Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 99 099 [Who is Crazier than Who]

Chapter 99 099 [Who is Crazier than Who]

The Haihai Toy Factory came back to life, and the news that it received a big order and was rushing to work spread like wildfire.

For a small place like Panyu, Dahai Toy Factory is nothing special, but there are many people who care about the life and death of this factory.The reason is that the director of this toy factory is Pan Yu's most beautiful girl, a Begonia known as "Pan Yu's Flower".

"Have you heard? Haihai Toy Factory has received a big order!"

"I heard that it belongs to Wanda Toys Company, and they dare to oppose Cheng Fa!"

"Yeah, I heard that Cheng Dafa was interested in Haitang, but this time he was cut off!"

"The young man who cut the beard is a handsome boy, this time there is a good show to watch!"

All kinds of rumors are flying all over the sky, through the vegetable market and clothing street of this era, spread from the street to the end of the alley, and then spread from the end of the alley to the ears of some caring people——

Pan Yu, Regal Bowling Alley ---
As the first high-end bowling alley in Panyu County, the business of Regal Alley is definitely booming.

In fact, many people in Panyu still don't understand how there are so many rich people who like to play bowling. Isn't it just a big ball rolling and knocking down a lot of bottles? It's too simple and boring.

But for those rich people, this kind of sport is a tasteful sport, to be precise, it is called "rich man's sport", especially in Hong Kong movies, those who go to bowling alleys are the most fashionable at the moment The youth, and the rich with time.

Learn by example.

Ever since, the rich people in Pan Yu began to look up to the rich people in Hong Kong. Even if they can't learn the essence of each other, it's okay to imitate them. At least they can greet each other when they meet each other: "Have you played bowling recently? I Just hit a 'STRIKE'!"

STRIKE is a term in bowling. The first ball in a grid is hit all down, which is called "all in".

Fashionable, western style, Hong Kong people like it, this is the reason why Panyu Regal Bowling Alley has a booming business.

At this moment, in the bowling alley, Cheng Fafa was playing bowling with Zha Yongxiao and Young Master Zha. Young Master Cha's skills were very sharp, and he had done "STRIKE" many times, which attracted Cheng Fada's constant applause from the sidelines.

At the end of the track, all the pins were knocked down.

After another beautiful "STRIKE", Cha Young Hyo twisted his neck and returned to his seat to rest.

Cheng Fafa immediately sent over a bottle of mineral water, handed it to Cha Yongxiao and said, "Young Master Cha is so sharp, your ball is really beautiful!"

Zha Yongxiao was very impressed by Cheng Fafa's "shoe shine", crossed his legs, unscrewed the mineral water and took a sip, then said slowly: "I often play with friends in Hong Kong...I didn't expect Pan Yu to have such a place." .”

Cheng Fafa took the opportunity to approach Cha Yongxiao.

Zha Yongxiao frowned, and gave Cheng Fafa a look. He has a cleanliness habit and doesn't like people approaching him very much.

Cheng Fafa hurriedly said "SORRY" in foreign language, and slightly distanced himself from Cha Yongxiao, then salivated and said with a smile: "Master Cha, this is the largest bowling alley in Pan Yu, both in terms of facilities and services. of."

"That's unlikely!" Cha Yongxiao said contemptuously, "The first-class things are all in Hong Kong, why not here!"

Cheng Fa quickly said: "Yes, yes, you are right! But, the business of this bowling alley is really good. If you look around, there are people who come to play. I calculated that they can earn at least tens of thousands a day. , which can be tens of thousands in Hong Kong dollars!"

Zha Yongxiao glanced around the bowling alley, and sure enough, there were people playing on basically every track, and everyone, young and old, were having a great time.

"Do these people know bowling?" Cha Yongxiao glanced at these people disdainfully, "Look, that fat guy doesn't even have the right posture for holding the ball. He thinks he's practicing nine-yin and bone-grabbing? You have that woman, What kind of shoes are you wearing, are you going camping or mountaineering?" His tone was full of contempt.

In fact, bowling does have a lot of attention. There are special requirements for the clothes and shoes to wear, as well as the technique, pace, and eyes when playing, all of which are very skillful.

Obviously, in Zha Yongxiao's eyes, these people are pretending to understand, which directly lowers the compulsion of such a noble sport.

Cheng Fafa clapped his hands and said: "Young Master Zha is right. These people are fooling around and don't know how to play golf at all. But these are not the key points. The key point is that this arena is really profitable!"

Zha Yongxiao narrowed his eyes, screwed the cap of the mineral water with his hands, stared at Cheng Fafa with a half-smile and said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Cheng Fada swallowed and said with a smile: "I don't know if Mr. Cha still remembers a friend I mentioned to you, his name is Niu Xiong..."

Cha Yongxiao looked at him quietly without saying a word.

Cheng Fafa continued: "Ah Xiong intends to sell this store, and I hope Mr. Cha can help!"

Zha Yongxiao smiled, and suddenly knocked Cheng Fafa on the head with a mineral water bottle: "How much does it cost?"

Cheng Fafa was overjoyed, "It's about 33 short."

Cha Yongxiao glanced at the bowling alley, "33 is not much."

"Ah, Young Master Cha, are you willing to help?"

"Money, I can take it out, but this bowling alley's business is so good, who will let it out?" Cha Yongxiao mocked.

When Cheng Fafa heard this, he immediately said to Zha Yongxiao: "Young Master Cha, wait a moment!" After speaking, he found a direction and raised his hand.

Soon, a man came over from there, as strong as an iron tower, with ferocious muscles, and it was Cheng Fafa's good partner Niu Xiong.

Cheng Fafa said to Niu Xiong, "Ah Xiong, Young Master Zha wants to know how you can persuade the owner of this bowling alley to give up the place."

Niu Xiong glanced at Zha Yongxiao, and said, "Simple, I've inquired about it. The owner of this bowling alley is a foreigner. As long as I say a word, he won't be able to start this business!"

Although Niu Xiong didn't say much, he already understood the meaning.

The most unlucky thing to do business here is outsiders, without a foundation, the better your business, the more coveted you will be.A local snake like Niu Xiong has a special way to deal with this kind of people, like getting a group of people here to deliberately fight and make trouble, smashing the equipment of the bowling alley; or sending a group of bad guys to catch mice and long Put the snake into a sack and throw it into the bowling alley... There are endless tricks, and within two days, this bowling alley must be closed.

Who is Zha Yongxiao? He received a good education in Hong Kong and was born into a wealthy family. Of course, he couldn't think of these dirty tricks, so he asked Niu Xiong: "Be more specific!"

Niu Xiong was startled, and glanced at Cheng Fafa.

Cheng Fafa kicked him from below, "Young Master Cha told you to say what you said, and watch me do it!"

Niu Xiong uttered all the dirty ideas he had in mind.

After hearing this, Zha Yongxiao laughed nervously, "What the hell! You actually played mouse and snake! These tricks are too bad and bad, but I like it!"

Cha Yongxiao patted Niu Xiong's shoulder with his hands, "You are very interesting—I heard that you can still fight?"

Cha Yongxiao suddenly changed the subject, making Niu Xiong stunned.

Next to him, Cheng Fada helped Niu Xiong to speak: "Yes, Young Master Zha, he can not only fight, but also endure. There are more than a dozen people who are no match for him."

"Is it true?" Cha Yongxiao unbuttoned his shirt on his wrist, full of doubts.

Before Niu Xiong could answer.

Punch with a bang!
Cha Yong-hyo hit him in the face.

"How about it, can you stand it?" Cha Yongxiao asked with a smile while covering his head with both hands, taking boxing steps.

Niu Xiong didn't expect this guy to be a lunatic, and he started beating without saying hello, grinning his cheeks sorely from the beating, and said, "I can stand it!"

Punch with a bang!
Hit him in the face again.

Cha Yongxiao asked: "What about this time?"

Niu Xiong straightened his neck and stared at Cha Yongxiao, looking like he wanted to get angry.

Cheng Fa hurriedly kicked his heel secretly.

"I can stand it!" Niu Xiong held back his anger, and popped out these words from between his teeth.

Cha Yongxiao twisted his neck and smiled, "You really can take it!" Then he punched Niu Xiong on the jaw with an uppercut.

Niu Xiong swayed immediately, and took two steps back, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Cheng Fafa secretly yelled, it's too bad, I'm afraid Niu Xiong will lose his temper.

Niu Xiong's patience had indeed reached its limit, but just when he was about to lose his temper, the nervous Cha Yongxiao suddenly raised his hands and said, "Okay, I surrender! You are sharp, and you won't fight back when you hit you so hard!"

Niu Xiong snorted coldly, opened his mouth with blood on his teeth, and spit.

Cha Yongxiao smiled and took out a handkerchief from his pocket, went over to help Niu Xiong wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "What is Niu Xiong, I will call you Axiong from now on. I like you the most A fierce man who can be beaten and endured!"

After wiping the blood stains, Zha Yongxiao obediently stuffed the bloody handkerchief onto Niu Xiong's chest, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "This is a gift from me - take it to find my assistant when you have time, He will lend you 33 yuan. Remember, if you don’t have a handkerchief, you have money! This is a gift and a keepsake!”

After saying this, Cha Yongxiao left triumphantly and continued to play his own bowling.

Behind him, Niu Xiong spat bloody saliva, pulled the handkerchief from his chest, wiped his bleeding lips, and said to Cheng Dafa: "This guy is crazy!"

Cheng Dafa smiled coldly, and said with ruthless eyes: "He is rich, so he is qualified to be crazy; when we are rich, we will be even more crazy than him!"

(End of this chapter)

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