Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 3 003 [It's time to perform real skills]

Chapter 3 003 [It's time to perform real skills]

As an "experienced person", Song Zhichao didn't think Tian Xiaoli was a bad person; on the contrary, Song Zhichao felt that she made such a decision at such a moment, and from the perspective of a normal person, she did the right thing.

Compared with those money-digging girls who "would rather sit in a BMW and cry" in her previous life, Tian Xiaoli is at least much simpler and purer.She just needs a boyfriend with a salary of hundreds of dollars a month, a man who can take care of herself, support herself, stay in Nanyue, and finally marry herself.

Except for the last one, Song Zhichao couldn't satisfy everything else.

In this era of wage earners in southern Guangdong, there are as many foreign girls as a cow.In order to get out of the mountains, jump out of the countryside, and stay away from poverty, they came to this strange place alone. In order to survive, they lowered their stance, abandoned their ideals, and turned themselves into machines, the cheapest and cheapest labor.

Here, there are three types of people, foreigners, locals, and Hong Kong and Taiwanese who come to invest.

There are also three classes.

workers, employers, and investors.

As working girls, how many beautiful girls have used their own capital to change their destiny.

Marry the management of the factory, no matter how old or ugly they are; be a mistress for Hong Kong guys and Taiwanese guys, no matter how many wives they have, and I am the third or fourth or fifth.

Their choice not only did not make other people criticize and ridicule; on the contrary, they dress well, eat well and live well, go to high-end places, and become the envy and envy of more girls.

Song Zhichao felt that Tian Xiaoli had this kind of capital, and she also had the right to choose her own path, so the "blessing" came from the heart.

At this moment, looking at Tian Xiaoli's far away back, Song Zhichao couldn't help thinking of Haizi's poem——
"Stranger, I also wish you the best wishes. May you have a bright future; may your lover be married; may you find happiness in this world; I also wish to face the sea, and the spring blossoms..."


As a county seat of the largest city in the south, Panyu County is the economic vanguard of the entire Yangcheng after the reform and opening up. The small place has almost carried [-]% of the economic growth of the entire Yangcheng.Most of these economic growths come from the investment of Hong Kong and Taiwan compatriots here.

With the sound of reform and opening up, countless electronics factories, plastic factories, clothing factories, toy factories... have sprung up here like mushrooms after rain.

With the development of the factory, the supporting catering industry has also become popular. However, these catering industries are basically the business of factory workers and working girls. They have little money, so the bosses make little money and open many restaurants. Food stalls, night market stalls, casserole stalls, and barbecue stalls are next to each other, just like tents next to each other on the battlefield.

In this day and age, urban management and environmental sanitation are not so strict, so you can see that these stalls start to smoke from cooking before it gets dark.

Accompanied by these fireworks, is the mouth-watering taste.

"Delicious offal!"

"The best fish balls!"

"Pop fat rice!"

"Smooth jelly!"

"Glutinous rice porridge and mung bean paste!"

All kinds of delicacies are enough to make countless hungry workers who just got off work from the factory swallow their saliva and swallow their saliva.


Around eight o'clock, Song Zhichao rushed to the "Li Ji Food Stall" with his cousin Zhu Fugui.

The clothes Song Zhichao wore to the banquet tonight were very simple, a white Dacron shirt, a pair of light black trousers, the top was tucked into the trousers, looking clean and neat.

In fact, Song Zhichao likes this era very much.

In most places in this era, true love is not because you have a house and a car, but because it was sunny that day and you wore a white shirt that she loved.

In contrast, Zhu Fugui was dressed in the style of "Nicholas Zhao Si" from his previous life, with a red Bayi vest on top, a pair of green military trousers on the bottom, and a pair of old-fashioned green liberation shoes under his feet.

Zhu Fugui felt that he was very energetic in this way of dressing. He followed his cousin Song Zhichao out for dinner, and he couldn't lose face. That's why he dressed so well.When he usually works, he wears tattered clothes, almost like a beggar.

When Song Zhichao and Zhu Fugui arrived at the food stall, Zhao Jinbao and Tian Xiaoli had already arrived.

To Song Zhichao's surprise, besides the two of them, Zhao Jinbao also invited three other factory workers, two men and one woman, Yang Wei, Sun Ping and Feng Cuicui.

Song Zhichao knew the three of them and had borrowed money from them, especially Yang Wei who borrowed the most, almost 100 yuan.Yang Wei is also willing to lend money to Song Zhichao. In essence, Yang Wei is a villain who likes to take advantage of opportunities. As long as it is beneficial to him, he is willing to do anything.

Seeing Song Zhichao appearing, Yang Wei and the others were a little embarrassed.They knew very well that Tian Xiaoli was Song Zhichao's girlfriend, but now she was sitting next to Zhao Jinbao, and Zhao Jinbao invited them this time to be "witnesses"—to witness how he behaved Grab Song Zhichao's girlfriend.

Although the toy factory is small, there are many people who like to chew their tongues.

The reason why Zhao Jinbao staged this "Hongmen Banquet" was to make Song Zhichao confess to his face and give up Tian Xiaoli.Let everyone know that he, Zhao Jinbao, is a man of grace and heart, who pursued Tian Xiaoli in an open and honest manner, not a villain who digs people's corners.

"You came quite early." Song Zhichao pulled a chair and sat down, facing Zhao Jinbao, the love rival who had stolen his horse, with a calm expression and a calm demeanor.

Zhu Fugui didn't know whether to sit or not, he still stood.

Song Zhichao kicked the chair next to him, "What are you doing?"

Only then did Zhu Fugui smile foolishly, and sat down hesitantly.

Before Zhao Jinbao put on a grand gesture of inviting guests to dinner and asked everyone to order, Song Zhichao had already preemptively said: "I'm hungry, can I order something first?"

Zhao Jinbao held back the words full of the scene, and spit out two words: "Yes."

So Song Zhichao greeted the boss with the menu, quickly ordered eight hot and cold side dishes, seven bowls of chop suey noodles, and then asked everyone what to drink. The woman said Jianlibao, and the man said beer.

Song Zhichao ordered two cans of "Jianlibao", and then ordered a dozen "Pearl River" beer.

Watching Song Zhichao order food, ask for wine, and move skillfully, in one go, this scene gives people a weird feeling, as if he is the one who treats the guests today, not the one next to him who is wearing a double-breasted gray suit and has his hair parted in the middle , Zhao Jinbao dressed up straight.

Zhao Jinbao twisted his buttocks, and even felt a little stiff sitting on the chair.It's a strange feeling, originally I was going to give this kid a blow, but I became a "guest" instead.

Song Zhichao didn't feel the slightest bit strange about his anti-client attitude. In his last life, he was this kind of person who liked to seize the initiative. Whether it was in business or in making friends, he was known for his tyranny.

Before the cold and hot dishes came, the owner of Liji Food Stall had already started making chop suey noodles.He moved very quickly, put the cooked light yellow thick noodles in a bowl, poured a spoonful of beef brisket in soup, cut some cooked pork skin and braised sausage, and finally served two curry fish eggs and a few green vegetables Within 3 minutes, a bowl of fragrant chop suey noodles was brought to the table in front of Song Zhichao.

In fact, food stalls like this in the night market would hurry up and cook together when cooking, and someone next to them ordered noodles first, so the boss made Song Zhichao and his seven bowls of noodles together.

"Chop Suey Noodles" is very famous in the South, and even in Hong Kong, but what made it really famous is the movie "God of Cookery" by the future star. The phrase "failure in failure" has become a negative teaching material for "Chop Suey Noodles".

However, the bowls of noodles in front of me are very good. The beef brisket is fresh enough, the pork skin is strong enough, the pig blood is nourishing enough, and the radish is crisp enough. For [-] cents a bowl, it is absolutely delicious.

Song Zhichao drank alcohol yesterday, hurt his stomach, and didn't eat much all day. Facing the fragrant chop suey noodles in front of him, he couldn't help his appetite. Without waiting for Zhao Jinbao, the real master, to greet him, he said: "It's a little bit I’m hungry, I’m not welcome.” Picking up the chopsticks, I ate it with big mouthfuls. It looked very fragrant and delicious.

Zhu Fugui has always been "the brain listens to the stomach". What's more, his cousin Song Zhichao has already started to eat, so he just smiled foolishly and picked up the chopsticks to eat wildly. The soup splashed everywhere.

Yang Wei, Sun Ping and Feng Cuicui looked at me, I looked at you, and finally looked at Zhao Jinbao, wondering if they should move their chopsticks together.To be honest, they are really uncomfortable sitting here tonight, it's too awkward; but the more awkward they are, the more hungry they feel.

Zhao Jinbao was almost full of anger.

Is it really open to treat yourself tonight?

Do not!
It's for negotiation!
It's for the oath of sovereignty!
Declare that he is Tian Xiaoli's boyfriend!
But looking at the current scene, that wage earner Song Zhichao didn't take himself seriously at all.

With a bang, Zhao Jinbao burst into anger, he was suppressed too much tonight, the clay figurine was still angry, let alone him.

Zhao Jinbao's move startled the waiter who was serving the food, and also shocked Tian Xiaoli who was sitting next to him.

The three of Yang Wei didn't dare to breathe, let alone eating noodles with chopsticks.

Zhu Fugui was also taken aback, bit his face, and looked at Zhao Jinbao who was furious foolishly.

Only Song Zhichao was still picking up noodles with chopsticks, eating happily, as if he didn't see Zhao Jinbao get angry at all.

"Pu your old mother!" Zhao Jinbao angrily wiped back his smooth middle part.

"Song Zhichao, I invited you here tonight because I have something to discuss, not for dinner—you really think of yourself as a character, I'll give you a lung!" Out of anger, Zhao Jinbao directly spoke the words of his hometown.

Everyone around was silent. Zhao Jinbao was the manager of the production department of the factory and the brother-in-law of the factory director.

Tian Xiaoli finally had some conscience, she winked at Song Zhichao vigorously, and advised him to bow his head and admit his mistake, and then she would say a few nice words to round things up.

Only then did Song Zhichao seem to realize that something had happened. He put down the chopsticks in his hand, raised his head, stretched out his hand and wiped his mouth with a piece of paper towel, threw it under his feet, then looked at Zhao Jinbao, and asked slowly in Cantonese: "Where are you?" Talk to someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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