Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 9 009 [Cool and cool]

Chapter 9 009 [Cool and cool]

As a foreigner working hard in Panyu, only Chen Jianjun knows how hard and tiring it is.People here bully students, if you have no skills, you will not be able to gain a firm foothold.Some people say that Chen Jianjun is able to open such a foreign-style video studio here because of his relative who works in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, but in fact most of his success is due to himself.

No matter how good a jockey is, a racehorse cannot win the race if it cannot run fast.And Chen Jianjun is the kind of thoroughbred racehorse who likes to work hard secretly and run fast.

He succeeded, although it was only a small success, but it was not easy.Looking back, he has helped many fellow villagers. As long as you meet him and say "I am from Central Plains", Chen Jianjun will help you a lot.

Of course, this kind of help is not selfless. Although you are a fellow, you still need to express your feelings and introduce you to electronics factories, toy factories, clothing cities, and shoe factories. For you, I will give you three or five yuan. , or buy a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of wine or something.

But among the many people Chen Jianjun helped, none of them was as courageous as Song Zhichao, who entrusted all his wealth to Chen Jianjun the first time they met.This made Chen Jianjun look at Song Zhichao with admiration.

Although Chen Jianjun has never read any books, he loves to read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", whether it is a novel or a TV series, so he respects the heroic characters in it, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan... He thinks such people are dry For big things, you have courage and courage.But now, he felt that Song Zhichao was the kind of person who could do big things. This was an intuition.

Chen Jianjun called someone to help him watch the video hall, and he had never worked so hard to do something.In the past, he basically didn't do much to help fellow villagers find jobs or something, but just sent a message, and he didn't put in as much effort as he does now.

Song Zhichao didn't seem to be worried at all that Chen Jianjun lied to him, took the money, didn't do anything, and finally drove him away.He leisurely went into the video room to watch the video.

I have to say that the internal facilities of the video hall are really good, at least not as smoky as other video halls.Few people smoke, and those who sit and watch the videos are basically couples dressed in fashion. In addition to a little tobacco smell, there is also a smell of jasmine in the air.Song Zhichao speculated that it might be the kind of air freshener commonly used in hotels. From this, it can be seen that Chen Jianjun is very willing to invest in his video room.

Finding a seat to sit down, Song Zhichao looked at the Plum Blossom brand watch with luminous light that he was wearing. It was still early, only three o'clock in the afternoon.

At this moment, the Hong Kong martial arts film "The Gambler" is playing in the video hall. The male protagonist "Zuo Songxing" played by Master Xing fights against the Hong Kong gambling king "Hong Ye".This is also the last climax of the play. The reversed plot, coupled with the explosive soundtrack, can easily mobilize the audience's hormones.

Song Zhichao had watched this drama countless times in his previous life, and he was no longer interested in watching it again.

However, when Song Zhichao was doing business in Hong Kong in his previous life, those Hong Kong bosses told him a lot of gossip about Hong Kong celebrities in order to curry favor with him.

For example, Zhou Xingchi was also crazy when he was young, not as taciturn and not talkative as he was later.Back then, before he became popular, he worked as a host on a TV station, and went to a bar in Hong Kong for entertainment after work.Unexpectedly, after drinking for three rounds, Zhou Xingchi started to drink madly and smashed the tables and chairs in the bar.However, the bar was where the Hong Kong club He Shenghe was sitting in front of "Bao Ming". As a result, Zhou Xingchi was severely beaten.

Later, Zhou Xingchi became popular with this "The Holy Gambler". When he was filming the sequel "The Holy Gambler 2: SH Beach Gambler", He Shenghe's Bao Ming was cooperating with Xiang Huaqiang to make a movie, which was also the film. Therefore, Zhou Xingchi specially invited Bao Ming to play the role of a croupier. One of the lines was: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou, it's not your turn yet."From then on, whenever Master Xing was filming, as long as it was Bao Ming's location, he could get a lot of special attention.

Song Zhichao was distracted, and when he came back to his senses, the video had already been changed to another Hong Kong movie.Just leaning on the chair and watching the video, Song Zhichao couldn't help feeling sleepy.


Unknowingly, it was around [-] o'clock in the evening. As night fell, the business of the video hall began to pick up. Especially some young people from the mixed society, and some wage earners who got off work also poured into the video hall. It seemed empty at first. The hall was soon full of people.

Song Zhichao looked at his watch again. It was past nine o'clock, and there was still no news of Chen Jianjun.

Chen Jianjun seemed to disappear, and the ticket seller at the door was replaced by a middle-aged woman who was tall and rough. She was Chen Jianjun's wife, her name was Aping, and she was mainly in charge of selling tickets at the night market.

Song Zhichao has always been a very patient person.

He still trusted Chen Jianjun.

Another hour passed quickly, and it was 10:30 in the evening.

At this time, the movie viewing peak was reached, and those wage earners who watched the video began to shout habitually: "Boss, change the movie!"

This is the "jargon" of opening a video studio. The audience wants to watch colorful videos, and they are tired of watching Hua Tsai and Fa Ge, and want to watch Charlie Cao and Xu Jinjiang.

Normally, Chen Jianjun, who is very good at business, would come out and change the film to calm everyone's emotions, but this time he didn't show up.His wife who sells tickets came out and said that her husband had released the film, but she couldn't find it, and she didn't know where it was stuffed.

The audience broke out, whistled, slapped chairs, and clamored for a refund.

Just then, Chen Jianjun came back.

But when he came back, Chen Jianjun didn't change the film directly, but handed over the matter to his wife. He had more important things to do.

Chen Jianjun found Song Zhichao, dragged him to a quiet place outside, and said with a serious expression: "A Chao, I've already done it for you, and I'll go to the nearby 'Deep Sea Fish Port' restaurant for dinner at eleven o'clock." 'Wan Zai Chi'. I have used your money to book a table and drink, and the total cost is two hundred and three. Promise, there is still 70 yuan left."

After Chen Jianjun finished speaking, he was about to return the remaining 70 yuan to Song Zhichao, but Song Zhichao waved his hand and said, "Brother Jun, I will never take back the money I sent out. Besides, you have helped me so much. That’s what’s on my mind.”

Chen Jianjun was not too polite, so he took the money and said with a smile: "I saw the right person, you are generous, this favor is not in vain!"

Next, Chen Jianjun revealed some news about Mark to Song Zhichao.It turns out that this Mark is not a native of Yangcheng, but a migrant worker many years ago, and he came from the corner of the mountain city in Zhongshu.It's just that this person was lucky, and he got an investor from Hong Kong, and now he has become the big boss of the dance hall.In order to cover up his sour taste, Mark has put in a lot of effort to learn Cantonese, pretending to be a Hong Kong person, and even changed his name from the rustic "Zhang Tiezhu" to the foreign-style Mark brother.

In the end, Chen Jianjun told Song Zhichao, "This Mark brother is good at everything, but he hates others to laugh at him the most. Remember, talk to him about fashion, the more fashionable the better!"

Song Zhichao smiled, let a cigarette pass by, and put one in his mouth, "Don't worry! I can't guarantee anything else. When it comes to the most fashionable thing at the moment, I will be the second, and no one will dare to be the first." !"

Chen Jianjun originally wanted to refute, but he took a look at Song Zhichao's cool and unique "Mohawk" hairstyle, and this red suit that could be made into a "young master", swallowed and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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