Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 49 The Happy Wang Wei

Chapter 49 The Happy Wang Wei

Wang Qiang didn't row the boat any more, he just gestured with his hands, measured it first, and said, "This fish must be more than one meter long."

Wang Hai nodded, that's right, one bundle is [-] centimeters, and there is a little bit left after five bundles, so it must be one meter long.

Wang Hai and Wang Qiang were discussing there, but Wang Wei was overjoyed, because there is a reward for big fish over one meter, 500 yuan.

"Brother, let's go back quickly."Wang Wei said anxiously, what's the point of gesturing here, gesturing away, don't let the big fish run away, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

"Okay, go back."Wang Hai smiled and said, seeing that you are anxious, it is indispensable.

Soon, they landed, and Wang Hai and Wang Wei carried the big fish towards the village head.

"Uncle Village Chief, I caught a big fish, come and measure it."Wang Wei shouted loudly, holding her head high and her chest high, very proud of herself.

"Wang Wei is really amazing, she caught a big fish so quickly."The village chief praised him, and at the same time he took the big fish and took out a meter ruler to measure it. Sure enough, it was a 1.1-meter big carp.

"Come, come, Wang Wei, don't move here, the teacher will take a photo for you as a souvenir."Yin Ya took a mobile phone and took a picture of Wang Wei as a souvenir.

"Uncle village chief, where's my bonus?"Wang Wei stretched out her little hand and asked, didn't she say that there is a bonus of 500 yuan.

"Haha, you girl, you are in such a hurry, you have to wait until today's fishing competition is over, and you will be handed out together."The village head explained that they were not distributed one by one, but distributed together at the end.

"Oh, well, don't forget mine!"Wang Wei reminded, don't forget your share.

Immediately, Wang Wei became happy again, 500 yuan, I have 500 yuan, what are you doing with it, go to Wang Hong's first, buy some delicious food, and then buy a new suit of clothes, save the rest first, and save it for later Save it for shopping.

Wang Wei usually only has 20 yuan in her pocket at most. Now that she has such a large sum of money, she is so excited that she doesn't know what to do.

"Uncle, bring me something delicious and a drink."Wang Wei came to Wang Hong's booth and said loudly.

"Yeah, it's Weiwei, take whatever you want to eat, and keep the account?"Wang Hong said with a smile, usually after the event, Wang Hai came to pay the bill.

"No accounting, I pay for it myself".Wang Wei is so arrogant, I am also a rich man.

With that said, Wang Wei took a pack of crispy noodles, a pack of ham sausage, a bottle of Sprite, a pack of Huamei, and a pack of Chacha melon seeds.

"Take so much, can you finish eating?"Wang Hong asked with a smile, not because he was afraid of her repudiation, but because he was afraid that Liu Xia would come and say that children can't eat too many snacks.

"My own money, what are you afraid of?"Wang Wei held her head high and said disdainfully.

"Tell uncle, where did you get the money, did you earn it yourself?"Wang Hong asked, the children nowadays are much smarter than their own.

Once, he saw several children taking tourists around the mountain and earning ten yuan each.

When I was this old, I knew how to play and eat, but now it seems that I am a fool.

"Isn't there a fishing competition in the village now? I caught a big carp one meter long. The village elder said he would give me 500 yuan at night."Wang Wei said happily, gesticulating as she spoke, spreading her hands so big.

"sharp".Wang Hong really admired him this time. It was held in the middle of the morning, and there were quite a few people who caught fish. However, it was probably the first one to catch such a big fish. But a child, I don't know if they will blush when they find out.

Soon, the loudspeaker in the village announced that someone had caught a one-meter-long carp, but it didn't say who caught it.

"Old Li, tell me, who caught such a big fish so quickly?"A bald man asked, this time, someone has been caught in the first two hours, can't it be cheating?

"Who knows, it is estimated that there are many masters, we can't take it lightly."The bald man didn't think anyone cheated, and it wasn't worth it to cheat for 500 yuan.

Besides, if someone cheats, you can't escape the eyes of the villagers. There are villagers around the lake, patrolling back and forth. One is to prevent people from cheating, and the other is for the sake of safety. Lovers, can swim.

If it is said that the villagers cheated, it would be even more impossible to hold such an event and break the rules for a few hundred dollars?
So, bald man, it feels like it's fair here, and there's no cheating.

"come on"!The bald man cheered secretly. Although he was not an expert, he had been fishing for ten years, not for the 500 yuan, but for honor.

As a retired cadre, the monthly pension is tens of thousands of yuan. What he values ​​more is the honor of the champion.

"Haha, hooked".The bald man was about to shout out excitedly. He didn't expect the fish to be hooked again so soon. Judging by his strength, it should be quite big.

He first slipped for a while to prevent the fishing line from breaking, and then pulled it back when the fish was tired.

"Hey, it's almost there."The moment the big fish was pulled up, the bald man was disappointed, because by visual inspection, the fish was only eighty or ninety centimeters, which was a bit short of one meter.

After pulling it up, he measured it again, and sure enough, it was 85, less than one meter.

Seeing that it was past noon, the bald man waved his hand under the big tree and asked, "Boss, what do you want to eat?"When the bald man was in the unit, there were a lot of drinking places, and his stomach was almost ruined by drinking, so now he quits drinking, and eats on time when the time comes, and this has improved.

"There are instant noodles, ham sausage, chicken legs, braised eggs, chicken feet with pickled peppers, and various drinks."Wang Hong also specially came over to introduce and said that the business is here.

The bald man shook his head and said, "I don't want to eat these. I have a bad stomach. Is there any home-cooked food? Bring some rice porridge at the end. The price is not a problem."

Wang Hong looked embarrassed, and he didn't run a restaurant, but he still opened his lunch box and said, "My wife made this for me. If you don't mind it, I'll give it to you."

"This is good, this is good".The bald man happily said that the hot and sour potato shreds, tomato eggs, dry fried small fish, and a jar of rice porridge are perfect for him.

"No, no, it's up to me to give you something to eat."The bald man wanted to give Wang Hong 200 yuan for the meal. How could Wang Hong be willing to ask for it? Besides, it was too much.

"That's fine, how about this, when you go back at night, you can arrange a place for our brothers to live, and then arrange a table of meals, home-cooked dishes are fine, with meat and vegetables."

(End of this chapter)

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