Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 53 Fight

Chapter 53 Fight
After thinking about it, it is not appropriate to do it now, so Wang Hai started the iron boat and continued to move forward.

"Hey, isn't this the yacht from before?"In the distance, Wang Hai saw a yacht parked not far away. The key point was that the people on it were shouting and dancing, and even waving their clothes.

"What's going on, it can't be that the yacht is out of order."Wang Hai couldn't help thinking that although he was not very satisfied with their behavior before, they still drove the boat over.

"Brother, help, do you have a first aid kit, one of us is injured".On the deck, a man asked anxiously, this yacht is too unreliable, it is on strike at a critical moment.

"Yes, yes, but."Wang Hai wondered how a group of people were injured on the boat.

"But what, I'll give you money, 2000 yuan is okay."The men on board thought that Wang Hai didn't want to let them use it, so they wanted to buy it.

Wang Hai couldn't help laughing, originally he wanted to ask what was biting, but in the end, he misunderstood, thinking that he wanted to sit on the ground and raise the price.

The men on the boat were not very good-looking, and one was fat. However, the women were all good-looking, all of them had crisp breasts, sharp faces, long legs, fair skin and beautiful skin.

Wang Hai maliciously guessed that these women should not be the boyfriend's girlfriend, just like putting a bottle of water in the luxury car at the gate of the university.

However, it's none of my business. Besides, although these women are beautiful, they are still not as good as Yin Ya. As for their temperament, they are even worse.

Since you handed over all the money, don't waste it, Wang Hai took the money and handed over the medicine box.

"Hey, what are you doing"?Wang Hai wanted to go over to see if he could help, but he was stopped by the fat man.

A big-breasted woman next to her said softly: "The injured is one of our companions, a woman, so it is not convenient for you to go in."

Wang Hai nodded and said, "Sorry, I just want to see if I can help you."

The fat man said angrily: "If you can catch that big fish that bit Mumu in the water, I will give you 5 yuan."

Wang Hai smiled knowingly, this fat man really doesn't look like a good person, he has thoughts about the woman inside.

But he didn't know exactly what kind of fish was below, so Wang Hai couldn't go down rashly, and asked: "What kind of fish is biting people below, do you know it? It can't be a shark."

The big-breasted beauty said angrily: "What are you doing, that fish is so dangerous, no one can beat it, you'd better not go down, it's too dangerous, the loss outweighs the gain."

"You are a fisherman. Look at what kind of fish this is. I didn't go into the water just now. I caught it. It's not a shark, but it's also very long, with a big head, and the fins on the back are like sawtooth."
Although the photo was a little blurry, Wang Hai still recognized it. It wasn't a shark, but another large fish.

Wang Hai took the dagger and harpoon and jumped off the boat. The beauty was startled and exclaimed, "Why did you return it?"
A few men said in one mouthful: "Fuck, don't die"!
"A few people are really veterans. It seems that they often dive and swim."After Wang Hai went into the water, he found that the place is really good. The sea water is quite deep, but it is very clear. The sea bottom is paved with sea sand, which is soft and comfortable to step on.

Some aquatic plants are rippling with the waves, and small fish and shrimps shuttle among them, frolicking endlessly.

Soon, Wang Hai found the big fish. It was huge, and it was very conspicuous here. Even if it was hiding behind the aquatic plants, it could be easily spotted.

It has a chubby body, covered with gray and white thick scales, and has shuttle-shaped fins on its back, like a pair of triangular sharp knives. This is the perch.

This kind of fish is not well-known, and people who are not from the seaside basically seldom know about it, even if they see it, they may not know it.

And this fish has a distant relative, the giant perch, which lives in the waters of California.

The giant perch is also a big one. Obviously, it is carnivorous. As long as it is big, it will be a threat to people.

In the past, many Americans were afraid of this kind of fish, so they hunted and fished it extensively, and within a few years, they killed this kind of fish to the brink of extinction.

What's funny is that at this time, Americans began to protect this kind of fish again, and turned it into a series of protected animals. Unfortunately, the fecundity of this kind of fish is very low. After more than ten years, the number is still small.

Compared with the tragic situation of the giant squid, the situation of the dorsal squid is much better. They live in the deep sea, have low risk, are less likely to be caught, and have a much larger number.

The value of this kind of fish is still good. Carnivorous fish, even the meat quality is good. This kind of fish is very large in adulthood. Even if the price is not expensive, it can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars.

Besides, the fat man just said that if he killed the fish and avenged the girl named Mumu, he would get 5 yuan, don't waste it, and the fish still belongs to him.

In fact, although this kind of fish is carnivorous, it will not attack people unless it is extremely hungry. Besides, there are so many fish and shrimps in the sea, can it be hungry?

It must be the girl named Mumu, who didn't notice its existence when she was diving, and suffered a counterattack when she encountered it.

Besides, the counterattack should not be fierce, just a bite. Otherwise, such a big fish can fight with a shark. If you fight back with all your strength, let alone a girl, even a big man will not be able to survive.

Wang Hai floated up slowly, ready to take some things from the iron boat, the two things just now were not enough.

"Hey, don't be brave, that fish is big and powerful, don't hurt yourself."On the yacht, the big-breasted beauty saw Wang Hai coming, and shouted in persuasion, don't get hurt just for the money, the loss outweighs the gain!

Wang Hai waved his hand back, he is not a person who has an eye for money, he is not sure about things, what can he do?
The big-breasted beauty stomped her feet angrily, turned around and entered the cabin. I kindly remind you that you don't appreciate it, and you will be injured when the time comes. What should you do?
Soon, Wang Hai took a harpoon and tied a dagger to his leg. After he was equipped, he jumped in and approached slowly.

Unlike other fishes, as long as people get close, they will run away in fright. It won't, it still stays there, opening and closing its big mouth, not sure if it is eating.

After Wang Hai approached, he took a harpoon and hit it hard, stabbing towards its head.

After strengthening his physique, Wang Hai's hard blow was not small, and he directly pierced through its head.

Wang Hai lost the harpoon, with fast hind legs, even if it was stuck in the head, the big fish would not die immediately. In a short period of time, the vitality was strong, and the aggressiveness would be even greater.

A reef next to it was actually shot directly by him, and rolled out. If a person stood there, his legs would probably be snapped off.

(End of this chapter)

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