Chapter 73

Which coast guard detachment do you belong to, do you have a certificate?" Yin Ya asked, is this how the current coast guard enforces the law, some of it is indiscriminate?
"Wang Yong, you took away your phone and secretly took pictures. I suspect that these people are counterfeit."Yin Ya concluded that although there were police uniforms and patrol boats, Yin Ya felt that these people were counterfeit.

"OK".Wang Yong is also a hot-blooded young man who originally wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Yin Ya. What's the use of impulsiveness, only to solve the problem.

"Hmph, you little commoner, why should I show you your ID, are you worthy?"The bearded coast guard said loudly, who do you think you are, are you the leader?
This sentence almost choked Yin Ya to death, and it further confirmed the thoughts in her heart. These people may be fake. Now that the system has started to be reformed, normally, there will be no such arrogant people.

"And you, hurry up and fix your boats, don't make trouble here."The bearded man said to the people on the big boat.

Although Wang Hai was in the sea, when he heard this sentence, he knew that the two groups of people belonged to the same group. Otherwise, how would the people who came later know that the sand pumping boat was broken.

"Immediately, immediately, I will leave when it is repaired."Since he has provoked public outrage here, he will definitely not be able to catch him. Naturally, he has to move to another place. The middle-aged man on board agreed and slipped away.

After a while, the bearded coast guard and the CIA left in a patrol boat. Before leaving, they still threatened: Don't make trouble, you people, or they will all be arrested.

After the patrol boat left for a while, the middle-aged man said to a young man: "Go down and see what's going on, fix the boat, let's get out of here, a bunch of troublemakers."

Taking advantage of a group of people on the deck, Wang Hai turned over, dumped all the small fish and shrimps in the stern back into the sea, and then messed with the cab before jumping back into the sea.

The young man jumped down in a diving suit, and when he saw the broken fishing nets, he knew what was going on, so he took a dagger and started to clean up, and cleaned up the broken fishing nets, and it was OK.

However, the young man felt heavy behind him, and always felt that someone was staring at him. When he looked back, he was almost scared to death, because the diving suit was torn, and the oxygen tube was leaking, so it would be troublesome.

Generally speaking, such a gas cylinder can be used for five to ten minutes, or even an hour, but now, I'm afraid it won't even last for ten minutes.

The young man panicked and had to hurry up, otherwise it would be too late when he was out of breath.

He tried his best to swim upstream, but unfortunately he couldn't swim. He always felt that someone was pulling him, but when he turned around, there was no one.

The sand pumping before made the sea water very turbid, which also gave Wang Hai an opportunity. A little farther away, the young man could not see himself.

"Could it be that I met a water ghost?"The young man was scared. All kinds of scary legends and scary plots that he couldn't usually remember came to his mind one by one, making him more nervous, short of breath, and consumed even faster.

Within a few minutes, the young man felt that he was going to be unable to breathe, that he was going to be suffocated to death.

Seeing the young man's eyes bulging and his body starting to change color, Wang Hai let him go.

The young man tried his best to swim to the surface of the sea, took off his mask, panted heavily, and regained his life, which made him cry. The scene just now was really terrible.

"No, it's still not safe here, I want to go back."The young man was terrified. Looking around, he always felt that the water ghost was still around, so he climbed up the ladder, slumped on the deck, motionless, and I survived.

"Fuck, what's going on, what are you doing here, have you fixed it?"Middle-aged people get angry when they see young people in a mess, why are you here if you haven't repaired it.

"I won't go down, there are ghosts, there are water ghosts, they pull people to pay for their lives."Even if the middle-aged people punched and kicked, the young people didn't care, they just held their heads and yelled there.

"Useless things, Alan, you go."There were two sets of diving suits on board, one for the young man before and another for the other.

"It's strange that I have to go down, the diving suit is broken, grandma, do you know how much this set costs, go back and deduct your wages."The middle-aged man originally wanted to take off the young man's diving suit, but when he saw it, he suddenly became angry. The brand-new diving suit turned out to be tattered.

The man named Allen responded, went to the cabin, changed into a diving suit, and jumped down.

"This idiot, you can't even clean out any fishing nets, what a waste, how can the boss find such a stupid person."Aaron saw that the propeller was just stuck by the fishing net, and immediately smiled contemptuously. This is not easy.

It's just that there is a chirping sound in my ear, which is similar to the sound of a gas tank leaking at home.

Allen looked back, wow, when did his brand new diving suit become like this, and there were seven or eight holes in the back, not only leaking air, but also leaking water.

"Fuck, there really are water ghosts, right?"Allen suddenly remembered what the young man said. Besides, there was no one behind him. What's going on, the diving suit won't break for no reason!
Allen pretended to be cleaning up, then turned his head abruptly, but unfortunately, there was still nothing behind him.

Even if there is a black shadow, it can make him feel at ease. The most frightening thing is that there is nothing, so that you don't know whether it is a person or a ghost behind you, or something unknown.

Allen was not calm anymore, the gas tank was about to run out of gas, so he had to go up.

However, he encountered the same end as Allen, that is, he couldn't swim, but there was no one when he looked back.

This time Allen was also scared. Could it be that there is really a ghost? What should I do?
Originally, Allen was dismissive, but now, he was even more nervous and frightened than the young man before, and he passed out directly.

Wang Hai was speechless, but you were dizzy after swimming up.

Although these people are bastards, they are not guilty of death. Wang Hai does not want them to die here.

"Quick, look, what's going on, how did Allen faint."When the middle-aged man saw Alan coming up, he thought it was repaired. Who would have thought that it was floating up, so he hurriedly asked his men to salvage it.

"Fortunately, I still have gas."It pinched the person and pressed the heart and lungs again. After a few strokes, Allen woke up.

"Ah, there is a ghost!"Allen yelled and passed out again.

"Useless things".The middle-aged man is going to die of anger, can't he do such a simple thing well?

"You, go down and have a look, what's going on?"The middle-aged man pointed to another person and ordered.

"I, I'm not going. I don't have a diving suit, and there are water ghosts below. If you want to go down, go yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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