Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 7 007 [The most expensive one]

Chapter 7 007 [The most expensive one]

Mr. Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Hong Kong, once said, "idleness makes people rusty".

Therefore, in this place of Panyu, in order to prevent people from "rusting their minds", many restaurants were opened to accommodate "loafers", such as billiard rooms, game halls, video halls, and ice rinks.

It is also said that whether a place is prosperous or not depends on whether its entertainment industry is open or not.

Then there is no doubt that Panyu in this era is prosperous and the entertainment industry is open. Just those hairdressing huts that make you linger under the night, and the passionate girls in the huts, can witness the amazing openness of this area.

However, Song Zhichao knew that these hair salons were not the place for him to go. What he needed to go to was a technical shop that could actually do hair.

Therefore, after observing for a while, Song Zhichao went directly to the "Red Rose Hair Salon" that looked like the most upscale on the street in the county seat.

As soon as I entered the room, I heard a pleasant singing voice. When I listened carefully, it was "Passing Through the Coffee House" sung by Qian Baihui:
"Every time I walk past this cafe
Can't help but slow down
You and I met here for the first time

It opened the prelude to mutual joy..."

Looking inside again, wow, there are a lot of people sitting, about four or five, basically all young people, all of them are very fashionable, two of them are lying on the bed washing their hair, and the other is being washed. Trim hair.

Like many hairdressing salons, there are many hairdressing posters of Hong Kong and Taiwan stars posted on the walls of this shop, the most conspicuous ones are Hong Kong's "Four Heavenly Kings".

It can be said that in the early 90s, the Hong Kong typhoon drove the boys' love for beauty. The "Four Heavenly Kings hairstyles" can be found everywhere. Coupled with the popular rock and roll trend, long hair has become what boys most want to try when they grow up. image.

Of course, girls' hairstyles are also designed after various popular stars.Haircuts are certainly not cheap either.One piece, two yuan, it’s all for pediatrics, sometimes it will cost you half a month’s salary for a cold perm, wave perm, etc. If the idols are aligned, that can be regarded as hard work.

Generally speaking, fashion hairdressing salons are one of the most prosperous businesses in this year.

Seeing a guest come in, a girl with fashionable curly hair and thick dark circles greeted her with bubble gum blowing in her mouth, and asked, "Do you want to wash your hair or cut it?"

Song Zhichao didn't even look at her, but glanced around the room, "Where's your boss?"

The girl with dark circles was taken aback, as if she didn't understand what Song Zhichao did and why she was looking for the boss, but seeing that Song Zhichao was wearing a famous brand and an extraordinary appearance, she didn't dare to neglect her, so she said, "The boss is in the back room."

Song Zhichao nodded, "Let him come out and help me do the head." After finishing speaking, he found a seat directly, sat down calmly, took out a Butterfly cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and smoked it.

The girl with dark circles was stunned for a while, and didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she went to the back room to call the boss.

Soon, the owner of the store came out, a coquettish-looking woman with heavy makeup.He is only 27 or [-] years old, wearing a bat shirt and bodybuilding pants that are very fashionable nowadays; he has watery peach blossom eyes and very red lips, especially those two big plastic earrings, which are even more eye-catching.

"Little boy, do you want me to be the head?" The female boss is a local and speaks Cantonese.

"I heard that you have good skills, so come join me!" Song Zhichao said with a smile, then opened the cigarette case he was playing with in his hand, and let it go, "What about some cigarettes?"

The female boss didn't give in, she reached out and took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and said, "Excuse me." She bent down, lowered her head, and approached Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao could clearly see and smell the perfume she sprayed on her body.Well, this kind of perfume should be "Parisian Night" by "Bai Zihua", also known as "Night Paris". The price is not low in this era, and it seems that the female boss has quite a taste.

With the cigarette butt facing the cigarette butt, and lighting it, the female boss straightened up, held the cigarette between her fingers, put it in her mouth, squinted her eyes, and said charmingly, "Everyone calls me Sister Xia, what do you call a pretty girl?"

"You can just call me Achao."

"So it's Chaozi, giggling." Sister Xia laughed wildly, trembling all over, and the eyes of the two men who were doing hair next to her almost fell out.

"Ask sister Xia to help with the head, okay?" Song Zhichao asked again.

"Okay! It's not impossible to let me be the head, but the price should be a little more expensive!" Sister Xia held a cigarette between her fingers and exhaled a curl of smoke towards Song Zhichao.

"How expensive is it?"

"The cheapest is three yuan."

"Where is the most expensive?"

"Then it will cost ten yuan."

Song Zhichao didn't talk nonsense, he took out ten yuan from the handbag he was holding, "here is the most expensive one!"


Of course, the most expensive haircuts will not be made in the store, and they will be done in a grand manner.

Song Zhichao was invited to the inner room by sister Xia.

It was a small room with a great atmosphere, and the tape recorder softly played Teresa Teng's song "Sweet Honey"——
"Sweet, you smile sweetly; like flowers bloom in the spring breeze, bloom in the spring breeze..."

The color tone of the room is pink, representing warmth and ambiguity.Simple tables and chairs, teacups on the table, can provide tea and coffee, the coffee is the kind of brew, many people can drink it in the bathhouse.

In addition, there is a very comfortable massage bed.

At this moment, Song Zhichao was lying on the bed, and sister Xia went to bed skillfully, massaged him and stepped on his back.These are all included in the ten yuan fee. For Song Zhichao, it is not for nothing.

However, when Sister Xia crossed the line, Song Zhichao quickly grabbed Sister Xia's hand that wanted to be a monster, turned his face and said to her: "This is unnecessary...I have something to do later. to ask you."

Sister Xia giggled and said, "I knew you were not a serious leader!"

Song Zhichao said: "I'm really serious --- why don't you give me a 'Mohawk' first!"

Sister Xia put her hips on her hips, raised her chest, and smiled, "My mother debuted at the age of 13 and opened a shop at the age of 28. She has been doing beauty and hairdressing for more than ten years. She has done more hair than you have ever kicked. What kind of hair have you never seen? What kind of hairstyle I haven't heard of it, but I just haven't heard of Mohawk!"

What is mohawk?In fact, the hair on the sides is shaved very short, and the hair on the top of the head is fluffy and messy.This hairstyle can show personality and fashion, and has always been a great tool for boys to dress up.

In the previous life, many Chinese and foreign stars had a soft spot for Mohawk hairstyles for boys. Short and broken hairstyles for boys can fully reveal the shape of their faces, making them more refreshing and attractive, and at the same time, it is undoubtedly possible to make themselves look more attractive. more confident.

According to Song Zhichao's request, Sister Xia looked in the mirror and cut him a hairstyle with slightly longer hair in the middle with hair cutting tools, combed it back together, and shaved both sideburns short to reveal a serious face. Sister Xia looked at Song Zhichao. He froze for three seconds.

Is this the hairstyle you cut yourself?
"Lose your old mother, you're so handsome!" Sister Xia couldn't help but swear.

"I know I'm pretty, so I don't need your compliments, Miss Xia. Now I have another question to ask you." Song Zhichao bent over, holding a cigarette in one hand, and rubbing his head in front of the mirror with the other hand.He's happy with the hairstyle, and now it's time to get down to business.

Sister Xia just remembered that Song Zhichao seemed to have another purpose in coming here.

"You ask. As long as I know, I'll tell you. After all, I have to treat your ten dollars." Sister Xia has professional ethics.

"I want to find a job, who do I need?"

"Looking for a job? There are everywhere here—it's very easy to find introductions from fellow villagers and intermediaries."

"It's not the same. I ask for a high salary."

"How high is it? One hundred, two hundred, or three hundred?" Sister Xia wondered.

"Ten thousand." Song Zhichao said.

Miss Xia's face froze.

"Ten thousand in three days." Song Zhichao added after puffing on his cigarette.

Sister Xia was not stunned, but stupid.

"Go to hell! Isn't it interesting to talk like this?" If Song Zhichao didn't look like ordinary people, sister Xia would have almost kicked him.

I've never seen such a shameless person.

1 yuan for three days, if so, which one is your turn?

(End of this chapter)

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