Chapter 501

After driving for a certain distance, the Koryo boat behind was getting farther and farther away, because after seeing Wang Hai escaped, he also felt at ease, then adjusted his direction and began to prepare to get off the net.

"Hurry up, we'll go back when we're done cleaning up."Wang Hai said angrily, if you want to fish for grandma, go ahead and dream.

Wang Yong and the others were also holding back their anger, and they all worked in silence, wanting to finish their work quickly and then go to the battle.

Wang Hai looked around, there were very few fishing boats, so he plunged into the sea, didn't you get down the fishing net, I want to see, can you catch fish?
Wang Hai's current speed in the water is faster than most of the fish if he goes all out.

Therefore, Wang Hai followed the Goryeo ship, followed the trawling net, and came to the end, then took out a dagger, and then separated a big hole.

In an instant, the saury in the fishing net swam out along the net hole and started to speed up.

Although Yu'er has a short memory, he is not stupid. He was trapped just now, but now he can escape, so he doesn't speed up to escape here.

Then, Wang Hai quietly went back, you hit me, hum, you couldn't catch a single fish.

When Wang Hai went back, the big guy was almost ready to clean up, so Wang Hu drove the licensed fishing boat and killed him again.

Wang Hai came to the position of the water cannon again, and it was a water cannon facing the Korean boat.

Grandma, hit it, who is afraid of whom.

Now the position is easy to change, the Korean boat is fishing, and Wang Hai's side has become the attacking side.

On the Koryo ship, a group of people were making preparations at the stern. The trawling net had been down for a while, and it should be ready to be caught soon.

It's a pity, with a sound of bumping, water cannons came one after another, and everyone was caught off guard. One unlucky one was directly knocked down and knocked on a pile of baskets. His skin was obviously broken, and dark red blood flowed out.

The angry man cursed loudly, but unfortunately, another water cannon hit him again, and he fell down again.

Fortunately, I was mentally prepared this time, and I didn't rush out, nor was I knocked, but because of cursing, I was choked and coughed non-stop.

For a while, everyone was scared, no one wanted to stand here and wait to be beaten, and the clusters of water jets hit the body, which was also very uncomfortable.

So, a group of people hid and ran into the cabin.

But the captain is not happy, you all hide in, don't prepare, when the fishing net comes up, you are not prepared, how can you do it?

The captain wanted to take the lead to go out and make preparations, but just as he was going out, he was hit by the water cannon, staggered, and almost ate shit.

Before he could curse, another water cannon hit. This time, it was really shit, and the front teeth were almost knocked off.

The captain finally couldn't bear it anymore, hid in the cabin, covered his mouth, and cursed.

"Haha, you old boy, you still have today."Wang Hai cursed excitedly, now you know the situation we were in just now, let you try it too.

This was the case when Wang Yong and the others were cleaning up the saury just now, and they were constantly being hit.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Wang Hai drove the boat away and stayed away from here.

"Hey, good fight, Brother Haizi is mighty."Wang Yong shouted excitedly, it's great, let them also taste the feeling of being beaten.

"The captain is very powerful, and the opponent dare not stand up when he hits him."Wang Ying giggled, and really wanted to try a few shots.

So, a few people took turns to fire water cannons, which was considered an actual combat exercise.

"Hey, it's fun."Wu Ming exclaimed, it was simply fantastic.

When Wu Ming was a soldier, although he often trained, he had almost never fought in actual combat. How can he fight casually and happily like now.

After a while, Wang Hai gave the order to leave the boat and let Wang Hu get ready.

"Xiao Hai, why are you leaving, the big guys are fighting hard."Wang Hu didn't understand, now they were fighting against them, and the one who had the upper hand, why did he leave.

"Hey, let's sail first, I'm explaining to you."Wang Hai said, counting the time, it's almost time, if you don't leave, you will be in trouble.

"That's fine." Wang Hu nodded, and because of Wang Hai's usual trust, he asked him to turn around and drive towards the south.

"Hey, Brother Haizi, why do we have to leave? If we want to leave, they will go."Wang Yong was not happy. When we were beaten just now, we ran away. Now that we have the upper hand, why are we still running?
"Hey, when I went into the sea just now, I pierced their fishing net."Wang Hai chuckled, don't run now, wait for them to go crazy?
I worked so hard to catch the net, but when I saw that there was no fish, it was strange to be mad without anger.

"Hahaha".Several people immediately burst into laughter, indeed, that is a powder keg, if you don't leave early, you will be bombed.

After everyone learned the reason, they also had no opinion, and it was indeed better to leave early.

"These bastards, haha."Captain Goryeo couldn't help laughing when he saw that the ship had left. He really is a cowardly nation.

When everyone saw it, it really was, so they came out laughing one by one, some were cursing, some were laughing, and some were dismissive.

"Okay, let's hurry up and get ready to go, and we can catch the net soon."The captain shouted loudly, hurry up one by one, this has dragged on for five or ten minutes, if it wasn't for that ship making trouble, it would have been pulled up long ago.

Ten minutes later, as the machine started, the fishing net was pulled up little by little.

However, soon, the captain felt something strange, because the fishing net came up without any effort.

When half of the fishing nets were collected, the captain finally couldn't sit still, because he had collected half of the nets, and he didn't see a single fish. Damn it.

When all the nets were closed, there were only a few saury in them, bouncing around and struggling.

The captain's face was already unreadable, livid, and he walked over without saying a word, he wanted to see what was going on?

"Captain, look, our fishing net is broken and a big hole is broken, and the fish probably ran out from here."

"Grandma's, bad luck, I really don't know, it was cut by something."The crew member who found the hole sighed, how unlucky he is, he can only wait for the second net.

But when the second net came online, there were still sporadic saury, and the imaginary piled up like a mountain, but it really became an imagination and did not appear.

Soon, some crew members found a hole at the bottom of the trawl net again, a hole of about the same size.

This time, needless to say, we all know that someone deliberately sabotaged it. Otherwise, how could the two trawl nets, which are not at the same depth, be cut with such big holes?
(End of this chapter)

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