, Wang Hai went into the water and got the ball up. This time, it was much more honest.

Just when he entered the water, Wang Hai found a big fish with a yellow-brown body, with small sub-brown spots and dark wide horizontal bands scattered all over the body.

Wang Hai recognized it at a glance. It is a spotted grouper, a fish with good economic value, which can usually be sold for about 200 yuan a catty.

This kind of fish is called green spot in Wang Hai's side. Although the price is much lower than mouse spot, there are many of this kind of fish, and its size is much larger than mouse spot.

The green spot is big, but it is more than one meter long. For fishing, Wang Hai has no tools at all. It would be best if he had a trawling net. Unfortunately, the small sampan can’t drag it, so Wang Hai had to use the last resort, fishing. up.

(End of this chapter)

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