Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 48 The Fishing Rod Runs Away

Chapter 48 The Fishing Rod Runs Away
Early in the morning, Wang Qiang and his group were the first to get up, and those who ran the transportation had to go to the town to pick up people.

The village head rushed back and forth, as if he had turned into a young man.

Wang Hai is much more relaxed. What should be prepared, he helped to do it yesterday. Today is the matter of receiving tourists. However, that is the matter of the village committee. Now he is very free.

"Let's go, let's see how lucky you are and whether you can get a bonus."Wang Hai took Yin Ya and walked towards the lake.

There were a lot of people along the way, but the people in the village accounted for half of them. Some sold drinks and snacks, some sold handicrafts, and some sold snacks. Of course, there were also those who planned to try their luck and want to get some bonuses.

Of course, among these people, that group of brats was indispensable. A dozen or so children headed for the lake in a mighty way, and there was also an elated Wang Wei among them.

"Vivi, come here."Wang Hai shouted.

"What are you doing, brother."Wang Wei pouted and said dissatisfiedly, I won't go back, I still want to win the championship.

"Don't worry, I didn't ask you to go back. Remember, if there is anything, come and call me, and I will go fishing here."Wang Hai pointed to the lotus group, which was the place chosen yesterday.

"Got it, I remember."Wang Wei agreed, and ran away with her fishing rod on her shoulders.

"Let's have a competition, whoever catches the big fish first will win."Wang Xiaole suggested that there will always be people who refuse to accept me, let them be convinced this time.

"What good is winning".Wang Xiaomi asked, since it is a competition, it is natural that there must be a lottery.

"Whoever wins is the boss, and we will listen to whoever is in the future."Wang Xiaole said domineeringly that he was very confident in his fishing skills.

"good".Everyone applauded and agreed.

Wang Wei was also very happy, and went to Wang Hai's place and brought back some bait. She thought that the bait used by the eldest brother was the best, and she had caught big fish before, so this time it would definitely work.

Soon, a group of children took their positions and began to bait and cast their poles for fishing.

"Ah, why is it so small."Wang Xiaomi's fish float was shaking, but he was so happy that he lifted it up only to find that it was just a palm-sized crucian carp, which was the size of his own palm.

"Hey, so small".This fish even provoked ridicule from the friend next to him, he was so angry that he almost threw the fish back.

The whole morning was almost over, and still no big fish were caught. The brats were a little discouraged, and a few of them tied their fishing rods to the small tree next to them and ran to play.

Some went to watch others go fishing, and some were looking for a good place to go. They fished here all morning, but they didn't get anything. Naturally, they had to change places.

"Brother, why can't I catch a big fish?"Wang Wei ran back, pursed her mouth and said, it's too annoying.

"How can it be so easy to catch a big fish? Look, your teacher and I haven't caught it this morning."Wang Hai pulled Wang Wei over, stroked her hair, and said with a smile.

"Well, well, big fish are not easy to catch".Seeing that the elder brother and the teacher did not catch any big fish, Wang Wei felt a lot more balanced in her mind. The elder brother and the teacher are so good, but they did not catch any big fish. It must be very difficult to catch.

Wang Wei ran back again, reinstalled the bait, and threw it out.

Unfortunately, after a while, there was still no movement, so I couldn't sit still, so I tied the fishing rod to the tree and ran to play.

"Wang Wei, come quickly, your fishing rod has escaped and was pulled away by the fish."It turned out that the position next to the children was also from the village. The children ran to play, but he kept shaking his head. A child is a child, and there is no certainty. How could he catch a big fish.

However, half an hour later, I caught fish, but most of them were palm-sized fish, and none were bigger. On the contrary, Wang Wei's fishing rod shook violently, and even later, she was pulled away directly.

Wang Wei was playing vigorously, when she heard that a fish was hooked on her fishing rod, she immediately shouted and ran over in a hurry.

However, when he arrived, he was immediately dumbfounded, because the end of the fishing rod had already fallen into the lake.

"What to do, what to do!"Wang Wei turned around in a hurry, but she couldn't reach it, even with a small stick.

"Big brother, big brother, it's not good, it's not good."Wang Wei hurriedly ran towards her elder brother, shouting as she ran.

Wang Hai stood up immediately, and shouted anxiously: "What happened?"
Now is the event period, Wang Hai is really afraid that someone will have an accident, for example, falling into the water or something.

"No, no, it's my fishing rod, which was pulled into the water by the big fish."Wang Wei took a breath, stopped and said.

Wang Hai gave her a head-scratch directly, and said angrily, "Can you stop panting and scare me when you speak."

Wang Wei wronged Bala and said: "I'm not in a hurry, hurry up, the fishing rod has gone far away."

Yin Ya smiled and watched the two brothers and sisters quarrel, and after a while the CIA said: "You two haven't finished the quarrel, let's go!"
As she said that, Yin Ya walked towards the place where Wang Wei was fishing just now with her long legs, and Wang Hai and Wang Wei quickly followed.

"Look, it's all gone so far."Wang Wei said aggrievedly, it's all your fault for dawdling, always talking about me, run away.

"It's really far away."Wang Hai actually laughed, because with such a strong force, the fish is probably not small. Since it has not been unhooked, there is a chance to pull it up.

"Qiangzi, come on, quickly drive the boat over."It happened that Wang Qiang passed by in a small boat, and Wang Hai called over quickly.

"Tch, you're a fisherman, and the rod has run away, so you can't be patronizing and chatting with Mr. Yin."Wang Qiang said contemptuously, and raised his little finger.

"Brother Smelly Qiangzi, that's my fishing rod."Wang Wei said angrily, you despise the wrong person.

"Haha, it turned out to be the little princess. It's not bad. I saw this fishing rod. It must be a big fish after running so far. I'll take you to chase it."Wang Qiang immediately changed his words, this little girl has a big memory, if she is provoked, it may not be easy to go to her house for a meal recently!
The point is, the food made by Wang Hai is very fragrant and delicious.

Soon, Wang Qiang rowed the boat, took Wang Hai and his brother and sister, and chased towards the fishing rod.

"Yell, still running."Wang Qiang caught up with the fishing rod within a few strokes, and when he just reached out to fish it, the fishing rod ran away again.

"Damn, is this fish going to be fine?"Wang Qiang cursed with a smile, rowed forward, and then reached out to catch the fishing rod.

After such a long time, the big fish at the other end of the fishing line didn't have much strength, and after being pulled by Wang Qiang, it obediently swam to this side.

"Haha, it's really not small."Soon, the big fish arrived near the boat. Wang Hai picked up the copying net and directly picked up the big fish.

When the fish arrived on the boat, Wang Hai was very happy. This fish is really big.

(End of this chapter)

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