Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 2 002 [Confirmed the eyes, you are not the right person]

Chapter 2 002 [Confirmed the eyes, you are not the right person]

Song Zhichao basically didn't dress up much, just put on some clothes, squeezed a pair of slippers, went out of the dormitory door, and went to find "Tian Xiaoli" who called him downstairs just now.

This made Zhu Fugui a little surprised. You must know that Song Zhichao liked smug beauty very much. As soon as he heard Tian Xiaoli looking for him, he would spend a long time in order, either applying cream on his face, or dipping a wooden comb in water to comb his hair Neatly, showing the scalp.

Under the dormitory of the toy factory——
Song Zhichao met Tian Xiaoli.

This is a fair-looking girl, wearing a brand-new floral skirt with a pair of high-heeled sandals underneath.Her eyes are black and bright, with two braids tied behind her head, the standard eight 90s girl look.

While waiting for Song Zhichao, Tian Xiaoli was frowning, rubbing her flowery skirt with her fingers, and gently kicking the stones under her feet with her toes.The stone rolled back and forth on the ground, just like her heart, it also rolled back and forth.

Until Song Zhichao appeared.

"What do you want from me?"

Tian Xiaoli raised her head, glanced at Song Zhichao, resisted not saying what was on her mind immediately, but looked at Song Zhichao's haggard face, and asked with concern: "Have you been drinking?"

"Drink a little." Song Zhichao did not deny it.

Just as Tian Xiaoli was about to speak, a young worker passing by saw them and teased them with a smile: "What are you young couple doing? It's broad daylight, and you're so hot before it's dark!"

The other workers laughed too.

For these young people, they work day and night in factories, do not understand Cantonese, and cannot integrate into the lives of local people. They have basically wasted their youth here, except for a small salary. No; compared with those losers who don’t have girlfriends and are used to slow motion with left and right hands, only those wage earners who are in love and have girlfriends are the real “kings” here.

"If you want to make out, you should go inside the house! Standing here will make us bachelors feel uncomfortable!"

"You have to endure the discomfort, who told us to do it! At worst, go to the video hall to watch the night market together after get off work!"

"Yes, I asked the boss to change the film in the middle of the night, and asked what he was doing, and said he wanted to satisfy his hunger! Hahaha!"

Hearing these crazy words mixed with Cantonese vernacular, Tian Xiaoli blushed.

Song Zhichao joked with those people indifferently, and said that he must call himself when watching the video.

Someone started to compliment Song Zhichao, saying that he was about to become a supervisor and he should take care of himself more in the future.

Song Zhichao smiled and said, this is out of the question, we will talk about it when we are sure.

However, Tian Xiaoli knew that Song Zhichao had already been dismissed by Zhao Jinbao's tricks, and he would not be able to be the supervisor.

Seeing Song Zhichao like this, Tian Xiaoli felt sorry for him.After all, the two had dated before, and she, Tian Xiaoli, was not the kind of hard-hearted person.It's just that Song Zhichao is far behind Zhao Jinbao no matter in terms of economic conditions or status.

Song Zhichao, like himself, came from the countryside. Although his high school education was very impressive in the village, and he was admired by him at that time, he was nothing here.

That’s right, it’s very valuable to have civil servants nowadays. Many wage earners have graduated from elementary school or junior high school, and some of them are even illiterate. You can compete for supervisors with your high school education, but you also need to have a background. Even college students have to work hard again.

What's more, Song Zhichao's family is too poor, and he is just one of the hundreds of thousands of wage earners. He only earns 70 yuan a month by working hard. He is not like Zhao Jinbao, who has a strong backstage. The department manager has a monthly salary of at least 30 yuan, and he knows how to make himself happy. He spent almost [-] yuan on this dress yesterday --- that's half a month's salary for him.

Regardless of the horizontal and vertical ratios, Tian Xiaoli felt that Song Zhichao was no match for Zhao Jinbao, so she had to break off her boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with Song Zhichao as soon as possible, so that she could no longer be dragged down by Song Zhichao.

"Well, it's too noisy here... why don't we go to the small playground in front." Tian Xiaoli thought to herself, bit her lip, and said to Song Zhichao.

"No need, just tell me what you have to say—is it related to that person?" Song Zhichao asked.

"You... saw everything yesterday?" Tian Xiaoli lowered her head, her voice was like a mosquito.

"Well, I saw it. When I went to the mall, I happened to see you with him." Song Zhichao didn't hide it, anyway, the girl in front of him was not someone he really liked.

Tian Xiaoli's breathing was a little short.

"He bought this dress for you, right? It looks quite expensive, ten yuan, or 20 yuan? I can't afford it." Song Zhichao said in a joking tone.

Tian Xiaoli's cheeks were flushed, she grabbed her skirt with her hands, mustered up her courage, and raised her head, "He and I..."

"I know he's chasing you, and you have a crush on him. Otherwise, you wouldn't meet him alone. Besides, although we are childhood sweethearts, we can't force our feelings. You have the freedom to choose." Song Zhichao cut the mess quickly. , I feel awkward, and I want to understand this relationship as soon as possible.

Tian Xiaoli didn't expect Song Zhichao to say this, her eyes flashed with astonishment, as if she didn't expect Song Zhichao to let go so easily, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

"You're right...but I always feel a little sorry for you, usually you are so kind to me." Tian Xiaoli calmed down and organized the words in her heart to speak out.

Who is Song Zhichao? He suddenly smiled and said, "You don't need to say these kind words. If you really feel sorry for me, you wouldn't intentionally wear this outfit to provoke me. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Tian Xiaoli was seen through by Song Zhichao, her eyes flustered, and she hurriedly said, "I came here in a hurry, and I didn't have time to change clothes——Zhao Jinbao wants to treat you to dinner, but I don't know if you want to."

Song Zhichao knew that Zhao Jinbao was the guy who pried his corner, was also the manager of the production department of the toy factory, and even the brother-in-law of the factory director.

Tian Xiaoli looked at Song Zhichao with some anxiety. She thought that Song Zhichao would refuse on the spot, but unexpectedly he said, "Okay, when, what, and where to eat? By the way, I wish you happiness."

Tian Xiaoli was a little confused. She looked at Song Zhichao with wide eyes, as if she wanted to see through him, and finally said, "It's at the Liji food stall near our factory. It's eight o'clock tonight."

Song Zhichao nodded, "Yes, I remember. Can I bring someone?"

Tian Xiaoli was taken aback.

"I can't go out to eat by myself and leave my cousin in the house alone...Since Zhao Jinbao is willing to buy such an expensive dress for you, it shouldn't be a problem for multiple people to eat."

Tian Xiaoli felt that Song Zhichao was jealous when he said this, but his expression was a little different, as if he had lost some burden and was very happy.As a result, the discomfort in her heart became even stronger.

"Well, it's okay, you can bring him with you."

"Thank you very much then." Song Zhichao turned around to leave after speaking.

But suddenly Tian Xiaoli called out behind her.

After hesitating for a while, Tian Xiaoli still opened her eyes wide and asked, "Are you sincere in doing this?"

Song Zhichao looked back at her and said coolly, "Of course it's true."


Song Zhichao looked into her eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "I checked the eyes, you are not the right person."

(End of this chapter)

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