Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 4 004 [Which headshot technique is better]

Chapter 4 004 [Which headshot technique is better]

Zhao Jinbao had already been dazzled by anger, and when he saw Song Zhichao's detached and calm appearance, he became even more annoyed, and said, "Of course it's you! No, she won't be nice to you in the future!"

Song Zhichao was not angry, but looked at Tian Xiaoli and asked calmly, "What do you think?"

Tian Xiaoli froze for a moment, not because of hesitation, but because Song Zhichao suddenly made her feel a little strange, including his reaction, his eyes, his tone, his smile...

Tian Xiaoli didn't answer, she just moved her body towards Zhao Jinbao lightly, but the small gesture said everything.

Song Zhichao smiled, "Very well, then I will bless you all."

Looking at Song Zhichao who was still very calm, Zhao Jinbao became more and more annoyed for some reason.

"Bless us? Are you so kind? Go to the street, are you pretending to be indifferent and calm on the surface, but scolding us in your heart?" Zhao Jinbao sneered, "Also, let me tell you, you want to do Director, go dream! You can either continue to be a wage earner in the factory, or pack up and leave me!"

The amount of information in this passage is too large. For Song Zhichao, he already knew the inside story, so he didn't react too much; but for Yang Wei, Sun Ping and Feng Cuicui, it was like a nuclear bomb.

Song Zhichao can no longer be a supervisor!
He was brushed off!

So the money we lent out--
Faced with Zhao Jinbao's pressing repeatedly, Song Zhichao finally couldn't bear it anymore, raised his eyebrows, and said to him: "Zhao Jinbao, I think you did something wrong, you should have done something wrong. Let me eat this bowl of noodles quietly, and accept your favor; then you can cancel all such bad things as robbing me of my girlfriend and taking charge of me; as long as Tian Xiaoli can be happy with you, you will treat her sincerely. She, I can ignore everything. But your actions have disappointed me..."

After Song Zhichao finished speaking, he looked at Tian Xiaoli again.

"Don't you regret it? I know you think I'm poor and incompetent, that's why I found such a person. But for your real happiness, I still want to remind you that you may have misunderstood the person. A man doesn't If you don’t have stamina, you won’t be successful. Maybe he’s only at this height in his life, and all he can give you is this table of cheap meals, this cheap clothes, and his cheap temper.”

"What are you talking about? Who are you calling cheap?" Zhao Jinbao yelled, shaking with anger.I was actually despised by a wage earner, who said that I was worthless all my life.

But before Zhao Jinbao could make a move, someone had already rushed forward.

"Song Zhichao, how dare you insult Manager Zhao like this?" Yang Wei angrily pointed at Song Zhichao's nose and cursed. "You are a wage earner, how dare you talk to Manager Zhao in such a tone?"

For Yang Wei, this is an opportunity.

Song Zhichao was dismissed, and he had a chance to become a supervisor, as long as he could curry favor with Zhao Jinbao as his backer.

So Yang Wei yelled at Song Zhichao sparing no effort, "You haven't started drinking yet, I think you're already drunk. You really think of yourself as a boss, and you don't even pee in the mirror, how old are you?"

Just when Yang Wei stretched his neck and asked Song Zhichao who he was, Song Zhichao picked up the beer bottle on the dining table, grabbed Yang Wei's stretched neck, and slapped it on his forehead.

The wine bottle burst, and the wine spilled out. The shattered glass shards scratched Yang Wei's forehead, and the blood mixed with the beer foam flowed down.

Zhao Jinbao, who was full of anger, was completely taken aback by Song Zhichao's astonishing behavior.He has watched many Hong Kong movies in the video hall, such as "The True Colors of Heroes", "Heroes"... There are such headshot scenes in them. How terrible.

Will he give me a blow on the head too?
The corner of Zhao Jinbao's mouth twitched, a little scared.

Yang Wei was also dumbfounded by Song Zhichao's beer bottle. He didn't know he was beaten until the pain in his head came over.

The others, especially the two girls Tian Xiaoli and Feng Cuicui, stared wide-eyed, covered their mouths, and looked in disbelief at Song Zhichao, who was holding half a beer bottle in one hand.How did this cowardly, gentle guy become so cruel?

Song Zhichao didn't give Yang Wei a chance to yell at all. He stepped on the chair, picked Yang Wei's collar with his hands, stared down at his frightened eyes, and asked in his ear, "Do you know now?" How old am I!"

Yang Wei nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"You can call the police, but I probably won't be able to repay the one hundred yuan I lent you. You can also say thank you, because I have helped you a lot. You know what it means."

Yang Wei's eyes flickered and his whole body trembled, but what he was afraid of was not Song Zhichao's sudden ferocity, but his ability to see through his own mind.

That's right, I got hit on the head, this time I'm sure I can curry favor with Zhao Jinbao, speaking of which, I really want to thank Song Zhichao for such a powerful blow.

Song Zhichao let go of Yang Wei.

Yang Wei sat down on the chair, still in a daze, looking out of his wits.

Song Zhichao acted as if nothing had happened, he didn't seem to know that his crazy behavior just now frightened everyone around him.

He threw away half of the beer bottle in his hand, took out a piece of tissue to wipe his hands, and then said to Zhao Jinbao, Tian Xiaoli and others with a smile, "Actually, headshots are a technical job. Don't watch movies so much, it looks easy." , but it is actually very difficult to do. To master the strength and calculate the hardness of the head, the most important thing is that the two sides should cooperate closely, so that when the headshot is shot, it can be done in one go... Otherwise, a little It will almost kill the other party, or cause a concussion. Hey, why don’t you sit down, the food and drinks are already served, and if we don’t eat, it will be cheaper for the boss.”

Song Zhichao talked eloquently, as if just now he and Yang Wei cooperated tacitly in a play, and now they are summarizing the play.

After coughing, Zhao Jinbao sat down.

This is a lunatic, there is no need for me to be serious with him.

Tian Xiaoli also sat down.

Her eyes were blurred, she couldn't understand Song Zhichao at all.

Sun Ping and Feng Cuicui also sat down.

As a foil, they were a little at a loss.

Zhu Fugui also sat down.

Anyway, cousin Song Zhichao said he was fine, he was concerned about the food on the table, he was not full from the bowl of chop suey noodles just now.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

At this time, Song Zhichao suddenly smiled, and then said to Tian Xiaoli: "From now on, you must take care!"

In a word, concise and to the point.

Not too much embellishment, not too much sensationalism.

Only Tian Xiaoli can understand the meaning.

Wandering outside, lonely, lonely; having someone to protect each other, cuddling for warmth, the sense of fulfillment and security cannot be replaced by money; when this feeling is lost, it will not be like losing a thing or loss It's a pity that you don't want to spend some money, it's a hopeless emptiness.

Tian Xiaoli tried her best not to cry.

But she doesn't regret it.

Do not regret your choice.

If she had to choose again, she would still choose Zhao Jinbao instead of Song Zhichao.

At this moment, she knew that the love story between herself and Song Zhichao was completely over.

Song Zhichao caressed the wine glass lightly, his eyes burning.

He knew that his life story had just begun...

(End of this chapter)

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