Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 405 Action

Chapter 405 Action

"Fat brother, why are there street lights here, so they won't be discovered."A man wearing a peaked cap said a little worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? What's the big deal? The situation is wrong. Let's just sail away. Our iron boat has been refitted, and its speed is not much worse than his speedboat."The thin and tall man said disdainfully, look at your courage, you are not as big as a mouse.

"As long as you are big, you are big."The man in the peaked cap blushed and retorted.

"What time is it, the two of you are still arguing, go back if you quarrel, quit."The fat man roared in a low voice, without regard for the occasion at all.

Fatty's name is Li Pang, and because of the homonym, plus his height and fatness, he got the nickname Fatty.The man in the peaked cap is called Li Kui, but he is not Li Kui in Water Margin, nor is he as loyal as Li Kui.

The thin and tall one is Zhao San. Although he is 1.8 meters tall, he is as thin as a hemp pole. It seems that a gust of wind can blow him away.

The three of them lived together, so they were young. One didn't finish elementary school, one went to the first grade of junior high school, and the other went to the second grade of junior high school. They all dropped out of school.

When I was in school, I often skipped classes, dropped out of school, and played wildly. Sometimes I didn’t go home for a few days, sneaked around, cheated, and did everything except good things.

I found a few jobs for my family, but within a few days, I became obsolete, and I didn't want to learn technology, and I didn't go out to work. Slowly, I became a bastard.

At first the family didn't know about it, but unfortunately, when they found out, they couldn't control it anymore.

In the front, when the three of them were wandering around in the town, they heard someone croaking, so they went over to eat some melon seeds and smoke cigarettes.

"Really, let's brag, what kind of peaches can be sold for one hundred and thirty-one catties."The one who croaked was a middle-aged man, and the one who was spitting all over the place was just like the peach that belonged to his own family.

"Bragging? I really haven't, you all know, didn't my sister marry into Wangjia Village before? Yesterday, Wang Hai called people to work on the island and went to pick peaches. It costs 150 yuan a day for each person. She I heard on the island that the boss of the owner came to buy it from Shanghai, and I heard it with my own ears, so it’s still fake”?The middle-aged man said triumphantly, my sister was married there, how could she not know?
"That's too powerful, what kind of peaches can be sold for one hundred and thirty-one catties."Someone exclaimed, the peaches on our street only cost a few yuan a catty.

"Tch, I heard that Wang Hai knows a lot of important people, maybe he knows some scientists, people from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and made some new varieties."Someone speculated.

"Hey, you said that this Wang Hai is really lucky, he can make money like this!"Some people enviously said that Wang Hai's deeds had already spread on the streets. At first, he used a large fishing boat, then a speedboat, then contracted an island, and bought a yacht. One by one, they all stunned people.

"Who says it's not the case? Those who follow Wang Hai to go to sea can earn several times better than working part-time. I'm also an old fisherman, and I can do everything. I can follow him to do it anytime."A man said enviously that he was exhausted, but he was not as easy to make money as others, and it was a lie not to be envious.

Everyone was talking about it, but the three of them, the fat man, figured out that the island contracted by Wang Hai planted a new variety of juicy peaches, which could sell for one hundred and thirty-one catties per catty.

"If this steals dozens of catties, grandma's work is no easier than ours, haha."A young man jokingly said that a few kilograms is worth thousands of dollars.

A bag can weigh several tens of catties, and if you go there and steal a bag, it will be thousands of pounds.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. They silently made up their minds, and the fat man and the three were moved.

You must know that the family is very disappointed with the three fat people now, and they basically don't care about them, so sometimes, eating is a problem, let alone eating well.

There seems to be a golden mountain in front of me, shaking the fat man's three-person system.It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could I miss it.

"Brother, what shall we do, tell me."Zhao San and Li Kui said excitedly that after doing this vote, the three of them will be able to eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and maybe they will have a good time.

"Well, let's go investigate first and see the route."After all, no one has ever been to Wang Hai's island, and they don't know the exact location. Even if they run away afterwards, they must know the route well.

"Zhao San, your most important task is to borrow your uncle's refitted iron boat. I heard that Wang Hai has a speedboat. If he comes after him, ordinary iron boats can't run away." .The fat man confessed that this is the most important way out.

"Don't worry bro, I promise to complete the task."Zhao San said excitedly, because the fat man promised that if he did more this time, he would take the two of them to the city to have a meal and meet the beauties in the city.

Inadvertently, Li Yang heard a group of middle-aged men talking about Wang Hai's honey peaches, and saw the three fat people sneaking around the corner, so he planned to report to Wang Hai. Fan's.

There were street lights, and they were still shining brightly. The three fat people were a little scared at first. They nestled on the boat and watched for more than half an hour. After seeing this time, no one appeared. Gradually, they became more courageous.

Therefore, Zhao San, the fastest runner, tentatively climbed up, quickly crossed the cement road, and ran into the grass beside the road to hide.

Zhao San is a tester. His cat is there, always paying attention to the movement. If anyone comes, he will run away immediately. Moreover, the fat man is also ready, and he can launch it immediately when he gets on the boat.

After waiting for half an hour, there was no movement, and no one came over. Zhao San became more courageous, and Fatty and Li Kui also showed smiles on their faces.

"This street lamp is obviously for the convenience of their work, we are just scaring ourselves."Li Kui touched his chest, grandma, he was so nervous just now.

The fat man fastened the boat, and the three of them carried their bags and walked in.

"These are mango trees, the peach trees should be inside, let's hurry up and see if we can get more."The fat man was also very happy, and Wang Hai really had a big heart, he didn't know how to defend, and he didn't send anyone to patrol.

The bastards on the street are not just the three of them, the fat man has also heard about it, and many others are also moved.

"Peach, bro, look at the peach, it's really as big as they say."Zhao San pointed to the peaches on the branch in front, and shouted excitedly.

"Keep your fucking voice down, we're stealing, shit."The fat man cursed angrily and kicked him.

(End of this chapter)

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