Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 100 100 [The beginning of the war]

Chapter 100 100 [The beginning of the war]

Regal Bowling Alley, Leisure Area——
Cheng Fafa ordered some ice cubes for Niu Xiong to apply a cold compress to his injured face.

Niu Xiong covered his face with ice cubes, and asked Cheng Fa: "Young Master Cha looks crazy, but he's not a fool. He lends us money, what good can he do for himself?"

"Benefits? He doesn't like these petty benefits. He just does it for fun." Cheng Dafa said after taking a sip of Fanta soda.


"His thoughts are all in Hong Kong, and I heard that he will go back soon." Cheng Fafa hesitated for a moment, but still said the whole thing, "So we have to count as much as we can before he leaves."

Niu Xiong nodded, "Willing to lend us money without charging interest, this young master is much better than a bank."

"It's good that you know." Cheng Fada continued, "Zhongyou, my toy factory expanded production, acquired the factory area, and the Broadway dance hall that is currently being built is all invested by Cha Shao. To me, he is the god of wealth."

"I understand. From now on, I will definitely serve this Young Master Cha well." Niu Xiong said in his mouth, but in his heart he hated Cha Yongxiao for beating him, his teeth itching.

"I don't care if your words are sincere or just to deal with it, I tell you that you must not offend him before my matter is completed!" Cheng Dafa's tone became more serious, "Otherwise, you and my brothers Nothing to do!"

Niu Xiong didn't say a word, but lowered his head.

Cheng Fafa's tone slowed down, he played with the bottle of Fanta soda, and asked Niu Xiong, "By the way, what's going on at Dahai Toy Factory recently?"

Niu Xiong raised his head and said, "The situation is not good."

In fact, rumors about the Dahai Toy Factory, the female factory director Haitang, and the representative of Wanda have already spread all over the world, and only Cheng Fafa is absorbed in opening the ballroom and the bowling alley, so he doesn't know anything.

Who is Cheng Fafa? He knew something had happened when he saw Niu Xiong's expression, so he asked unhurriedly, "What happened?"

Niu Xiong hesitated for a moment, and then told Cheng Dafa the rumors about the spread of Pan Yu recently.

When I heard that Haitang might have been messed up by that Wanda representative, otherwise I wouldn't have placed such a big order; taking a step back, even if it didn't, it depends on the situation.

The most important thing is that I heard that Haitang is also interested in that person.

Cheng Fada's eyes were fierce, and veins popped out of his hand holding the Fanta soda bottle.

"These are all rumors, and I don't know if it's true or not, but I think he's tired of the woman who dares to make a fuss in the street!"

Niu Xiong hadn't finished speaking when he saw Cheng Fafa pick up a soda bottle and shatter it on a track, splashing glass shards, which made the unlucky guy who was bowling on that track tremble in fright, and was about to yell when he turned around, but saw the vicious Niu Xiong shut up.

The others were also taken aback, and Zha Yongxiao, who was playing, was also taken aback, but he took a look at Cheng Fafa and laughed, "I didn't expect this mangy dog ​​to have a temper."

The person who waited on him hurriedly said: "No matter who you have been with for a long time, you will have a temper!"

Cha Yongxiao grabbed the bowling ball and threw it out, his eyes flashed coldly, and he said in his mouth: "They call it temper, but I call it personality!"

With a bang, another beautiful "full hit".


Niu Xiong handed over a tissue and asked Cheng Dafa to wipe his hands.

Only then did Cheng Fafa say, "What's the name of that Pujie?"

"I heard that his name is Song Zhichao, and he is the secretary of Wanda Toy Company."

"Song Zhichao?" Cheng Fafa frowned, feeling unfamiliar with this name.Also, although Song Zhichao used to work in his factory, but his factory has a large number of people, Cheng Fafa would not notice such a small role.

"What the hell kind of company is Wanda?"

"It's not long since it was established. I heard it's less than a month old. The company's address is in the guest room of the Longtai Hotel..."

Before Niu Xiong finished speaking, Cheng Fafa had already understood it, "I thought it was some great company, but it turned out that it couldn't even rent an office!"

"Do you want me to do it and ask a few people to do it?" Niu Xiong asked.

Cheng Fafa stretched out his hand to stop him, and smiled darkly: "No need! This kind of small shrimp will not be able to jump around for a few days---isn't there a toy fair this weekend, and we will also take out the panda toys we made, and set the price a little lower than theirs , I want to see how their plush toys are sold!"

Niu Xiong remained silent.

For him, Cheng Fafa is definitely a shrewd person, he just needs to do his best.

Cheng Fafa still felt that his thoughts were still unfinished, so he looked at Niu Xiong and said, "If it were you, the toys couldn't be sold, what would you do?"

"Of course it's a ruined order, or I'll die."

"Then what do you think the Wanda Toy Company will do?"

"Should have fallen out with Haihai Toy Factory."

Cheng Fafa nodded, "That's right, that's how business is done. If you don't rush to the streets, I will. At that time, that girl Haitang will have no choice but to submit obediently!"

Thinking of Haitang's tender appearance begging for mercy in the future, Cheng Dafa felt a sense of gloom.

Are you fighting a price war?
A leather bag company, a bankrupt toy factory, how do you fight me?
Thinking of this, Cheng Fafa told Niu Xiong again to prevent any accidents: "Go and find out the list of merchants in this toy fair. I want everyone to know that I, Cheng Fafa, is the king of Panyu's toy industry." !"


As the big boss of "Wanda Toys Company", although this title is only a false title, Qi Wanda has done a very conscientious job.

These days, in order to sell panda Panpan plush toys, this Hong Kong fat man not only didn’t lose weight, but gained weight, from over 130 catties to over 140 catties.

There's no way, he has to eat in order to build relationships, and every time he eats a big meal, it's hard for him not to get fat.

Seeing that the sales of his customized toys cannot be opened, Qi Wanda is extremely anxious.Although he is a little cheater, the cheater also has self-esteem and desire to win.For him, if he can't even sell a toy, he looks very incompetent.

Fatty Qi also heard about the large-scale "toy fair" in Panyu County that was going to be held on the weekend, and worked very hard to get an indicator for the display counter, which was the result of drinking with others.

In the office of Wanda Toys Branch ---
Song Zhichao was sitting in front of the desk, holding a measuring ruler, playing with a finished panda toy.

Qi Wanda drank water as soon as he entered the door, and then threw the completed toy "display certificate" to Song Zhichao, saying: "There is only so much I can do. This indicator is very rare. Our company can If it can’t be an instant hit, it depends on whether our toys are popular or not!”

Baba clicked his mouth, "But I think the situation is not good. There are many panda toys in the exhibits, and ours is not very good. It is difficult to get orders!"

Listening to Qi Wanda's nagging, Song Zhichao didn't care. He just measured the size of the plush panda with a small measuring tape in his hand, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

"It's no wonder I'm not worried!" Qi Wanda sat down on the bed, watching Song Zhichao still measuring with toys, and felt that he was not enterprising, "I tell you, if I lose this time, I won't give up again." mess with you!"

"We won't lose!" Song Zhichao let go of his hand, the measuring tape snapped back, picked up a paper knife, and stabbed it into the panda's abdomen.

With a stabbing sound, the fluffy panda was directly disembowelled——
Qi Wanda was dumbfounded, "What are you doing, are you crazy? I just nagged you a few words, and you broke it. Do you think it is me?"

Song Zhichao took out the cotton wool from the inside of the panda with his hands, and stuffed something weird into it. He said, "You're crazy! Look at it carefully. On that day, I'm going to do a magic trick for everyone!"

Song Zhichao turned his head and looked at Qi Wanda with a smile on his lips and burning eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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