Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 404 A Thief

Chapter 404 A Thief

"Brother, I have already sold ten orders, it's amazing."Wang Wei took her mobile phone and said ostentatiously, ten orders have been made, more than 1000 yuan.

"come on"!Wang Hai encouraged with a smile, do well.

"It's not too late."He Wu walked over with a smile, followed by Liu Mingyi, Xiao Ai and Xu Hui, who had agreed to call them when the fruits on the island were ripe.

Wang Hai just remembered it yesterday, so he called them, otherwise He Wu, that person, will annoy you to death.

Unexpectedly, several people came early this morning.

"It's really good, it looks delicious."Xu Hui said with a smile, you are not welcome, went to the front and picked a ripe one, please wash it and eat it.

"By the way, Wang Hai, have you found a market, do you want to help?"Liu Ming asked, we can all help find sales.

"I found it, look, the boat has come."Wang Hai smiled, pointed to the approaching ship and said, there are still two.

"Oh well".Liu Ming nodded, in this case, forget it.

"Hello, Wang Hai".Wang Hai's voice sounded familiar, but when he looked back, it was actually Li Yang who had come.

"Why are you here?"Wang Hai asked in surprise, he was so busy these days that he didn't look at his mobile phone much, it seems that there is no activity.

"Haha, I'm here to eat peaches. I heard that the peaches here are very delicious."Li Yang laughed loudly and said, why, aren't you welcome?
"Welcome, welcome, eat whatever you want."Wang Hai smiled and said, let you eat as much as you can, it will kill you.

Li Yang wasn't too polite, picked one up, and gnawed on it.

"Wang Hai, I heard that your peaches can be sold for more than 100 a catty, is it true?"As soon as Li Yang took a bite, his eyes changed. It was so delicious, no wonder it was so expensive.

"Indeed, look, the acquired ships have arrived, and it has been two days."Wang Hai nodded and said, he didn't expect it to spread so quickly.

Li Yang approached, lowered his voice, and said, "Now it's spread in the town, everyone is talking about your peaches. I overheard a few scoundrels saying that they want to come to your place to steal peaches. It costs more than 100 yuan." Jin, pick a few pockets, and it's enough to be happy."Li Yang said cautiously, you need to strengthen your defenses!
"So that's the purpose."Wang Hai smiled and said: "It's okay, we have already prepared for it."

Before he started selling peaches, Wang Qiang reminded Wang Hai to take precautions. Now, how could he not be prepared at all.

"Do you have enough manpower, and I can help you find a few, absolutely trustworthy."Li Yang said worriedly, even if you send people to patrol such a big island, you can't take care of it. How many people are needed!
"You don't know this, come with me."Wang Hai dragged Li Yang to a room on the second floor, where there were several computers.

"Have you installed a camera"?After seeing this picture, Li Yang knew what was going on.

"Well, not only cameras, I also installed street lights, one every 35 meters, and there will be a camera on every street light, so that if you go around the island for a week, you can know what's going on outside as long as you sit here. If there is any abnormality, you can go out and check again."Wang Hai smiled and said, in this way, a lot of manpower problems can be solved, otherwise, you will have twenty people, and you may not be able to take care of them.

"Turn on the street lights every night, how much electricity will it cost?"Li Yang was dumbfounded, you don't know how many kilowatt-hours of electricity will be consumed in one night with so many lights.

Wang Hai smiled, pointed to the solar panels on the roof, and said, "Did you see that, the solar ones were useless before, and even if street lights were installed, they would never be used up."

The second grandpa is a frugal person, so are Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming. During the day, they usually work, such as growing vegetables, feeding chickens, and so on. At night, they just watch TV, play with mobile phones, a rice cooker, a tricycle, and others There is no place for electricity.

Besides, Wang Hai got a lot of solar panels before, and even the small half of the electricity generated every day can't be used up.

That is to say, the distance is long and the sea is across, otherwise Wang Hai would pull the wires back to the village, so that everyone can use free electricity.

"That's good, it made me worry, and I thought you were not prepared."Li Yang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Wang Hai was prepared.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see my peach grove."Wang Hai said with a smile, he took out one from the box in front and washed it.

"Wait, I won't go back today, I will work for you, how about it, I'm not moved."Li Yang said with a smile, and started working with Wang Qiang and the others.

"Your wife doesn't talk about you, she won't go back for a day."Wang Hai asked, don't say that you came here alone, and the two of you would quarrel again later.

"How come, I just came after the two of us discussed it."Li Yang pouted, even if she didn't discuss it, what else could she do to me?
Later, not only Wang Hai laughed, but also Wang Qiang and others. Damn it, that means your wife is not here, otherwise, how dare you say that?
Li Yang didn't explain, anyway, it was just a joke, harmless.

"It's so delicious, no wonder it's so expensive!" During the break, Wang Hai washed a peach for him and tasted it again.

When work was over in the evening, Wang Hai handed over a package, which contained a large bag of juicy peaches.

"This, this is a bit much".Li Yang hurriedly wanted to take out a few, you must have given too much.

"Not too much, not too much, when I go back, I will give it to my family to taste."Wang Hai said that he wanted to pay Li Yang, but he didn't want it anyway, so he had to bring him some more peaches.

"Let me just say, something will happen."Wang Qiang said it before, besides, they are on duty at night now.

"It must be someone who came to work and said it."Wang Yong said with a somber face that if no one had spoken out, the town would not have known so quickly.

Wang Hai waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, we can stop people from chatting with each other, and besides, we installed street lights and cameras, I'm afraid they won't succeed."

There are two grandpas, Gao Mingxiang, and Wu Ming on the island. If this is normal, there will be no problem, but now is the picking season, so it is better to pay more attention.

Therefore, Wang Hai gathered Wang Qiang and Wang Yong together, and then assigned work.

In the evening, as the workers left one by one, the huge and lively island gradually quieted down.

"Okay, let's all come and eat, it's impossible to keep watching."Wang Hai shouted, the agreed departure is fluttering.

After eating, Wang Hai stayed in the computer room, watching the information coming from everywhere.

"There really is."Wang Hai said in surprise, because under the camera, a group of three people pounced on the south side with cloth bags in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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