Chapter 72
There is no permanent feast in the world. Some people say that today’s parting is all right for a better reunion tomorrow, and some people say that the next time we meet, it will only be better.

However, separation is separation, we are all adults, for the sake of life, we have traveled all over the world, wanting to get together again, I don't know when it will be, those words are just good wishes.

Back home, Wang Hai accidentally saw his graduation certificate when he was a child. At that time, the big guys were all together, laughing and joking, very happy.Whether it's mischievous or middle school, it's funny to think about it now, and I miss it very much.

However, a phone call broke Wang Hai's nostalgia.

"I'm coming, you wait."Wang Hai's face was full of anger, because something happened on the beach.

When a fishing boat came back at night, when it was close to the pier, it encountered a large work boat, and the machine roared. At first, I thought it was a large fishing boat passing by somewhere, but after a closer look, it was not.

It is a sand pumping boat with strong horsepower, which pumps up all the sand, silt, etc. on the seabed, and then sprays them back from the stern.

However, at the stern, there is a huge barbed wire fence, and the sediment, etc. can flow back, but those small fish, shrimps, and all kinds of shellfish and seafood will be intercepted.

At the stern of the boat, there were several people bending over, picking out the stones and the like, and then sorting the seafood, putting the big ones together, and mixing the small ones together, one box after another.

This is what Wang Hai saw when he arrived just now, and a lot of people had already gathered at the pier.

"Grandma's, could it be someone from Chenjiagou? It's too shameless to do such a thing."Wang Mufeng cursed that he didn't have a good impression of the people in Chenjiagou.

"Probably not".Wang Hai shook his head, because in the distance, Chen Shu's group from Chenjiagou also came, and it seemed that their village was also harmed.

"Fuck, fuck it, make the beach of our village look terrible."Chen Shu was furious, and there was a mess on the beach.Although he is sometimes a jerk, as a fisherman, he is very clear about the consequences of doing so.

"Why did you go so early, the roar of the machine is so loud, are you all dead pigs, can't hear it."Wang Hong scolded, the people in a village are not in harmony, so they can't do anything.

"Go, get on the boat, stop them, and see where they came from."As soon as Wang Hai greeted, everyone started the fishing boat and surrounded the big boat.

A group of fishing boats started to surround the big boat. This big boat came to catch small fish and shrimps during the ebb tide.

In the shallow water area with plenty of light, the deeper the water, the more fish, shrimps and crabs, and there are a lot of algae.These are the ones that live at the bottom. Usually, you can’t catch them by fishing or using fishing nets. Even if it’s a sand pumping boat, the pipes are not long enough and the horsepower is not enough.

However, now that the tide is low, the length is enough, and the depth of the water has become shallower. These conscience-stricken people have an idea.

If it continues like this, the beach will be finished, not to mention next year, it will be three to five years, and it may not be able to recover.

Although small fish and shrimps are small, their functions are not small. They not only have the function of multiplying races, but are also a very important link in the food chain. Without this link, the food chain will also collapse.Besides, if you continue to smoke like this, not to mention small fish and shrimps, even the aquatic plants and seaweeds on the bottom of the sea will be finished.

However, the people on the boat didn't care about this, they only had money in their eyes.

"What, what, you stinky fishermen, why are you blocking us?"Before Wang Hai and the others spoke, the people on the boat became unhappy and reprimanded loudly.

Wang Hai became angry immediately, and said, "Where are you from? You are not allowed to use sand pumping boats to catch small fish and shrimp here, so hurry up!"
A big man with thick eyebrows on the boat stood up and said contemptuously: "What's wrong, this is your home, you can't do it if you say no, who are you"!
Empty mountains eat mountains, and water feeds water. In the eyes of the big guys, this beach belongs to their own village, just like the beach in front of Chenjiagou belongs to their village.

"This is our village, let me tell you, hurry up, we can let the past go, or wait and see."Wang Qiang said angrily, how shameless you are, how dare you be so arrogant on someone else's territory.

Not only the fishermen, but also the farmers in the inland, take the land very seriously. Now HIA is better. In the past, large-scale fighting could happen for a piece of land. Even if the police station went to it, it would be difficult. solve.

Another middle-aged man on the boat snorted, and said: "Fuck, you said it belonged to your family, and it belongs to your family. This is the sea, not your land. If you don't know anything, you will be destroyed if you destroy it. Shut us up." What's the matter, if you stop us from making money, don't blame us for being rude."

Wang Qiang had the most irritable temper, so he directly raised the harpoon and cursed, "Hurry up, Cao Nima."

Wang Hai originally wanted to climb up to reason with those people, but who knew that the middle-aged man who had just climbed to the top of the ladder kicked over, Wang Hai didn't check for a while, and fell down into the sea.

Seeing this, the young people in Wangjia Village were furious and wanted to climb up to fight with those bastards.

Seeing this, the people on the boat were not vegetarians either, so they directly moved the pipe for sucking soda, and cursed: "Don't you want fish and shrimp, I'll give you all, a bunch of mud legs."

The impact force of the sand pump was very strong. Several climbing youths were directly sprayed and fell down. The sand was sprayed all over their bodies, and even a few had sand in their mouths.

"Hmph, it's very good, let's see who of you can leave."Wang Hai dived directly into the water, made some rotten fishing nets, and threw them towards the propeller. In an instant, the propeller was entangled, and then turned slower and slower, and finally stopped.

"Your sister, what's going on, why did the boat stop."The middle-aged man had a gloomy face, as if something had broken down.

"It must be the ghost of those mud legs."The middle-aged man scolded angrily, don't let me catch you, otherwise, you guys will look good.

And Wang Qiang and the others also took advantage of the situation to climb up, and rushed over to a few people, fuck, let you be arrogant.

Not far away, the siren of the sea police came. The fierce fighting stopped immediately, and Wang Qiang and others jumped down one after another.

"What's going on, what's going on, who called the police, someone is causing trouble, right?"The people who came were dressed in police uniforms. However, Wang Qiang and his group were reprimanded for a while, telling them to leave quickly. If they dared to climb the big boat and fight, that would be a crime. Destruction of personal belongings should be punished.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Qiang and the others became very angry. Originally, they were the victim, but now that the marine police came, they became the perpetrator. There is no reason for this.

(End of this chapter)

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