Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1 001【Let that bitch wait】

Chapter 1 001【Let that bitch wait】

In 1990, in the south, the dormitory of the developed toy factory——
Cantonese song: "A pair that can't be modified, bring out warmth and always be behind, even if it's long-winded, always pay attention, don't know how to cherish and feel too guilty..."

Such a strange yet familiar singing voice suddenly sounded in Song Zhichao's ears.

He opened his sleepy eyes, and a set of dilapidated old-fashioned combination cabinets with 80s goldfish patterns jumped into his eyes. The cabinets were a little dirty and had a musty smell.

Looking around, this is a room of only about 20 square meters, with an outdated old-fashioned light bulb overhead.On the left side of the bed is a table with messy things on it, mirrors, wooden combs, and cassette tapes. On the tapes are Hong Kong "Beyond" group Huang Jiaju and others, as well as Wu Qilong, a member of the Baodao group "Little Tigers" , Su Youpeng, Chen Zhipeng and others' handsome pictures...

At this moment, a brand-new black plastic "Yanwu" tape recorder is rustling the tape, and the song is the song "I Really Love You" by Beyond that Song Zhichao heard just now——
"The spring breeze and rain warm my heart, and you have given me a gift without words; it is your warm eyes, which taught me to look forward with perseverance, and told me not to give up when I fell; I can't explain how to repay my kindness and love Tolerance is infinite, please allow me to say that I really love you..."

The sound quality of this brand of tape recorders is very bad, far inferior to Nissan or Hong Kong brands, but its TV commercials are very popular, and even Song Zhichao immediately remembered clearly that there was a boy named "Swallow Dance Boy" in his arms. A tape recorder, singing while dancing, "Swallows dance, swallows dance, a song brings a lot of love!"

The tape recorder was rustling, and Beyond hysterically sang this extremely sad but popular song, which is a must-play song for mothers in every KTV.Song Zhichao, on the other hand, continued to look around in a daze, as if time and space were reversed in front of his eyes. The most noticeable thing was the calendar hanging on the wall. On it was Andy Lau, one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" in Hong Kong, leaning handsomely on the On a red locomotive, the shape is just like his "If there is love in the sky".

how so?These things... look at the time displayed on the wall calendar - Congratulations to the New Year 1990.

1990 years?
How can it be!

Shouldn't it be 2018?

Song Zhichao's mind was a little chaotic and messy.

Everything in front of me is both familiar and strange.

It's like turning back decades in time.

Is it all a dream?

Haven't woken up yet?
Song Zhichao couldn't help pinching his face with his hands, it hurt!
He got up from the bed abruptly, picked up the small round oval mirror on the table, and stared at himself.


Very strange!

In the mirror, there was a slightly immature but very handsome face, at most, perhaps because of drunkenness, it looked a little haggard, and the eye circles were also dark.

"This, is it really me?" Song Zhichao looked at himself in the mirror in disbelief.

He can be sure that he has never seen this face in his life

Then his head became dizzy for a while, and a strange memory swallowed him instantly.


"Song Zhichao" hasn't recovered from the shock just now, to be precise, he hasn't quite adapted to his current "identity".

Although the name is the same, they are not the same person.

He, Song Zhichao, was an orphan in his previous life, a well-known real estate tycoon and financial tycoon; but this one in front of him is a poor "wage earner" who only has a high school education and came to the south to work.

This is a simple and honest boy who came to the south from the north, and worked hard in a toy factory with his little friends.Work happily with my childhood sweetheart girlfriend.

Just like what Mr. Lu Xun said: The children of the poor walk around in the street with unkempt hair and unkempt appearance, while the children of the rich walk around the house with a coquettish appearance and coquettish voice. Like my father, or worse.

The simple Song Zhichao felt that he was not as good as his father.

Just yesterday, he saw with his own eyes that his girlfriend betrayed him, and even got married with the production manager of his factory.

That's not to mention, the manager also used his power to remove him who could have been promoted to the workshop supervisor.

Love, career, complete fiasco!

The honest young man couldn't accept such a blow at once, so he drank like crazy, and finally the scene before him appeared.

The reborn "Song Zhichao" couldn't help smiling wryly, he really didn't know whether to be lucky or sad.But one thing is certain, now he is Song Zhichao, and Song Zhichao is him.

Soon, Song Zhichao thought of the situation in front of him, what kind of era this is.

This is a great era of reform and opening up, full of vigor; thousands of horses are galloping, and hundreds of boats are competing!

Countless workers, peasants, intellectuals... one after another have thrown themselves into this rushing wave of the times.

Going into the sea, stock tide;
State-owned enterprise reform, coal golden decade;
The great development of IT, the Internet era, the globalization of entertainment...

In the end, when the big waves washed the sand, how many heroes and heroes emerged!
Heroes are tragic, and heroes are paranoid.

This is an era where success can be achieved without academic qualifications!
This is an era where you can win without relying on the backstage!
Here, we don't need a rich father, we don't need to be the second generation of officials, we just need to seize an opportunity, keep up with the beating pulse of the times, and create a new century that belongs to us.

Now the years are back to me, the simple and honest Song Zhichao is gone, but I am here.


"Brother Chao, you're awake, are you okay?" Suddenly, a fat man with a simple and honest appearance came in from outside carrying a thermos, and asked eagerly as soon as he saw Song Zhichao.

After thinking about it for a while, Song Zhichao recognized this person.

This is "my" cousin, whose name is very local, called "Zhu Fugui". I have been working in the south with me for a year. This year, I am 17 years old. He is tall and strong, but his brain is not good. Here After staying for a long time, I still can't speak Cantonese. I often can't understand the words of the people here, and I am always bullied.Song Zhichao usually likes to protect him, and the relationship between the two is very deep.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy."

"I'm afraid you drank too much wine last night. My mother said it's not good to drink too much wine. I advised you last night, but you just didn't listen."

Zhu Fugui scratched his head, hurriedly put down the tin thermos in his hand, picked up a handful of white enamel tea mugs from the table, and said to Song Zhichao, "Brother Chao, turn your head away, don't look at it."

"what are you doing?"

"Turn your head first."

Song Zhichao listened to him and turned his head away.

Then Song Zhichao looked through the round mirror placed on the table and saw Zhu Fugui pouted his buttocks, sneaking out an iron box from under the bed where he was sleeping, then opened the iron box, and took out a bag of "chrysanthemum brand" from inside. malted milk".

The malted milk was clamped with a wooden clip, and when it was opened, Zhu Fugui carefully poured some of the malted milk into the enamel tea mug; after looking at it, he gritted his teeth again, shook his mouth, and poured out more.Some fine powder was sprinkled on the mouth of the tank, so he squeezed it with his fingers, stuffed it into his mouth and sucked hard.

After finishing all this, Zhu Fugui hurriedly put another bag of malted milk into the tin box and stuffed it under the bed carefully, looking like a thief.

"Gududu!" Malted milk was brewed from the hot tea, and a scent rose from the room.

"Okay, I know you have a headache, I'll drink my malted milk for you - your head won't hurt after drinking it." Zhu Fugui handed the steaming hot tea to Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao felt hot and said, "This is your baby, how can I drink it?"

Zhu Fugui blushed and said, "As long as you don't drink it secretly, I'll give it to you if you ask me for it. My mother asked me to save money, but I didn't want to spend it. I just bought this malted milk essence. It was originally When I want to go home, I will give it to my mother and let her taste it. It’s not that I don’t want to let you drink it..."

The more the fat man explained, the more confused he became, but Song Zhichao knew clearly that as his cousin, Song Zhichao was originally simple and simple, but he was willing to spend money to follow the trend.Especially after establishing a relationship with his childhood sweetheart Tian Xiaoli, Song Zhichao spent more money like water, working part-time for more than a year, not only did not save any money, but also owed a whole lot of debt.

Don't say anything else, let's just say that the brand new "Yanwu" tape recorder used for singing just now was bought by Song Zhichao half a month ago.

The recorder of this brand was sought after by domestic enthusiasts as soon as it came out, and the citizens of the imperial capital even stayed up late in the snowy day to queue up to buy it, so the price reached 280 yuan.You know, at this time, the wages of ordinary workers in BJ City were only 80 to 150 yuan.Like Song Zhichao and the others working in southern Guangdong, staying up all day and night and constantly working overtime, their monthly salary is at most 70 yuan. To buy such luxury goods, Song Zhichao had the cheek to borrow money from his fellow workers.

As for why the workers lent money to Song Zhichao, the reason is very simple. According to gossip, Song Zhichao is the best candidate for the next workshop supervisor of "Fafa Toy Factory".In line with the tradition of flattering, these workers would take the initiative to lend money to Song Zhichao, hoping that he would take better care of himself after he became a supervisor.

But who knew that Song Zhichao had not only been dug away by others, but also his supervisor's position had been pried away.

Just when Song Zhichao drank malted milk and felt better, he heard a woman's voice downstairs in the dormitory shouting crisply: "Song Zhichao, I have something to tell you."

Song Zhichao was on the bed, not moving.

Zhu Fugui leaned over and looked down, then turned his head and muttered to Song Zhichao, "Well, my little cousin seems to have something to do with you."

Little cousin?
Isn't it Tian Xiaoli who was dug out of the wall?

What is she looking for at this time?
Song Zhichao put down the tea mug, "Let that bitch wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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