Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 47 Pre-match preparation

Chapter 47 Pre-match preparation
The village chief was very concerned about the fishing competition, and went to Chenjiagou early to discuss with Chen Youmin.

Chen Youmin also very much agrees with this idea.It is a good thing for both villages to have tourists coming.

Regarding the reward mechanism, the two have some differences. In the end, the result of the negotiation is that if you catch a big fish over one meter, you will be rewarded with 500 yuan, and the final champion will be rewarded with 1000 yuan.

You can take the fish you catch back home, and if you want to eat it, you can also go to Yujiale to process it for free.

So, he began to release news on various fishing forums and Cangjiang fishermen for a period of two days.

Wang Hai surfs the Internet at home, not for fun, but to promote this fishing competition.

The previous video made Wang Hai a little famous in the forum, so after a while after the post was posted, someone replied.

"Where is the fishing competition? Is it far away?"
"There is also a reward, the 1000 yuan must be mine, haha, I am nicknamed the little prince of fishing."

"Upstairs is really shameless, in front of my fishing king, you dare to brag about yourself."

"I want to catch a black fish and ask the chef to make fish soup for me."

As more and more people came in, Wang Hai was very happy. It would be great if half of the people came.

A free title can already attract many fishing enthusiasts.Those fishing enthusiasts usually go to the fish pond or go fishing in the wild on weekends.

If you go to the fish pond, you have to pay a fee, and there are even such and such regulations.In the wild, although there is no need to pay and there are no regulations, it is not safe.

Now, there is such a safe place without paying fees, and there are bonuses to get, why not go?
Offline, there are already many people who have begun to meet and want to go together tomorrow.

"Old Li, go fishing tomorrow, whether you want to go or not, Lao Wang and the others are all ready to go, so you are the only one missing."

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow is not the weekend, okay? Wait for a few days."

"What are you waiting for? At Wangjia Village in Qianwan Town, there will be a fishing competition tomorrow. Forget it, I'll send the information, you can take a look."

Lao Li doesn't know how to surf the Internet, so naturally he didn't see the news posted on the Internet, so he didn't know.

"Then go, go tomorrow, you wait for me, let's go together."After reading the news from his old friend, Lao Li immediately became interested and wanted to go no matter what.

Fishing enthusiasts like this, and many more, are coming in active organizations.

Wang Hai relaxed his waist, and was about to go out to see how the village chief was preparing.

"Uncle Village Chief, how are your preparations going?"As soon as I came to the lake, I saw the village elder.

"It's almost ready, just waiting for tourists to come."The village elder said excitedly that there are quite a few fishing locations around the lake, and he asked the villagers to bring over small fishing boats. Those who want to go fishing in the lake can rent out the boats.

People like Wang Hong, who are quick-witted, have already started to prepare. They set up a stall under a big tree by the lake, and brought over drinks and snacks from the supermarket. If so many people come, Just snacks, drinks, etc., can sell a lot.

Wang Qiang also became very busy. In the afternoon, there were already tourists, and they came first one after another, saying they were looking at the environment.

This afternoon alone, more than a hundred people came. Wang Hai felt that this was relatively successful. The number of people who will come tomorrow will be several times that of today. No matter it is food, clothing and housing, they will bring a lot to the villagers. income.

"Wang Yong, what are you doing? You are also going to go fishing!"Wang Hai asked with a smile, Wang Yong is making bait, and he added sesame oil, which many fish like.

"Of course, there are bonuses, why not go, the village chief didn't say that people from our village are not allowed to participate."

What Wang Yong likes is the prize money. Although the champion may not be able to win it, there is still hope for catching a one-meter-long fish. It costs 500 yuan.

You must know that Wang Yong is also a good fisherman, and he has caught such a big fish before.

Behind Wang Yong, there is a group of people, to be precise, it should be a group of children.

Wang Xiaomi, Wang Lele, Wang Hui and others, including Wang Wei, a group of people carried fishing rods and headed towards Yuanbao Lake.

Their fishing gear is simple, the fishing rod is made of bamboo cut from the mountain, the fishing line is bought, the fish float is made by themselves, and the bait is earthworms dug by themselves, or they can get it from Wang Yong.

Moreover, each of them is carrying a small bucket, and they still look decent.

"Go, go, go back, no fishing is allowed today."The village uncle said with a headache that this group of brats also came to make trouble.

Seeing that they couldn't fish, a group of children ran away in a huff. They didn't take the fishing rods, and put them under the big tree by the lake, where Wang Hong sold things.

"It's very lively."Yin Ya has come over, as the first proposer, she also came to see how the preparations are going.

"Actually, I'm still in a hurry, I just don't know what will happen tomorrow"?Wang Hai replied.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it."Yin Ya smiled and said, "Your village doesn't have much experience now. If thousands of people really come, you still won't be able to receive them, or there will be chaos."

"If hundreds or thousands of people come tomorrow, it will be enough for your village to keep busy. Besides, the food, drink and housing of thousands of people is also a lot of income. After tasting the sweetness, the villagers will change spontaneously. Compared with you Those are the ones who give the orders are much stronger."

Interest is the ultimate reason that drives people to change.

Wang Hai nodded. This is indeed the truth. If there is a commotion, the loss outweighs the gain.

"If you are interested, I will go fishing tomorrow."Wang Hai asked, there are several sets of fishing rods at home.

"Okay, maybe I can still win the championship."Yin Ya smiled and said, just wait and see how I can win the championship.

"That's good, the fish you catch, I will cook it for you myself."Wang Hai also doesn't know whether Yin Ya can fish, but she probably can, but I don't know about her skills.

So, Yin Ya followed Wang Hai home, going to see how the fishing gear is doing?
Similar to Wang Wei's fishing gear, Wang Hai's fishing rod is also made of bamboo on the mountain, but it is longer than Wang Wei's and more finely made.

"Well, this one is good, it looks pretty good, that's it."Yin Ya chooses and chooses, and chooses the one that looks the most beautiful.

In fact, that fishing rod was originally what Wang Wei wanted when she was making it, so she made it more beautiful, but in the end, it was too big and too long to be used, so she put it at home and gave it to her again. Do small ones.

Wang Hai nodded. Sure enough, no matter what women choose, they want to look good.I just don’t know if I will do well fishing tomorrow.

 Sorry, it's late today

(End of this chapter)

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