Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 54 A Big Harvest

Chapter 54 A Big Harvest

The big fish rolled and turned the surrounding mess, the water plants and seaweeds into half, the reef rolled far away, and the flat sandy land became potholed.

Wang Hai had long been hiding behind a big rock not far away, watching secretly.

Wang Hai is a cautious person, so he won't put himself in danger, besides, won't such a big fish struggle?

I remember when I was a child, a pig was slaughtered in the village. I don’t know who tied the rope.

The butcher went after him, but he was hit, almost breaking his ribs, and there was a wall of earth, which was directly knocked down.

That's why Wang Hai hid so far away, for safety's sake!Seeing that the big fish gradually stopped struggling and popped up, he planned to go over to have a look.

It was also the first time for Wang Hai to kill this kind of fish. He didn't expect it to be in disguise. When he saw Wang Hai showing his head, he rushed over directly. The huge size was menacing.

It's not that I haven't seen this kind of fish before, but they were all caught by the fishing nets of fishing boats, and they were almost dead when they caught them, and they didn't struggle hard.Wang Hai also didn't expect that the fish's vitality was so tenacious, the injury was so serious, and it was so fierce.

Wang Hai was startled, and swam towards his iron boat with all his strength, while the big fish was behind, chasing after him.This big fish is not stupid, knowing that it was the person in front who hurt him.

Wang Hai is very fortunate that his physical fitness is much stronger than before, and coupled with free movement in the water, otherwise, he would not be able to swim with the big fish chasing behind.

As the big fish with a harpoon on its head approached the water surface, blood splashed and dyed the sea red, which surprised the people on the yacht: "What's going on?"When I saw the big fish in the water, showing its huge figure, I couldn't help screaming.

It stands to reason that in the water, the speed of a person cannot compare with the speed of a fish. Seeing the big fish chasing quickly, the beautiful woman with big breasts screamed: "Hurry up, put down the lifeboat and save people!"
Fatty and the others had seen such a situation there, and they were frightened for a long time. They were trying to save others, but they could hardly stand up, and went straight to hide in the cabin.

Wang Hai swam very fast, and soon reached the iron boat, then turned over and boarded the boat.

Hearing a bang, the big fish hit the iron boat directly and violently, the hull shook violently, and the big fish was also a little bit dazzled by the bump, lying there powerlessly, without any movement for a while.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Hai grabbed another harpoon on the boat, stepped on the plank of the boat, jumped high, then held the harpoon tightly, and plunged directly towards the big fish.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, this opportunity is very rare.

"Pfft!"The harpoon was inserted into the big fish's head again, and in an instant, blood burst out, and the big fish struggled feebly. This time, it couldn't toss anymore, it just spun around weakly, and after a few strokes, it floated there without moving. .

Wang Hai pushed the big fish with a scull, and he was relieved when he saw that there was still no movement. This time, it seemed to be a fart.

"Fuck, it's so handsome."On the yacht, the big-breasted beauty exclaimed, it's like making a movie, she's so handsome.

Another long-legged beauty screamed again and again, like a god of war, a knight, and a guardian of people.

In such a comparison, the man around him is simply weak. Apart from being rich, he can't do anything else.

At this time, the few men on the yacht were not happy, your sister, I brought you to play, but you are like this, worshiping others, I really don't know what to say.

After a while, the big fish finally stopped moving and floated on the surface of the sea, revealing its white belly.

Wang Hai dragged the big fish to the side of the yacht, pointed at the big fish and said, "How about it, I killed the fish for you, and you will be rewarded."

The fat man is now in good spirits. When it comes to money, you will be weak. He opened the bag next to him and took out five stacks of soft sister coins. With a condescending attitude, he said, "No, this stack is enough for you I have been fishing for a long time, I have never taken so much money at one time, hehe".

The fat man has a sense of superiority, spontaneously, boy, you are still a little tender, don't think that you can win the joy of beautiful women just by fighting, as for the bottom line, money still matters.

Look, I paid the money and went out on a yacht, and the beauty obediently came up with me.

Wang Hai curled his mouth, the obvious nouveau riche, except for the nouveau riche, who would carry so much cash with them?
You're showing off your sense of superiority, so I'll just pretend I didn't hear it. Wang Hai directly picked up the Ruanmei coin, dragged the big fish, and was about to swim back to settle the matter.

"Wait a minute, how do you sell this fish?"Another gentleman with glasses asked, he had never seen this fish.

"Sixty-six thousand."Wang Hai yelled casually, and he didn't plan to sell them anyway.Don't you have a sense of superiority, buy it if you have the ability.

"Damn, it's expensive, don't lie to us that we don't know the goods."The fat man exclaimed, although the fish is big, it can't be sixty-six thousand.

"Eighty-eight thousand, whether you like it or not."Wang Hai smiled and said: "Although this fish is not so expensive, it has a different meaning. Think about it, this fish bit the beautiful woman inside. If you stew this fish for the beautiful woman to relieve her anger, maybe , the beauty is very happy, and then ".
Although I didn't see the beauty inside, she should be much stronger than the two outside. Moreover, Wang Hai guessed that these men all wanted her.

"I bought it".The man with glasses said bluntly, it's six and eight, it's going smoothly, and it's auspicious.

Wang Hai was about to be happy. He didn't expect to go to sea today and get such a harvest. One fish earned 10,000+.

After collecting the money and dragging the fish to the yacht, Wang Hai didn't care about the matter. As for the breakdown of the yacht, he didn't care.

Moreover, from the conversations of several people, Wang Hai could tell that they had asked for help from the Coast Guard, and believed that a rescue ship would arrive soon.

Wang Hai happily returned to the boat with 10,000+ cash, but it was the big-breasted beauty who felt a little regretful watching Wang Hai go away.

Seeing a coast guard ship approaching from a distance, Wang Hai felt relieved. Although the fat man and the others were a bit annoying, the sea is impermanent. The sea is calm at this moment, and it may be rough the next moment, which is very dangerous , if he could be saved, he would not stand idly by.

Now that the coast guard is here, Wang Hai can sail away with peace of mind.

Although the catch this time is not too much, but the harvest is quite a lot, 10,000+.

Wang Hai prepared to go back after the next net. Although the time was a little earlier, but this time the distance was long and the iron boat was not fast. It was estimated that it would be evening when he got home.

Throwing down the fishing net, Wang Hai slowly started the iron boat, driving the fishing net forward, because just now when he entered the water, he found a school of fish appeared in front of him.

 I just found out that the number of Chapter 52 is wrong, I am very sorry

(End of this chapter)

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