Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 59 Blind Date Failed

Chapter 59 Blind Date Failed
Li Ya was disappointed. Wang Hai's answer disappointed her too much. Moreover, she felt that Wang Hai was bragging. Opening a restaurant doesn't make money, but you can make money at home?

Although Wang Hai's appearance is good, but that can't be eaten as a meal. Having a car, a house, and savings is the life she wants.

"Let the light refract the tear-wet pupils, reflect the rainbow that I most want to have in my heart, and lead me to the sky with you."
Li Ya's cell phone rang, she waved her arm, and walked to the side to answer the call.

Ten minutes later, Li Ya came back with a sad face and said, "I'm sorry, something is wrong at home, I have to go back, let's talk again when I have time."

After finishing speaking, Li Ya stepped back on her high heels, leaving Wang Hai speechless and Wang Qiang gloating.

Regardless of success or failure, Wang Hai intends to treat Li Ya to a meal, who knows, if he doesn't even give this opportunity, it's bad.

"Didn't they say it, can we talk again when we have time?"Wang Qiang said with a smirk, he followed all the way and heard many conversations.

"Let's talk fart, people are obviously not very satisfied, and I didn't leave a phone call or WeChat."Wang Hai shrugged his shoulders, he had no choice, he disagreed, what he wanted was a colorful life in the city, but he himself, on the contrary, didn't want to go to the city, different ways of doing things and not conspiring with each other also applies to love.

Wang Qiang nodded, and said comfortingly, "It's no big deal. She's far worse than Teacher Yin Ya. Isn't she just working in a bank? It's like [-]. Who cares?"

Wang Hai waved his hand and said, "Okay, I still need your comfort, let's go, let's go back."

When he was leaving, Wang Hai still called his uncle, at least he wanted to say something.

"Hey, Yin Ya's phone number"?Wang Hai picked up his mobile phone to check, it turned out to be Yin Ya's call.

"Hey, what's the matter?"Wang Hai asked directly, isn't the female teacher here to make fun of herself?

"The blind date failed"?On the other end of the phone, there was a teasing laughter from the female teacher.

"How do you know, you followed me"?Wang Hai said very speechlessly, probably not, the female teacher would not be so boring.

"Tch, don't be narcissistic, I need to follow you, aren't you in town, help me get the express, it's SF Express, you know the place."Yin Ya pouted and said, don't be so narcissistic.

"knew".Wang Hai hung up the phone and asked suspiciously: You didn't call home, did you?

Wang Qiang said in a daze, "No, what's the matter, whoever called, we'll just go home now, why not call, we're not kids anymore, we have to report to the police when we go out."

Wang Hai said with a sad face: "Yin Ya called and said that my blind date failed. You said, how did she know it? It's strange, and she asked me to help her get the courier."

"She is coming"?Wang Qiang looked around, but then thought that since he wanted to help her get the courier, he shouldn't have come, how did she know.

"Hey, who knows, forget it, let's go, get the courier. No matter, go get the courier first."

"No way, there are so many, no wonder we have to get them!"Wang Qiang said in disbelief that when he came to the courier station, he realized how many couriers Yin Ya had. There were more than a dozen large boxes, small boxes, and parcels.

And the biggest box is one meter high and quite heavy, and I don't know what it is.

"It's no wonder that we two brothers have to come and get it. There are so many things, and she really can't move them away by herself."The size is more than a dozen, the key is that the distance is not close, so Wang Hai had to rent a tricycle, pull the things to the pier, and then move them to Wang Qiang's iron boat.

Now that he came, Wang Hai went to the market and bought some mutton, beef and so on. If you can't finish eating, you can put it in the refrigerator to save running back and forth.

"Do you want to buy some back?"Wang Hai asked, there is a refrigerator at home, and it’s okay to buy too much.

"Don't buy, I just eat, no matter what I buy, hehe".Wang Qiang giggled, the cooking and grocery shopping at home is in the hands of the mother, and the mother can eat whatever she wants.

"You, forget it, go, go home."Wang Hai was speechless.

"Haizi, I heard you want to buy a big fishing boat"?Wang Qiang knew Wang Hai's plan before, and now that he has saved some money, it should be enough.

"Well, with this plan, it's not a problem to paddle a small sampan all day. Besides, the offshore fishing is too much. On the one hand, if you continue to fish, it will cause excessive damage. On the other hand, the fishery in the deep sea is rich, and that's where we want to go. The place".

Just like the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, it has been shrinking in the Guanzhong area. The land there has been cultivated for thousands of years, and the harvest is very little, so it has to develop abroad.The development of the Yangtze River Basin and Lingnan made the Tang Dynasty develop more rapidly.

Most of the fishermen on the coast now are fishing boats like Wang Qiang, who can't run very far at all, and can only fish in the offshore. Therefore, the fishing is getting less and less, and many people are forced to go out to work.

"How about it, will you help me when the time comes?"Wang Hai asked, a big fishing boat can't be played with few people.

"Let's talk about it later."Wang Qiang actually likes his current job quite a lot. He pulls goods back and forth, transports customers, makes a lot of money, and is free.

Wang Hai didn't say anything. In fact, if the relationship between brothers is particularly good, they can't work together, especially when one party is under the other. This is also Wang Hai's personal experience.

When I was in Cangjiang before, a friend opened a small restaurant, and I couldn’t do it by myself, so I called Wang Hai to help.

As a result, in the summer, several restaurants opened on the same street, crowding out this friend's restaurant, and the business was very bleak.

As a result, this friend began to speak ill of Wang Hai behind his back, saying that Wang Hai's skills were not good enough, that he could not produce new dishes, and so on. Wang Hai heard about it once, so he paid his salary and left the next day.

When he was busy, he worked until after [-] o'clock in the evening, and started working at [-] o'clock the next day. No matter how hard or tired he was, Wang Hai didn't complain.

However, as soon as the business slowed down, Wang Hai just threw his hands away and gave up on picking faults in this matter and that matter.

Therefore, if friends cooperate, it is best to be at the same level, not a relationship between superiors and subordinates. Otherwise, in the end, I am afraid that even friends will not be able to do it.

"Haizi, don't drink some tonight, I'll bring beer."Just now, Wang Hai bought a lot of vegetables, and Wang Qiang was a bit greedy. Although he ate seafood, chicken and duck, he hadn't eaten mutton and beef for a long time.

"Just come, drink less at night."Wang Hai curled his lips, you usually come over with a sesame seed cake, and I haven't seen you being polite.

"Besides, you're still carrying beer. As far as your drinking capacity is concerned, I didn't carry it back that time, so I'm ashamed to say."Wang Hai decided that he would not drink so much with Wang Qiang this time, as his mother had said several times.

(End of this chapter)

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