Chapter 69

Soon, the meals were ready. A few children ordered sweet and sour pork ribs, candied sweet potatoes, eight-treasure rice, and the rest was spicy fried hala, ginger clams, and spicy chicken.

"It's so delicious, I want to eat it every day in the future."Wang Xiaomi said bluntly that the food here is much better than the food at home.

"Huh, what's the matter? When I grow up, I want to be a great chef and eat delicious food every day."Wang Xiaole said disdainfully, when the time comes, you can eat whatever you want.

"There's so much nonsense, it's all eaten up by the two of them."

"Today's harvest is okay."Wang Hai asked, today Wang Qiang and his son went out in two boats.

"It's okay, there is no good seafood, just a little bigger."Wang Qiang nodded, at least it was much better than usual.

"Going to sea has become more and more difficult. Unless you go to the deep sea or go to the ocean, the danger is greatly increased. The food at sea is actually not delicious, and the situation is similar in all countries, not just in China, but in It seems that there are many ocean-going fishing vessels in island countries.”

"Cultivation is also a way."This is an idea that Wang Hai has been thinking about for a long time. Just like kelp and scallops, they can all be farmed. Seafood can be sold fresh or dried, and profits are also possible.

Moreover, over the years, there are not many strong laborers in the village. Some are old, some are disabled and sick, and some have no hope. They have gone out to work, and there are not many strong laborers staying at home.

"You can give it a try, it's better to think well than to do well."Yin Ya encouraged and said that it is the most fundamental thing to practice.

Wang Qiang smiled wryly and said: "It's not that simple. Large-scale farming requires a lot of people. It's okay to make money by then. If you lose money, think about it."

Wang Qiang didn't say anything about the rest, but everyone understood that it would be easy to break up if it was of no benefit in the end.

"I don't agree with this matter for the time being, it's not yet time."Liu Xia spoke. The matter is not as simple as talking about it. There are too many things to consider.

"It's a bit too high-spirited. First, keep your feet on the ground, do the things in front of you well, and take it step by step."

"This razor clam is so delicious and the meat is very tender."Yin Ya likes to eat hala and razor clams, and after a while, a hill of shells piled up in front of her eyes.

"I still like to eat chicken. It feels very spicy. I want to raise some next year."Most of Wang Qiang's chopsticks are aimed at spicy chicken.

This time, under the pressure of Wang Hai and Liu Xia, Wang Qiang only drank a bottle of beer, and couldn't show his strength even after talking.

"You have the strength of a fart, and the strength is to let me fight you back every time?"
There was no alcohol, and there were many children, so the meal was soon finished, and several people sent the children back separately, so they were relieved.

"Hey, there are so many more."After a busy day, Wang Hai didn't notice it. It was only when he went to bed at night that he realized that there was a lot more spiritual fluid in the system space.

"It should be a reward from the system for disposing of the garbage today."Wang Hai guessed that cleaning up garbage and protecting the environment is a long-term task that has always existed.

There is so much rubbish in the ocean, Wang Hai feels that if it is all cleaned up, his spiritual fluid will be massive.However, he would rather not have these rewards, and hope that the sea is blue, clean and pure, and free from pollution.

"Brother, you smile so weirdly, are you having a sweet dream? Is it delicious, or is it a beautiful woman?"Early in the morning, Wang Hai felt his nose itchy, and when he opened his eyes, Wang Wei actually took a feather duster and slid it back and forth on his nose.

"I think you deserve a beating."Wang Hai stretched his waist. It was a big dream. In the dream, when he was cleaning up the garbage, the garbage was deformed and fit into a super big garbage man. He fought hundreds of rounds with it, and finally When he was about to defeat it with a sword, he was woken up by Wang Wei.

"Hee hee, you don't check what time it is, and you don't get up."Wang Wei pouted and said, it's already eight o'clock, okay?

"It's actually eight o'clock. By the way, it's already eight o'clock. If you don't go to school, you will be late soon. The distance is so close, and you are still late. Let's see how the teacher punishes you."Wang Hai sat up directly and said threateningly.

"Hey, I'm not afraid."Wang Wei made a face and ran out.

After Wang Hai got dressed, he looked at his phone, only to realize that today is Saturday and there is no class.

"No wonder this girl has nothing to fear, and even said she is not afraid."Although it's close, Wang Wei goes to school at 07:30 every day. If she goes a little earlier, she will help the students on duty to clean up.

In the morning, it is still rice porridge, buns, pickles, simple but very warm.

"Xiao Hai, let's plan the taro today, I think it's almost done."There was a lot of sweet potatoes planted at home. Liu Xia took a look and found that they were not bad.

"Okay, let's go after eating."Wang Hai nodded, this year's weather is good, and the knot is really good.

"I'll go too, I'll go too, I'll plan too."Wang Wei excitedly said that this sweet potato is the best. It tastes sweet when eaten raw, and it is also delicious when cooked. It can also be shredded or dried. There are many ways to eat it.

"It's good if you don't make trouble, it's not as tall as a hoe."Liu Xia knew her temperament, she said she was working, but she disappeared after a while.

Soon, after eating, Wang Hai drove with tools and went to Geography first.

Wang Wei followed behind, holding her own small shovel, still looking decent.

After arriving at Geography, Wang Hai saw that the sweet potato seedlings had begun to wither, and although there were still many leaves, they were all beginning to turn yellow.

In fact, sweet potato leaves are also edible. Of course, you should choose those tender leaves to eat, stir-fry, make buns, add to hot pot, etc., which contain a lot of nutritional value.

Of course, there are also some taboos. If you have a bad stomach, you can’t eat it, and you can’t eat it with eggs.

Wang Hai first cut off all the sweet potato seedlings, and after pulling them aside, he picked up the hoe and started digging.

"It's really big, it's a bumper harvest."After digging the first tree, there was a sweet potato the size of a grapefruit, and not just this one, but several smaller ones.

Wang Hai dug several more trees, although there were no such big ones, but the number was much larger than the first one.

"I'll dig too."Wang Wei ran to the other side of the ground, took her small shovel, and started digging.The ground was wet and there were deep trenches, so it was easy to dig. Even Wang Wei dug a lot in a short while.

After a while, Liu Xia who finished cleaning also came, and the three of them went down, and the work was much faster, and the pile of sweet potatoes next to it was getting bigger and bigger, and there were more and more big ones up.

(End of this chapter)

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