Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 495 The School of Fish Arrives

Chapter 495 The School of Fish Arrives
Soon, the team leader couldn't be happy, because he was hit frequently, and his whole body was drenched, like a drowned chicken.

As a result, my accuracy was seriously affected, and the next two rounds missed.

"Team leader, look quickly, on the opponent's boat, there are actually double water cannons, no wonder they are so powerful."The subordinate ran over with a telescope and said, look, it's not that we are weak, but that the other party is too cruel.

The team leader was speechless for a while, you are so small fishing boat, you actually set up a water cannon, you are not afraid of waste, which fishing company did it, it is too immoral, too wasteful.

Many large fishing boats have not been equipped with water cannons, so you are too extravagant.

Besides, the team leader found that no matter how fast he tried to speed up, he couldn't catch up with the opponent.

"Send the order to go forward at full speed, and you must catch up with that bastard, and I will throw him into the sea to feed the fish."The team leader ordered angrily, speed up!

When Wang Hai was maintaining the fishing boat, Liu Wei's was replaced, and the speed was also faster. Although the boat is small, the power is not small.

Half an hour later, the two boats were still at a stalemate, and the leader's boat still failed to catch up with Wang Hai's fishing boat, which made him furious.

"Team leader, we can't chase any more. Be careful to steer the tiger away from the mountain. Those two ships haven't been repaired yet. If a ship is killed, it won't be able to fight over there."The subordinate reminded, don't fall for it.

"makes sense".After calming down, the team leader thought about it, it made sense, he couldn't catch up, and besides, he couldn't catch up either.

Soon, the leader's boat slowly turned the rudder, and then headed back, I won't chase you anymore.

"Haizi, what's going on, the other party has gone back."Wang Hu shouted, why didn't the opponent stop fighting.

"Maybe it is because we are afraid that we will divert the tiger away from the mountain, and be afraid of being tricked."Wang Hai thought for a while, if it was him, he would probably think the same way.

"We have no help."Wang Yong said, "Tune the tiger away from the mountain. After we finish the adjustment, no one will destroy it!"
"But, the other party doesn't know."Wang Hai smiled and said that the other party didn't know that there was only one boat on his side.

"Hey, what's going on, there's a fight"?Wang Hai also drove back to see what was going on, but before he got close, he heard the sound of water cannons, and after going in a little bit, he saw that it was the boat in the small cabinet and another boat. It's done.

"Brother Haizi, come and see, it's the ship we met earlier."Holding the binoculars, Wang Yong discovered that the ship fighting against the small cabinet was the one he met halfway along the way, and the one he wanted to form an alliance with.

"Haha, how did they do it"?Wang Hai laughed and said, then took a look through the binoculars, it was really true.

"This little cabinet is really powerful. Wang Hai found out that during the battle, the ship of this small cabinet actually crushed the opposite ship."

The opposite ship was retreating steadily, obviously invincible.

"Xiao Hai, how about it? Shall we go up and attack from front to back."Wang Hu asked for instructions, if he attacked back and forth, the opponent would definitely not be able to hold on.

"In this way, send a few shots to the other two ships first, so that they cannot be repaired normally below."Wang Hai shouted, after chasing so far just now, the two ships must have been repaired.

"good".This time it was Gao Mingxiang who fired the cannon. This guy was from a soldier, and his hands were much better than Wang Yong's, and his accuracy was very high.

"Bang bang".A few water cannons hit the side of the two small cabinet boats, causing waves of waves.

The two ships were immobile and could only be beaten passively. The propellers had already been replaced, but now they were swaying with the waves and could not be installed.

"idiot".The people on the boat were very angry, it was getting late, and if it was not repaired, the saury school would come.

It's only once a year, if you miss it, the loss will be huge.

It's a pity that these two ships can no longer turn. Even with water cannons, they can't hit them, so they can only be anxious.

And the leader of the team has already chased the big fishing boat from China and started fighting, and the anger just now was all directed at that boat.

From the leader's point of view, the two fishing boats must be in the same group. They split up because they were worried that they would not be able to beat them. They even used tricks to break the propellers of their two boats and divert the tiger away from the mountain. The purpose is self-evident.

The team leader was furious and vowed to make the two ships pay the price.

As a result, the attack became more violent, and the big opponent had no power to fight back, and even some people were injured.

This made the team leader very satisfied, and at the same time made him even more crazy. He wanted the other party to pay a painful price.

"Xiao Hai, what's the matter, shall we chase after?"In the binoculars, Wang Hu could already see that the domestic ship was being crushed and beaten by the leader's ship, and was running away all the way.

Although the other party was not very friendly before, they are from China after all, so logically speaking, they should help.

"Well, drive over and fuck him."Wang Hai nodded, but suddenly, his face changed.

"Uncle, tell me, if we don't rescue him, he can escape."Wang Hai asked, because it was already too late.

"That's for sure. As long as he doesn't want to take revenge or get entangled, he will be able to escape from here soon. Besides, this is the only way for saury, so the small cabinet will definitely not dare to chase it too far. There won't be too much trouble." Big loss, what happened?"Wang Hu asked suspiciously, is there a problem?

Just now, just when he was about to attack back and forth, Wang Hai found out that the saury school had come, and the scale was huge.

"Well, prepare with all your strength, the saury school is here."Wang Hai yelled into the walkie-talkie, hurry up and get ready.

As for the rescue, let's go, anyway, you won't have much loss, at most bumps and bumps, which are nothing compared to saury catches.

Everyone came here from thousands of miles, what is it for? It's not in the sea, this is the coming saury.

The stern of the boat had been prepared long ago. When Wang Hai roared, Wang Qinghua led his men and directly lowered the prepared trawl net.

Wang Hu, on the other hand, followed the direction guided by Wang Hai and began to move forward with all his strength.

"A big school of fish".Wang Hai couldn't help sighing, and felt very happy in his heart, because even standing on the deck, he could see the mighty school of fish, which showed a large scale, and this time, it was well developed.

Everyone on the boat was beaming, nervously and excitedly preparing, just waiting for the fishing net to be pulled up.

After only half an hour, Wang Hu stopped slowly, because the net was already full of catches.

"good"!As the fishing net was pulled up, the big guy couldn't help cheering up with the full catch, and his mood became more cheerful, and he didn't feel tired when he started working.

(End of this chapter)

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