Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 58 Blind Date

Chapter 58 Blind Date
"Mom, I told you I don't wear a suit anymore, put it away quickly."Wang Hai said helplessly, early in the morning, my mother took out the suit again.

"I feel pretty good, a lot of people you see on TV are dressed like this."Liu Xia comforted and said, "It's so beautiful!"

After Wang Hai changed into casual clothes and sneakers, he went out and said, "That's all, I'm going"!Without waiting for my mother to say anything, I ran away.

"This kid, hey"!Liu Xia sighed, her son is getting older, let him go.

"Hey, Haizi, teacher Yin Ya is very nice, why are you still going on a blind date?"On the boat, Wang Qiang asked, there was one in front of him, and he was still looking far away.

"Hey, my uncle knew I was back, so he gave it to Zhang Luo. I'm too embarrassed not to go and see it."Wang Hai shrugged and said, besides, that girl may not be reliable.

"Do you want me to follow you and check for you?"Wang Qiang said jokingly, good brother, you should help.

Wang Hai gave him a thump, and said with a smile, "You want to go and see if she has brought her girlfriends."

"You are, the drunken man's intention is not to drink, Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone."

"So what".Wang Qiang snorted, did he become stupid? How could he be guessed all of a sudden.

Wang Hai smiled, it's nothing, just follow along, besides, my brother doesn't have a partner, and the family is in a hurry.

Wang Hai secretly thought, no wonder the clothes Wang Qiang is wearing today are brand new, not like work clothes!
Soon, they arrived in the town, at the agreed place, but Wang Hai didn't see anyone.

Girls usually slow down, Wang Hai thought, so he found a place to sit down and wait for a while.

As for Wang Qiang, he curled his lips and sat on the reclining chair in the distance, paying attention all the time.

After about an hour, a beautiful woman strolled in, with a tight T-shirt and a light blue pleated skirt, looking quite elegant.

A pair of black stockings set off the slender long legs, paired with red high heels, it is very fashionable even in Shanghai.

"Are you Wang Hai?"The voice of the beauty is still very nice, very soft.

"Yes, you are Li Ya, nice to meet you."Wang Hai hurriedly stood up and responded politely.

"It's me, let's talk as we walk."Although the beauty concealed it very well, Wang Hai still saw a trace of displeasure in her eyes. It seemed that sitting on the public seat by the side of the road was very embarrassing.

"By the way, what are you doing now?"Before Wang Hai worked as a chef in Shanghai, Li Ya still knew that the salary in a big city was not bad, and this was the reason why she agreed to come on a blind date.

"I resigned and went home, and now I plan to develop at home. In fact, it may not be good in a big city, and it may not be impossible to develop at home."Wang Hai's goal now is very clear, that is to make money, buy fishing boats, and then continue to make money, contract islands, open a fishing ground, and at the same time, help the big guys to live a good life and become rich.

"Why did you resign? The Shanghai city is so good. Big cities have a lot of room for development, and they have complete facilities. There are also movie theaters, playgrounds, etc. We don't even have a movie theater here. To go to a movie, you have to go to the city. OK".Li Ya asked suspiciously, there are still people who don't like big cities, so many people are flocking to big cities, but you, on the other hand, go back to the dilapidated small fishing village, and brazenly say that you want to develop.

In the fishing village, there is nothing to develop, except fishing, just fishing, there is no entertainment at all, I can't bear it.

As he spoke, Li Ya's eyes revealed a disappointed expression. You are too unmotivated.

"Do you have a car, have you bought a house in the city"?Li Ya asked, if you bought a house in the city, you still have to live in the city, it's the same.

"Not yet, I plan to buy a fishing boat first."Wang Hai could also see Li Ya's disappointment, so he didn't hide it and told the truth.

"you".Li Ya was a little angry. A fishing boat can cost hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars. If you have the money, if you don’t buy a house in the city, what kind of broken fishing boat would you buy?
But out of politeness, he didn't get angry.

Li Ya works in the bank in the town. She has been working hard to trust her relationship. She wants to fall into the bank in the city and live in the city. What is the future of a happy, dilapidated nest in the countryside?
There are large shopping malls, hospitals, playgrounds, movie theaters, gyms, etc. in the city, which are impossible to have in rural areas and towns.

"any drinks"?Passing by a milk tea shop, Wang Hai asked, most girls would like to drink it.

"Let's have a passion fruit one with ice".Li Ya said that she likes the taste of passion fruit.

"One passion fruit, one orange juice".To be honest, Wang Hai doesn't like drinking milk tea very much, but there are no drinks here, so he had to have a glass of orange juice.

"This store has not been open for a long time, and it is still doing well. It tastes like the Michelle Ice City in the city. I often come here."Li Ya said happily that there was not even a milk tea shop in the town before, and she couldn't drink it if she wanted to, unless she drove into the city.

It's all right now. Last month, I opened this franchise store here at the station, and the food is delicious. Li Ya often passes by here after get off work, and would always buy a cup to take home.

"By the way, Wang Hai, aren't you a chef? I heard that the craftsmanship is very good. Have you ever thought about opening your own shop? My aunt has a storefront in the city. If you rent it, it can be much cheaper."Li Ya was very satisfied with Wang Hai's height, appearance, etc., but he just felt that he had no ambition. A good man should go out and make a career, and stay at home. There is nothing to develop.

Therefore, Li Ya changed her ways and wanted Wang Hai to go to the city like herself.

"I have no such plan for the time being, besides, opening a restaurant may not necessarily make more money."Wang Hai said that as a chef in the past few years, he has met many bosses, the bosses of big hotels, and the bosses of small restaurants in the snack department. There are a lot of occupational diseases, besides, it doesn't mean that if you have good craftsmanship, your business will definitely be good.

Moreover, what Wang Hai is doing now is much more profitable than opening a restaurant. Let’s talk about the beautiful big lobster. Two big ones cost 10 yuan. It may take half a year to switch to a small restaurant. To earn so much, if the business is poor, it may take a year.

The owner of a small restaurant that Wang Hai knows has a very good business. In half a year, he can earn almost 10 yuan. , and the palms of the arms often experience numbness, and the cervical spine is not very good. It can be said that it is all money in exchange for life.

(End of this chapter)

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