Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 10 010 [Wolf from the North]

Chapter 10 010 [Wolf from the North]

Panyu is a magical place. There are 10,000+ migrant workers from the north, speaking with various accents. They come from eastern Shandong, southern Henan, central Sichuan, and Xiangchu, Qianzhou, etc., but the most The well-developed catering industry is not Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine or Henan cuisine in the north, but Cantonese cuisine in the south, especially the seafood imported from Hong Kong, which is the most famous and the most foreign style.

"Deep Sea Fishing Port" Seafood Restaurant is a chain restaurant imported from Hong Kong.

This store was first opened in Causeway Bay, the most prosperous business district in Wanchai, Hong Kong. Later, the owner of this store, Mr. Cha, opened chain stores in [-] districts of Hong Kong, and the business has been very good.However, Hong Kong is very expensive, and most of the money earned from catering is paid for the high rent of shops. With the reform and opening up of the Mainland, overseas investment is strongly supported. After thinking about it, Mr. Cha decisively closed many chain stores in Hong Kong and began to operate in the coastal areas of the Mainland. Invest in opening a store, and this Panyu seafood restaurant is one of them.

In Panyu, many people know how to enjoy themselves, especially those Hong Kong businessmen who like to dine in this fashionable restaurant.

Zhang Tiezhu, oh no, Brother Mark, since he wants to fully Hong Kongize himself, the place to eat must be on par with Hong Kong people, so this restaurant is his must-choice place to eat.

As the guests, Song Zhichao and Chen Jianjun arrived at the restaurant in advance. Looking around, the restaurant was decorated to look like a vast ship, and the parking lot was also designed in the shape of a pier.

At the gate, two girls in bright red and cheongsam were welcoming guests at the gate.Both girls are beautiful.In this day and age, women's make-up skills are not so superb. Generally, girls dress up very purely. At most, they put some rouge on their faces and lipstick on their mouths.

This kind of pure and reserved beauty made Song Zhichao feel very comfortable, so when one of the girls acted as the guide, took them to the private room, poured tea and water, and served enthusiastically, Song Zhichao generously rewarded the other party with five yuan , and said thank you.

The girl was a little dazed. The customers she served all the time were Hong Kong people. Those Hong Kong people looked very polite and qualified, but they looked down on them from the mainland. Even if someone tipped them, it was only one or two yuan. , the richer you are, the more you pick and choose. It's not like Song Zhichao is so generous.

Seeing her in a daze, Song Zhichao knew that she didn't dare to accept money, so he looked at her nameplate, then pointed to the karaoke equipment in the private room and said, "Is that right Xiaoqian? If you feel embarrassed, just help me put this Tune in, I want to sing."

It turns out that the private rooms of this restaurant are very stylishly designed, especially the private room called "Fugui Hall", which has added very fashionable karaoke equipment, allowing guests to enjoy singing while eating.Of course, booking such a private room also costs a lot of money.

While Xiaoqian was busy arranging karaoke, Song Zhichao had already untied his tie and took off the bright red suit he had been wearing for almost a day.Another waitress who was in charge of ordering food had seen Song Zhichao's generosity earlier, and took the initiative to help him hang up his clothes.Song Zhichao nodded to her to express his thanks, and then sat down calmly. The waitress handed him a warm towel with a towel holder. "Brother Jun, karaoke is ready, do you want to have a song?"

Chen Jianjun shook his head, "Stop teasing me, I can't sing, it's like killing a pig."

"That's full of confidence——beautiful girl, order a piece of Qi Qin's "Wolf" for my elder brother."

Song Zhichao is not randomly ordering songs for Chen Jianjun. You must know that in this era, especially at Chen Jianjun's age, nine out of ten like to listen to Qi Qin's songs, and most men like this song "Wolf". He can sing and shout at the top of his voice.No one is ashamed, the wolf chant, isn't it just howling the wolf.

Karaoke in this era is used to sing along with old-fashioned tapes. Every time a song is ordered, the tape must be reversed to the part that needs to be ordered, which is very cumbersome.However, Xiaoqian's movements were swift, and she quickly found Qi Qin's "Wolf".

Chen Jianjun was overwhelmed by Song Zhichao's instigation, so he took the microphone and sang along to the music with some awkwardness.

Not to mention, he said that he couldn't sing well, but when he opened his mouth, he still had that wild taste.

The two little sisters next to him started to applaud him.

Men are easily motivated by women.

The same goes for Chen Jianjun.

With such two little sisters applauding him, his spirits came up; besides, the person they were waiting for hadn't arrived yet, so it was not a matter of sitting still.What's more, since I have paid for this high-end private room, I will not play for nothing.

"I am a wolf from the north, walking in the boundless wilderness, the stern north wind is blowing, and the long yellow sand is passing by..."

Chen Jianjun sang more and more vigorously, and almost forgot what he was doing here.

With a smile on his face, Song Zhichao tapped on the table with his fingers to beat him, as if he was absorbed in listening; but when he picked up the teacup to drink tea, his eyes showed a trace of absent-mindedness.

Just when the private room was busy, the door of the private room was knocked and pushed open, and a waiter ushered two people in.

A man and a woman.The man is about [-] years old, holding a big brother and a big phone in his hand, wearing a gray and black windbreaker that is very popular in Hong Kong, the kind that Xiao Ma wears in "The True Colors of a Hero", and his hairstyle is also combed back. The bright Moss was only wearing sunglasses and holding a toothpick in his mouth, otherwise he really thought that Brother Ma had smuggled to Panyu.

That girl is good-looking, well-dressed, and her style is comparable to Miss Xia, the proprietress of the "Red Rose Hair Salon". She also has dark circles, big red lips, wavy hair, and big plastic earrings, but she doesn't wear a bat shirt. She was wearing a low-cut short skirt, which made her look more sexy and charming.

As soon as the man entered the door, he said in Cantonese: "Sorry, we are late!"

Song Zhichao got up without being greeted by Chen Jianjun, offered to give up his seat to the man, and said, "Brother Mark, my name is Song Zhichao, please give me your advice!"

Mark shook hands with Song Zhichao, put his big brother on the table majesticly, then took off the windbreaker, handed it to the coquettish woman beside him, stared at Song Zhichao, looked weird, and said after a long time: "I like it very much." Where did you get your hair done?"

Song Zhichao asked him to sit down and said, "I just did it today. If Brother Mark likes it, I'll introduce you."

Mark laughed loudly, pointed at Song Zhichao and said, "Smart boy, you can see through at one point. I will leave the address later, and I will make one another day." He touched his big back with his hand, "I thought this The hairstyle is cool enough, it can't compare to yours!"

"Brother Mark likes to joke, for a character like you, any clothes and hairstyle are enough to be majestic."

"Hahaha, you can talk, and I like you more and more." Mark fumbled in his pocket to find a cigarette, but the cigarette was put in the windbreaker.

Before the coquettish woman went to get a cigarette, Song Zhichao had already taken out his Butterfly cigarette and handed it to brother Mark.

Brother Mark looked at it, but didn't smoke it. He took the cigarette handed over by the alluring woman with his backhand, held it in his hand and said to Song Zhichao, "Sorry, I'm used to Aberdeen cigarettes."

Song Zhichao smiled, and instead struck a match to help him light the cigarette, "The health cards in Aberdeen Tobacco, Marlboro, and Sanwu are all good."

"Know the goods! So the things produced in Hong Kong are good." Mark felt that he had found a confidant.

Song Zhichao smiled and said nothing.Hong Kong does not produce cigarettes at all, basically all are imported.

Chen Jianjun greeted the waiter to serve the dishes, and ordered the requirements for some special dishes, which were basically all Mark's tastes and preferences. As a middleman, he had fulfilled his duty.When Song Zhichao talked with Mark, he kept his mouth shut.When the cold scene came down, he hurriedly opened his mouth to warm up the scene.

Here, Mark introduced the coquettish woman next to him to Song Zhichao and the two, saying that the woman's name is "Anna", the Chinese pronunciation is "Anna", and she is his girlfriend.

In fact, Chen Jianjun had already quietly told Song Zhichao that this woman was actually a well-known courtesan in Panyu County. Her Chinese name was "Xu Zhaodi", and she changed her name after dating Mark.

Song Zhichao heard it in his ears and remembered it in his heart.

Sometimes it is easier to convince a woman than to convince a man.

Song Zhichao noticed that the coquettish woman had been sitting quietly beside her, but her eyes were casually looking at the earrings of the waitress who served them.

Those earrings look like they were made by themselves, they are not sold in the market, and I don’t know what materials to use to weave them. They look colorful and very beautiful.

After thinking about it, Song Zhichao turned sideways, hooked the back with his fingers, called the waitress, and whispered something in her ear.

The waitress then went out.

(End of this chapter)

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