Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 500 Fighting or Fishing?

Chapter 500 Fighting or Fishing?

Of course, Wang Hai didn't care about him anymore. He was fighting here not to catch the saury, but now the saury was coming soon, fuck it, the fishing was the most important thing.

Wang Hu adjusted the direction, and Wang Yong and the others had already dropped the trawl net and were ready.

At the end, Wang Hai did not forget to remind: "The saury is coming, hurry up, don't fight".

How to put it, it is also the alliance just now, Wang Hai can't forget it, besides, the more fish are caught on his own side, the smaller the small cabinet will be.

"Fuck, come right away."The captain cursed in a daze, then quickly turned around and chased after him.

Everyone came here from thousands of miles to fight, for what, not for the saury, since the saury has come, I'm going to give a fart, hurry up and catch up.

Otherwise, you're happy playing, but what's the use of harvesting nothing?

Wang Hai's big fishing boat here has already touched the vanguard of the saury shoal. Seeing the saury entering the net one by one, Wang Hai was so excited. He didn't expect to come here, and he could really catch a leak.

The captain's boat followed closely behind. He did not underestimate Wang Hai. Since he was able to spot the saury school first, he must have something to rely on, stronger than himself.

But at this time, the large troops discovered the strangeness, and then ceased fire one after another, and began to straighten their postures, preparing to fish.

Only a very few, with red eyes, are still firing water cannons.

"OK".If there is no accident, in ten minutes or so, the trawling will be almost done, and by then, it will be full of harvest again!

These two nets are of great value.

Wang Yong and others are more excited than Wang Hai. With so many catches, the salary and bonus will be quite a lot, haha.

"boom".Suddenly, a water cannon hit, and Wang Hai was caught off guard.

"Fuck, what time is it, still playing".Wang Hai was furious. There was a Korean boat next to him, but instead of fishing for saury, he came to beat himself. Really, does it hurt to be idle?
"It must be because we took the first opportunity, and we were upset, and came to intercept us."Wang Hu was also angry. You must know that they were in the same group, four or five boats.

Although there were quite a few domestic ships present, none of them were familiar with them, and they couldn't help them at critical times.

"Xiao Hai, what shall we do?"Wang Hu asked, do you want to fight back?Because the big fishing boat is facing north, and the Korean boat is coming from the east, heading this way.

If you want to fight back, the best thing is to turn, turn to the east.

Although the water cannon can be turned, on the one hand, it is a bit bulky. After all, it is a double water cannon. Wang Hu was worried that Wang Hai couldn't turn it by himself.

After all, he sailed the boat by himself, and the rest of the people were busy at the stern. Soon, they could lift the net.

"No, I'll do it myself."Wang Hai is also angry, grandma, if you want to fight, then come, besides, attracting firepower here can also reduce the attack on the stern.

It would be a disaster if Wang Qinghua and the others were busy cleaning up the saury and were hit by water cannons.

Therefore, Wang Hai decided to resist, and after carrying this for a while, he would definitely not be able to spare the ship.

Wang Hai installed the baffle that surrounded the water cannon before, so that he could hide inside and fire the cannon.

Wang Hai's strength is stronger than the usual two or three people, so he easily turned the water cannon, and aimed at the Korean boat, and it was just one shot.

For a while, the two sides fought happily, and gradually, Wang Hai's side gained the upper hand, because it is a double water cannon, unless another ship comes to support, otherwise, it is difficult to change.

Finally, Wang Hu announced that he was ready to collect the net.On Wang Qinghua's side, preparations were made.

After 5 minutes, the first net was dragged up, and the drop-shaped fishing net showed a full harvest.

"good".Wang Yong and the others shouted excitedly, "It's really great, this net is full, and the next net must be too."

After the two nets, it is really a lot, and it is a large amount of income.

As the saury poured down, Wang Qinghua and others hurriedly loaded the baskets and carried them to the ice cabin.

Soon, the second net was also pulled up, still in the shape of a drop, full of harvest, and everyone screamed.

Suddenly, with a bang, a water cannon struck and hit the stern of the boat. The people who were caught off guard were beaten to the ground and drenched all over.

"Fuck, you bastard, you actually hit this way."Wang Qinghua scolded angrily, it's really hateful.

"When I finish cleaning up, I won't torture you to death."Wang Yunming and the others are also very angry. If they call like this, they will not be able to work at all!

Wang Hai counterattacked with a sullen face, but the other party seemed to have made up his mind, and instead of hitting his own side, he specifically hit the stern side, making the big guy unable to work at all.

"Uncle, turn around, let's drive west, stay away from here, let's clean up first."

"If things go on like this, the big guys won't be able to work at all, and the saury will be piled up on the deck."If the time is long, it will not be fresh and the quality will decline.

"good".Wang Hu nodded in agreement, there was no way to go on like this, he could only drive out first, and come back after finishing the saury.

Wang Hai also calmed down slowly. Now he has caught two nets, and he has gained a lot. This is already earned, so don't be too greedy.

As the big fishing boat moved away from the migration route of the saury, the Korean boat stopped chasing it, which made Wang Hai heave a sigh of relief.

Wang Qinghua and the others also let go of their hearts and started working quickly.Now that there is no threat of water cannon, the speed of work is much faster.

Half an hour later, the deck was empty, and all the sauries were still cleaned up.

"Hurry up and take a shower and change into dry clothes."Although it is summer now, it is quite hot, but if you are soaked all over and continue to work, if you don't pay attention, you will catch a cold.

In summer, if you catch a cold, it is really uncomfortable.

"No need."Wang Yong said with a smile, it's all right, it's just cool.

"No, go quickly, whoever doesn't go, don't eat later."With a straight face, Wang Hai said threateningly, whoever doesn't wait will have nothing to eat.As soon as these words came out, everyone went to take a bath honestly, and Wang Yong and the young people stopped making trouble.

"You guys, Xiaohai isn't doing it for your own good."Wang Yunming said with a smile, if you catch a cold, who will suffer, not yourself?
"Uncle Yunming, it's not that we don't want to take a bath, we just want to take revenge. Grandma, the Korean boat just now was too arrogant. If we don't hit it, we won't be able to get rid of our anger."Wang Ying said angrily that he wanted to take revenge first.

"Okay, Xiao Hai has his own plans, so don't worry about it."Wang Yunsheng said, just follow the arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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