Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 8 008 [Watch and help each other]

Chapter 8 008 [Watch and help each other]

Seeing that Sister Xia didn't believe what he said, Song Zhichao didn't explain too much, but just took out ten yuan, stuffed it into Sister Xia's chest, and said, "Tell me, this is yours."

Ten yuan in this era is not a small sum.We must know that in this era, the monthly salary of many people is only tens of dollars.

Sister Xia didn't expect Song Zhichao to be so generous with his hands, she immediately smiled like a flower, stuffed the money into her chest, and said, "Not only are you pretty, but you are also very good at being a man. Let me tell you, if you want three It is not impossible to earn [-] a day, as long as you go to Brother Mark."


"That's right, he is the big boss of Pan Yu's 'Caesar Song and Dance Hall'. I heard that he has a lot of wrists. Many people ask him for a living. Many people can even earn hundreds of dollars a month." Sister Xia said with a smile.She still doesn't believe in earning [-] yuan in three days. To be precise, it's hell only if she believes it.

"Then how can we find him? Go to the dance hall?" Song Zhichao didn't explain.

"Of course not. He likes watching videos the most. He even got his foreign name Mark from watching videos... You can go to the Thunder Video Hall on Heping Street and look for him, and you will definitely be able to find him."

"Thank you! The workmanship is good. If I have time, I will do the haircut." Song Zhichao stretched out his hand to pick up the suit on the hanger, put on a cigarette, and put it on.

Seeing his handsome appearance, sister Xia couldn't help but feel excited, bit her lips lightly and said, "Next time I come, I don't want your money."

Song Zhichao put on his clothes, turned around, stuffed a half-smoked cigarette into Sister Xia's mouth, and said, "If you don't want my money, I won't dare to come."

Sister Xia became shy, "Then take half."

Song Zhichao smiled and said nothing.


The Leiting Video Hall is on Heping Street; and Heping Street is seven or eight miles away from Song Zhichao's current location.

Song Zhichao was wearing a famous brand, so of course he wouldn't walk there just to save a few dollars.Looking around, there are many tricycle masters parked on the roadside on a hot day. They are responsible for carrying passengers and moving goods.

Generally speaking, tricycle masters charge passengers 3 cents or 5 cents for one kilometer;In addition to men, there are even many women among these people. They are not high-tech, and they only need strength. As long as they get a three-wheeler, they can start business immediately.

However, Song Zhichao glanced around, but fell on a yellow van not far away. A fat driver was opening the door and smoking with one leg outside.

This is the taxi in 1990, also known as "face".

In fact, in Panyu, in addition to the "Dafa" brand noodles, there are also "Xiali" brand sedan chairs; but Xialila has never been able to compete with Dafa. From 7 cents to 1 yuan per kilometer, and now to 1 yuan and 3 cents per kilometer, it can be said that the price is low, and it satisfies the vanity desire of many people.

Song Zhichao was afraid of the sun, so he skipped those tricycles and waved directly at the yellow-faced one.

The fat smoking driver's eyes are very sharp. Years of driving experience has trained him to see all directions, so the first time Song Zhichao waved to him, he snuffed out the unfinished cigarette with his fingers and put it in the cigarette case , then close the door, turn on the ignition, and drive over.

Song Zhichao reported where he was going, put on his sunglasses, and put on his face.


The master driver ran around in this area, he was familiar with the road, and he pulled Song Zhichao to the door of the "Thunder Video Hall" with almost no turns.

In this era, video halls and game halls are the most profitable side businesses.But to do such a business, you must have a background, otherwise you will not be able to open it at all.

In particular, video halls opened from the street to the end of the street, from big cities to small counties in the era when Hong Kong films were flooding.The grade of the video hall is also gradually improved, from the general coquettish small black room with a musty smell, to the mid-to-high-end couple booths with the smell of perfume, and then to the later laser cubicle, it can be said that the video room The evolution history of the hall is the evolution history of Chinese film culture.

"Thunder Video Hall" is a medium-to-high-end video hall. Not only is the facade decorated magnificently, making it look like a movie theater, but there are also the latest couple booths inside, which can provide a series of high-end services such as coffee and tea. .

The deafening special effects sound of "hum ha ha ha" from martial arts movies came from his ears, and he looked up at the huge neon signboard flashing in this video room, and Song Zhichao walked in with his legs.

The doorman was a shrewd middle-aged man named Chen Jianjun. Everyone liked to call him "Da Jun" or "Brother Jun".He is the boss here and also the waiter here.

Opening the video hall only accepts cash, and outsiders can't trust it except for their own people.Chen Jianjun is the same, he likes to do everything by himself, selling tickets, running errands, giving people melon seeds, drinks, coffee and tea, all done by himself.

To be able to open such a high-quality video studio, the background must not be simple.In fact, this is indeed the case. Although Chen Jianjun is not a local, there are relatives in his family who work in the local industrial and commercial bureau, and he is also a moderate official. In addition, Chen Jianjun himself is very good at life, and he is a fine person. This video The business of the hall is getting more and more prosperous.

As soon as Chen Jianjun saw Song Zhichao, he hurried forward to greet him and asked if he wanted to watch the video.

Song Zhichao took off his sunglasses and didn't answer immediately. Instead, he took a bottle of Jianlibao, opened it and took a few sips. When he felt comfortable drinking, he smiled and said, "Isn't the elder brother a local?"

"I'm from the Central Plains."

"Oh, what a coincidence, me too."

When the fellow sees the fellow, tears well up.

Immediately, the relationship became much closer.

"Since you're a fellow townsman, I'll give you half the price for watching the movie, and you'll get [-] cents for the other people." Chen Jianjun was straightforward.

Song Zhichao smiled, "I don't watch the video, I'll find someone."

"Looking for someone?" Chen Jianjun was taken aback, but this kind of thing is also common in the video room.Many times, a guy abducts someone else's daughter and comes here to make love, and the parents will come here and say that they want to break the other party's dog legs.There is also a girlfriend who has been pried by someone, and she will come here, maybe there is a knife pinned to her waist.

Chen Jianjun looked at Song Zhichao from left to right. He was wearing a fashionable red suit, a watch, and a long wallet. He looked handsome and personable. He looked like a "prince" in Hong Kong movies. That's too much to justify.

"I want to find Brother Mark, the big boss of Caesars Dance Hall." Song Zhichao put down Jianlibao, took out a cigarette and handed it to Chen Jianjun.

Chen Jianjun was startled, took the cigarette hesitantly and said, "What do you want from him?"

Song Zhichao took out a match, struck a match, helped Chen Jianjun light his cigarette, and said, "Ask him for a job."

Chen Jianjun understood that as long as there is a person in Pan Yu, no one knows that Brother Mark has great energy and skills, and can help people find jobs with high salaries.

"But..." Chen Jianjun looked Song Zhichao up and down, "You are not kidding me, are you? No matter how you look at it, you are not the kind of person who can't find a job."

Song Zhichao held a cigarette between his fingers, plucked his ear with his little finger, and said with a smile, "The situation forced me to lose my job just now, and I'm short of money."

Chen Jianjun smoked, "Then what did you do before?"

Song Zhichao showed a smiling face and said, "Boss, please give me some privacy."

Chen Jianjun also smiled, "Okay, I'll give you privacy—but you should let me know what you know and know."

"Both civil and military - can do anything, can do anything, but lacks a chance."

"not kidding?"

"With my expression and appearance, do I seem to be joking?" Song Zhichao flicked the ash between his cigarettes.

Chen Jianjun nodded, "Indeed, your appearance is very good. As for whether you are joking, I will find out soon. But I still have to say, you are the most stinky person I have ever seen!"

"Thank you, Brother Jun, for your compliment. In this day and age, you can't live without farts or madness!"

"You also said that you missed a little..."


"Without money, you don't even have a chance to stinky fart!"

"Understood! How much does Brother Jun want?"

"Three hundred! I'll arrange it for you, and I'll let you see brother Mark!"

"Deal!" Song Zhichao opened his wallet, took out 300 yuan without hesitation, and handed it to Chen Jianjun. "This is all my wealth, you use it!"

How much is 300 yuan in such an era? It is enough to buy a black and white TV set and feed a rural family for a year.Song Zhichao did not hesitate to take it out and hand it to Chen Jianjun.Even Chen Jianjun was a little surprised by this courage, after all, it was the first time the two met, and the conversation was only a few words.

Looking at the 300 yuan, Chen Jianjun didn't take it immediately, but squinted his eyes and stared at Song Zhichao: "You trust me that much?"

"I'm not trusting you, I'm betting that you won't lie to me."


"Because I called you Brother Jun, because you are my fellow!"

Chen Jianjun took the money from Song Zhichao's hand, and said, "I'm sorry for you, I'm committed to your friend! Go in and watch the video first—wait for my news!"

No one knew what Chen Jianjun was thinking at the moment.

But in this utilitarian south, the word "villager" is not only a fellow villager, a person from the same place, but also another meaning, which is called "watching and helping each other"!
(End of this chapter)

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