Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 494 Fighting

Chapter 494 Fighting
Wang Hai nodded and said, "I broke the propeller of the opponent's ship."

"The captain is amazing."Wang Ying praised, the captain's move is a killer move, the propeller is broken, so naturally he can't move.

"But they still have two ships."Wang Hu said worriedly, the two ships are intact, if one, his side can barely deal with it, but if there are two, it cannot be beaten.

"Don't worry, I'll go down again later."Wang Hai said, with experience, the remaining two ships will soon end up in the same way.

"Down with the locker".Gao Mingxiang shouted, grandma, you have today too, weren't you very arrogant back then.

As soldiers, Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming are the most excited about dealing with the small cabinet, and don't forget the national humiliation.

After resting for a while, Wang Hai continued to set off, lurking under another ship, finding the right opportunity, and hitting the propeller with a burst of blows.

After a few boulders, the propeller of the ship also broke, and then it was scrapped.

The crew of the previous ship were people, and they have already gone down for maintenance, to see if the propeller can be replaced, and the main engine is repaired.

Unfortunately, the propeller has not been replaced yet, and the second ship also had an accident.

"Baga, what's going on, someone must be playing tricks."The team leader said angrily, it was fine before, why suddenly the propeller broke down.

If a ship breaks down, it's okay to say that it may be caused by accidentally touching a rock on the bottom of the sea, but if two ships have problems one after another, it is man-made.

"Check, send everyone down, that person must still be nearby, if I catch him, I will have to skin him."The team leader angrily ordered that those who caused the sabotage must be caught.

So four or fifty people in three boats, wearing diving suits, jumped off and searched around.

However, at this time, Wang Hai swam back a long time ago, sat in the driver's cab, and asked Wang Hu to steer the boat, stepping back temporarily.

The people who went into the water were divided into four groups, and one group was responsible for one direction. However, they searched all over a radius of ten nautical miles, and there was no sign of anyone, let alone a person.

"How is it possible, you must be lazy, such obvious traces must have been man-made, and it hasn't been long, so many of you can't catch up"?They're all idiots, useless to the extreme.The team leader was furious, but there was still nothing he could do.

So many people went into the sea immediately, but they still haven't been caught, which made him a little worried.

Time is running out. It is estimated that the saury school will arrive in five or six hours. If the two ships are not repaired by then, the loss will be great.

"Uncle, tell me, how long does it take to replace a propeller?"Wang Hai asked, he really didn't know about this.

"If it's on the pier, it won't take long, and if it's in the shipyard, the time will be even shorter, but if it's here, it's very difficult."

Although the boat is at a standstill now, there are winds and waves, and it is swaying.If the ship is unstable, it will be very troublesome to replace it. If it is not corrected, there will be deviations. If there are deviations, the main engine will be burned if it rotates.

Now the opponent is already very vigilant, if Wang Hai wants to get closer, it will be difficult.

Although it is very difficult to replace the propeller, if the opponent really succeeds, his previous efforts will be in vain.

Therefore, Wang Hai planned to sail directly to make the two ships unable to be repaired.

Anyway, the opponent only has one ship left, so the threat is not great.

After all, Wang Hai ordered, and Wang Hu drove the boat and rushed over.

Sure enough, before he got close, he was spotted by the small cabinet, and he yelled.

Because the two ships couldn't move, they could only yell and curse, which didn't work at all.

And the only remaining ship came over aggressively, and the water cannon came directly.

Because of the haste and lack of aiming, the big fishing boat that hit Wang Hai never hit.

Immediately afterwards, the second shot came, and because it was aimed, it hit the deck.

Unfortunately, the effect is not great.Because the preparations were made in advance, even if it hit the deck, it had no effect.

There were even a few people standing on the deck yelling and doing body language, which was extremely hateful.

"Huh, let you try it too, the water cannon is powerful."Wang Hai snorted angrily, and fired directly at what he had aimed at a long time ago.

The water cannons on Wang Hai's boat are still covered inside, because they are double water cannons, making them look like a hut.

However, it is not easy for ordinary people to find out.

But Wang Hai didn't fully open it, he just removed the front baffle. At this moment, he had already aimed at it and was waiting to fire.

"Bang bang".The two water cannons all hit the opponent's deck, and those scolding people were caught off guard and were all knocked down, and one unlucky guy who was rushed directly hit the outside of the cab. In an instant, Yin Hong blood flowed out.

In the first round, a complete victory.

What you want is this effect, to surprise and hit the opponent.

The team leader was furious. He was sure that the person who damaged the propeller was on the opposite boat. He wanted to hit the opponent hard, and then board the opponent's boat to punish that person severely.

It's a pity that the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. My ya ya is not over yet, and my side has been severely hit.

Four or five people were injured, and one was seriously injured.

"Counterattack, counterattack."The leader yelled anxiously, and asked people to fire water cannons to fight back.

It's a pity that after such a dazed effort, the opponent's second water cannon had already arrived and hit the water cannon near the small cabinet boat. As a result, the person who fired the water cannon was directly drenched.

"quick".Wang Hai yelled in his heart, since he has seized the opportunity, he must suppress his opponent.The other party was taken the lead because of negligence, so he had to severely suppress them.

What's more, there are two water cannons on board, one more than the opponent, and their power is twice that of the opponent.

This made Wang Hai full of confidence. Regardless of the opponent's ship being bigger than himself, Wang Hai believed that the opponent might not be able to beat him.

Moreover, because the water cannons kept firing, the people who launched the other two boats were unable to maintain them normally.

And Wang Hai's purpose is this, if you want to repair the boat, it's impossible, just wait, when the saury school has passed, I won't bother you.

"Go away, stupid pig".The team leader was so angry that he kicked the man who fired the water cannon out, Bungy, why did he fire the water cannon, but was pressed and beaten by the other party.

The team leader directly fired a cannon, and it was very accurate, hitting Wang Hai's side, and it was a hit.

The team leader immediately cheered, look, this is the only way to do it.

Only in this way can you hit the opponent hard.

(End of this chapter)

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