Chapter 68
There are a lot of fishing nets in the sea, waste fishing nets, and these fishing nets also have a characteristic, that is, they will be entangled together to form a huge messy fishing net.

Many fishes, such as sea turtles, shrimps and crabs, if they get entangled, it will be very difficult to get out, and they will even become tighter and tighter, and the final result is death.

As for other things, such as fuel oil pollution, waste water pollution, etc., Wang Hai has nothing to do, but now it is possible to detect all these solid wastes.

Not to mention, the brats are rewarded, so they work hard, and they only pick up big garbage, which can fill the bag!
"I knew I was right about him."The village head uncle, after learning that Wang Hai organized the rubbish collection, was very relieved. It won't be long before he can resign and enjoy himself!

Wang Hai also went home, drove the tricycle over, and then transported all the bags of garbage to the garbage station.

The ebb tide is over, everyone brought their own harvest, and went home happily, and Wang Hai also cleaned up the beach in general. Looking around, except for seaweed, there is only sand, which is indeed better than before. Much better looking.

However, at the door of Wang Hai's house, there was a group of children standing in a row, all laughing and joking, all thinking about how much money they could earn.

"Haha, I picked up three pockets in total, and I can get 30 yuan."Wang Xiaomi said happily that if you have money, you can buy delicious food.

"I have four pockets, and I can have 40 yuan."Wang Xiaole held his head high and said, what are your three pockets? I have more than you.

Wang Yu pursed her lips, she only had two pockets, the least.

"Come on, line up, and pay."According to the rounding calculation, Wang Hai sent money to several children, holding several tens of yuan bills happily, thinking about what to buy later.

"Okay, let's all go home and take a shower, and then come here for dinner, remember to tell your parents."Wang Hai explained, don't come here after taking a shower. Parents don't know, and it will be embarrassing to find all over the village.

"knew"!A group of children dispersed in a hurry, and ran home with money in their pockets. They had to take a bath and change their clothes before going to the small supermarket to buy drinks.

"Today's children, the pocket money of tens of dollars each is much more than when we were young."Wang Qiang felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, but even though he was poor at that time, he was very happy.

"A lot? There will be less soon, and it will be clean if not done."Wang Hai said with a smile, but he doesn't know the reason why the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

"Haizi, you're smiling so sinisterly, tell me, did you use some harmful trick?"Wang Qiang strained his ears, leaned over and asked.

"What insidiousness, I just explained to their parents."Wang Hai said openly that it is not safe for children to carry so much money on them.

"Haha, they have to work for nothing!"Wang Qiang laughed. When parents know that their children have a lot of money, the most common method is, what to do with so much money, I will keep it for you first, and then confiscate it directly. Yes, I will give you an allowance of three or five yuan.

Sure enough, half an hour later, a group of brats went there happily, let’s come back, just like the eggplants beaten by Shuang.

"Brother, can you make me a sweet and sour pork ribs, to comfort my wounded heart."Wang Xiaomi was so sad that he was about to cry. He didn't keep any of the 30 yuan.

They were all pretty much the same, only Wang Yu had the most, twenty in total, ten yuan was left for him.

Wang Hai feels that his mother's handling method is also good.Wang Wei got a total of 30 yuan, gave three yuan as pocket money, and put the rest into her piggy bank.And strictly speaking, this piggy bank belongs to her, but she cannot open it by herself, only with the consent of her mother or elder brother.

In this way, Wang Wei is also very happy. Although she can't open it temporarily, it is indeed her own, and it is placed on her bedside.

"Okay, go sit in the yard, your teacher is here too."In the yard, Yin Ya and Wang Qiang were there, and Wang Wei was sitting there, not knowing what they were talking about, but they were having a good time anyway.

"You guys have worked hard today, the teacher is very pleased, now Haiyang".
After listening to Wang Hai for a while, he went to the kitchen. After a while, Yin Ya mobilized the enthusiasm of several children, and they were all proud of their actions today.

Yin Ya took the opportunity to explain the knowledge of the ocean. Starting from the most basic seven continents and four oceans, she talked about the changes of continents, marine life, species evolution, ocean currents, monsoons, etc. Although some parts are a bit advanced, the children will listen to them temporarily. I don't know, but it's good to know something in advance.

"Teacher, a whale is so big and still lives in the sea, why not a fish?"Wang Wei asked, its name has the word fish in it, so why is it not a fish?

Yin Ya nodded and explained: "Although the whale has the word fish, it is not a fish, but a mammal. A long time ago, whales also had land creatures, but after entering the water, some organs degenerated and transformed. CIA became what it is now."

"Whales, like mammals, breathe with their lungs. Every once in a while in the water, they will float up to take a breath. Many of the water columns we see in textbooks are caused by whales. Humans breathe through gills."

"Moreover, whales are viviparous and have a long lactation period, just like animals, but fish are different. They are all oviparous, which is what we call roe."

"Teacher, are whales really that big?"Wang Yu dragged his head and asked, isn't that too big, is it bigger than his own house?
Yin Ya smiled and said: "Yes, whales are generally very big, and the biggest whale is the blue whale, which is generally 22 to 33 meters long and weighs more than 100 tons. A single tongue weighs more than 3000 catties." ".

"Haha, if you make a stewed tongue, how many people can eat it."Wang Qiang said with a smile, in fact, he also forgot these things and returned them to the teacher a long time ago. Now it sounds very novel.

"Enough to feed us for a year."Wang Xiaomi calculated ten catties a day, and he would have to eat for a year.

"Looking back at the animal world on TV, you can watch more, it's all about animals."Yin Ya said, the conditions at home are much better now, who doesn't have a TV yet.

Yin Ya does not want rigid teaching, just teach what is said in the book, but teaching combined with practice.

It's like some urban children, after going to the countryside, went to the wheat field and joked about planting a lot of leeks.

(End of this chapter)

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