Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 5 005 [Big Throat]

Chapter 5 005 [Big Throat]

"Song Zhichao, pay back the money!"

"Song Zhichao, return the money you borrowed from us!"

"Song Zhichao, come out!"

Outside the door of the dormitory, a group of workers shouted and yelled so loudly that they almost broke in.

The honest Zhu Fugui kept dissuading, "Calm down, calm down, Brother Chao will give you an explanation soon."

But at the instigation of Yang Wei, Sun Ping, and Feng Cuicui, the group of workers who lent money to Song Zhichao lost their rationality. They thought that if Song Zhichao could not become a supervisor, he would not be able to pay back their money.

I don't know who it was, but Zhu Fugui was pushed and shoved.

The chubby Zhu Fugui was pushed almost to the ground.His mouth was already stupid, and he didn't know what to say.

"It's useless to talk so much! Let Song Zhichao come out and let him give us an explanation!" Yang Wei, who still had a bandage on his head and looked like "One Ear" in "Black Cat Sheriff", urged loudly.

For the workers who lent money to Song Zhichao, they were all low-level wage earners. It was difficult to make money at ordinary times, but now they borrowed money but could not get it back. This was the biggest failure.

Zhu Fugui stood in front and wanted to defend Song Zhichao, but those people didn't listen to what he said, they kept pushing and shoving, which turned into punching and kicking. No matter how strong Zhu Fugui was, he couldn't stand it anymore.

at this time--
With a bang, a sharp watermelon knife slashed at the gate.

Everyone was frightened, staring at the trembling knife handle in a daze.

Song Zhichao bit a piece of watermelon, walked out, spit out a watermelon seed, glanced at everyone with lazy eyes, and said: "I will return the money to you! Give me three days, I will The 500 yuan owed to you will be returned in full. However, if any of you want it now, then the only thing I can give you is this knife."


Everyone looked at Song Zhichao stupidly.

In this era, 500 yuan is not a small amount, it is equivalent to 5 yuan in the future.But everyone also understands that Song Zhichao really has no money, and if he is in a hurry, he jumps over the wall, maybe he will go in with a white knife and come out with a red knife, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

As soon as Yang Wei saw Song Zhichao, he reflexively hid in the crowd. As the instigator of this incident, all he cared about was the 100 yuan he lent Song Zhichao.

Sun Ping and Feng Cuicui were quite bold. They looked at Song Zhichao, and finally said, "In three days, we will come to get our own money!"

Come fast, go fast.

A group of people flocked to it, but also dispersed.

Soon, all the people surrounding the door of Song Zhichao's dormitory disappeared.

Zhu Fugui looked at the leaving crowd stupidly, then turned to Song Zhichao and said, "Brother Chao, what should we do next?"

In fact, Zhu Fugui didn't say a lot to Song Zhichao.

Now the factory has issued a notice to expel Song Zhichao, and asked Song Zhichao to move out of the dormitory as soon as possible.

In addition, as Song Zhichao's cousin, Zhu Fugui was not spared. He was transferred from the original production workshop to the hardest warehouse and became a porter who worked hard.A mountain of toys is waiting for him to carry them.

Needless to say, these are Zhao Jinbao's secret tricks, but Song Zhichao and Zhu Fugui, as wage earners, have no ability to resist at all.

Song Zhichao seemed to have been hesitant about this for a long time. He was nervous at all, and handed half a slice of watermelon to Zhu Fugui, and asked with a smile, "Are you rich?"

Zhu Fugui hesitated for a moment and said, "There are one hundred."

After finishing speaking, he put down the watermelon, took out a paper bag from under the bedding, and opened it again and again until finally there was 100 yuan in it.

Song Zhichao Song Zhichao glanced at him, pointed to a shoe he had put on the ground, and said, "What's inside?"

Zhu Fugui picked up the shoes, pulled out the insole, and took out another hundred. He said bitterly to Song Zhichao, "No more." But his eyes were fixed on the flowered trousers he was hanging on.

"What's inside?" Song Zhichao pointed to his flowery trousers.

"In there..." Zhu Fugui had no choice but to take off his trousers with a bitter face, took out the 100 yuan sewn inside, and said, "I only have the last one hundred left, and I really don't have any."

"Not honest." Song Zhichao knocked on his forehead.

"The 300 yuan is the money I have saved for more than half a year, and it is used to build a house in my hometown." Zhu Fugui said with a bitter face, "But if you use it to pay off the debt, I will lend it to you first."

Song Zhichao glanced at Zhu Fugui with a sad face, took the money, and said gratefully: "Believe me, Agui, I will return the money to you soon. In addition, I promise you that if one day I become rich, I will give you back the money." Give you a big villa!"

Zhu Fugui smiled innocently, "I'll wait."

Although he was stupid, he knew very well that in his opinion, it was a dream.


Taking Zhu Fugui's 300 yuan life-saving money, Song Zhichao didn't go directly to the factory to find someone to pay back the money. Instead, he packed his Yanwu tape recorder, left the dormitory quickly, and went to find the most famous "Big Throat" in Panyu County.

"Big Throat" was a nickname for a man.

Everyone who works in Panyu knows him.

"Big Throat" is in the "pawn" business.This kind of business was severely cracked down after the establishment of the new ZG, and it was hailed as a cancer of "feudal ideology and exploitation". Almost all pawnbrokers disappeared.

However, with the reform and opening up, as well as the needs of the people's lives, especially the needs of wage earners to exchange cash, this business has secretly blossomed and prospered.

Song Zhichao spent ten yuan on a box of Butterfly cigarettes at a canteen selling alcohol, tobacco and miscellaneous goods.The market price of this kind of cigarette is seven yuan, but here it is three yuan more.The extra three yuan is of course an additional service, which is to tell Song Zhichao where "Big Throat" does business.

Song Zhichao took the cigarettes, walked around several alleys according to the location the boss said, and finally found the den of Big Throat's business amidst the dogs barking.

Pulling open the rolling gate, the big throat took a look at Song Zhichao who was carrying the satchel, and then threw a bone to the three wild dogs who barked the most. The three dogs began to grab the bone desperately, using both claws and claws without mercy.

"Come in!" Big Throat looked around vigilantly and said to Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao followed him into the house.

The place to do business is not big, and the ridiculous thing is that there is a slogan on the wall, "Insist on reform and opening up, focus on economic development."

Now that he is in this business, it can be seen that Big Throat has deeply understood the meaning of this sentence.

Three rows of aluminum alloy shelves are filled with all kinds of "trend gadgets" of this era.Rice cooker, pressure cooker, Walkman, VCR, karaoke, BB player, mobile phone, etc. It can be said that the most fashionable, advanced and cool things of this era can be found here.

A 14-inch small TV is playing the Hong Kong TV series "The Heroes of Shushan", starring Hong Kong stars Lijie Kwan, Aaron Kwok and Li Wanhua.Look at the rustling next to it, it turns out that it is the video tape of the TV series.

"Big Throat" is a man in his thirties, dressed in a sloppy manner, with a beard on the corner of his mouth, he licks his hands from time to time, making himself look like "Lu Xiaofeng".

"Is there anything you want to sell?" Big Throat glanced at Song Zhichao, said something in Cantonese, sat on the chair with half of his buttocks, shook his legs, picked up the mung bean paste next to the TV, and ate it, keeping his eyes on the TV , In the TV, "Shi Sheng" who became a blood demon is fighting against "Xuanyuan Fawang".

Song Zhichao didn't talk nonsense, and directly opened the satchel he brought, took out his brand new "Yanwu" brand radio, and placed it on the conspicuous counter.

"Look at this thing, how much is it worth?"

Big Throat just pressed the "pause button" of the video tape, and while eating mung bean paste, looked at the tape recorder Song Zhichao brought.

I touched the buttons of the tape recorder with my hands, opened the cassette, looked at it repeatedly, and said, "Hmm, it's quite new."

"How much can you pay?" Song Zhichao was straightforward, unwilling to waste time with the other party.

Big Throat laughed, put down the mung bean paste in his hand, and said, "Don't be so impatient. Do you have a shopping receipt for this tape recorder?"

With a snap, Song Zhichao showed the receipt and slapped it on the table, "I bought it for two hundred and eighty, and it's less than a month old."

Big Throat was a little surprised, "What are you doing? You still have an invoice and sell it?"

"I'm short of money." Song Zhichao said.

Big Throat laughed, "I know, you wouldn't come to me if you weren't short of money!"

Then he asked, "Sell it for 100 yuan?"

Song Zhichao didn't answer, he repacked the tape recorder and left.

Big Throat became anxious, "Okay, okay, I won't joke with you—one hundred and five, I'll take your stuff!"

Song Zhichao continued to pack.

Big Throat said again: "I'm so angry, what are you doing? Let's eat mung bean paste to reduce the fire first!"

With mung bean paste in his big throat, he stopped Song Zhichao who was packing to leave.

Song Zhichao put down his satchel and said to Big Throat: "I will let you earn the money, but the price you ask should not be too outrageous. One hundred and fifty, I will take as much as you have."

"Say you have a big temper, boss. You are not as impatient in business." Big Throat said with a smile, "I know you are in a hurry to wait for the money, the world is in a hurry, one hundred and eight, I will take this tape recorder. "

Song Zhichao laughed, and suddenly switched to Cantonese and said, "The minimum is two hundred, don't talk about it!"

Big Throat didn't expect this kid to speak Cantonese so fluently, and he gritted his teeth, "Are you going to eat me? You can't take this kind of stuff."

Song Zhichao snatched the mung bean paste from Big Throat's hand, swallowed it all in one gulp, and threw the empty bowl back to Big Throat, saying, "There's nothing to collect—but there's nothing to sell either!"

(End of this chapter)

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