Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 98 098 [Preparation before the fair]

Chapter 98 098 [Preparation before the fair]

For five days in a row, the entire Haihai Toy Factory was bustling with activity.

In the originally deserted factory, the lights were bright and the machines roared.

In order to speed up the production of [-] plush panda toys, the workers of the whole factory are doing their best.

As the representative of the Wanda Toys Trading Company who placed the order, Song Zhichao has not been idle these few days, let alone doing anything to throw away the shopkeeper.

When Qi Wanda was handing out business cards to run sales, looking for marketing channels, and trying to sell the plush panda, Song Zhichao was watching the panda production line in the factory.

For him, checking the quality of each panda is the most critical step.

As someone who has experienced it, Song Zhichao has seen many former star companies go from glory to bankruptcy, such as Xinfei Electronics, Panda TV, and the current Motorola BB machine...In the end, these star companies have all stepped into silence. The reason is either that the technology cannot keep up, or that there is a problem with the quality.

In enterprise competition, technology is the core force, and quality is the last word!

"Where is Secretary Song, where is he?" As the factory manager, Haitang was very concerned about this Wanda company representative who could endure hardships and dared to go down to the front line for inspection work.

"I didn't see it, it was still here just now!" A worker wiped his sweat and replied loudly.

The factory machines were too noisy, and they had to raise their voices to speak. After working for a long time, many people developed the habit of loud voices.

Haitang looked at the "Huoxiang Zhengqi Water" in her hand, and wondered if she should look for it again. After all, on such a day, everyone gave out one to avoid heat stroke. This Secretary Song seemed gentle , I don't know if I can hold it.

At this moment, someone said: "Secretary Song seems to be repairing machines in the second workshop."

"Repair the machine? Could it be that the machine is broken again?" Haitang's heart tightened, and she hurriedly walked towards the second workshop.


In the second workshop——
The main purpose of this workshop is to sort out silk floss, which is the kind of cotton stuffed into plush toys.

At this time, three or five female workers were chatting around a machine.

"As I said earlier, this machine is expensive, you can't just stuff silk floss into it for sorting, you have to pick out some sundries, no, it's stuck!"

"Fortunately, Secretary Song has the skills, and I don't know if it can be repaired!"

"It will definitely work! Secretary Song is a capable person who can do anything!"

These women have a mysterious confidence in Song Zhichao.

Also, who made him so handsome and capable.

Haitang came over and distributed the "Huoxiang Zhengqi Water" to everyone, and then saw Song Zhichao coming out of the crowd, his head, shoulders, and clothes were covered with lint, he looked embarrassed, but he said with a smile on his face: "Give me one too, it's so hot, I almost got heatstroke!"

Haitang smiled and handed Huoxiang Zhengqi Water to him, saying: "It's very bitter, do you want some tea?"

"No need!" Song Zhichao took the Zhengqi water, raised his head, and drank it all. ,

Looking at other people, they all frowned while drinking, it was too bitter.

"Actually, you don't have to come every day. Since we have accepted your order, we will definitely guarantee the quality of the toys." Haitang hesitated for a moment, but said what she wanted to say.

Song Zhichao smiled, took a towel handed over by someone and wiped the sweat off his face, "It's not that I can't trust you, but that I value this batch of goods too much, and I can't be careless at all."

After a pause, he continued: "I tell you, we have lost all of our wealth in this order."

Song Zhichao was telling the truth, but Haitang thought he was joking, who had ever seen a company whose assets were only a few thousand dollars.

"You ordered so many toys, can you sell them?" Haitang asked suddenly, changing the subject.

In Panyu, there are many toy manufacturing factories. Many domestic distributors will come here to place orders, and then use large trucks to take them to Yiwu and other places for wholesale or retail.

Haitang was a little worried about Song Zhichao's Wanda toy company, and didn't know how they sold them. After all, 30 toys was not a small amount.

Song Zhichao shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"What?" Haitang's eyes widened, "Aren't you joking?"

She couldn't believe that someone would do business like this. Before the market was found, she placed such a large order in one go. My God, what if she couldn't sell it.

Song Zhichao looked very calm, and said, "I'm just a secretary, how the company operates depends on the boss!"

"Really?" Haitang had no doubt about it.

Song Zhichao suddenly asked, "I heard that we will hold a toy fair here this weekend, right?"

Haitang nodded, "Every time at the end of July, there will be one time." After a pause, he added: "After summer vacation, children like to buy some toys, so the toy business is the best. Why, your company also wants to join?"

Song Zhichao nodded, "I think this is an opportunity."

Haitang didn't want to hit him, but couldn't help but tell the truth: "I know you want to use this opportunity to sell the toys you have, but...there are too many plush panda toys like this, so it's hard to sell them."

Song Zhichao laughed and said, "But my panda is different."

"What's the difference?"

"She has a name, Panpan!"

Haitang was a little amused, "You mean Panpan, the mascot of the Asian Games?"

"Yes!" Song Zhichao was serious.

Haitang smiled wryly and said, "Actually, all plush pandas are the same, yours can be called Panpan, and others' can also be called Panpan, what's the difference?"

Song Zhichao didn't answer.

Haitang thought he was being held back by her, so she sighed and said, "But I still support you to try it at the fair, maybe someone will buy it."

Song Zhichao smiled, but still didn't answer.

I don't know if he is confident or has nothing to say.


Holding two movie tickets, Wang Gang secretly hid in a corner, looking at the goddess Haitang and Song Zhichao in his heart, talking and laughing a little at a loss.

He wanted to take the initiative to go forward, hand over the movie ticket directly to Haitang, and then tell her that he wanted to invite her to the movie, but he was afraid of being rejected by her.

He also thought about it, after Song Zhichao left, he would quietly ask Haitang if she wanted to go to the movies tonight, and told her that he happened to have two movie tickets for "Migrant Girls".

But he has no courage.

Just when Wang Gang was sneaking around and didn't know how to act, something poked his back suddenly, and a voice came from his ear: "Don't move, raise your hands!"

Wang Gang was startled and shivered suddenly, and the movie tickets in his hand fell to the ground.

"Oh, I thought what it was, it turned out to be a movie ticket!" Xiongzi Haijun flashed out from behind him, bent down and picked up the movie ticket, and looking at the guy who poked Wang Gang just now, it turned out to be a kid The kind of "match gun" we made.

Wang Gang angrily snatched back the movie ticket from Hai Hai's hand, and said to him, "Stinky boy, what the hell is going on, you'll scare people to death!"

Hai Hai pouted, "Are you trying to chase my old sister?"


Hai Hai pointed to the movie tickets he had saved up, and then pointed to Haitang who was still joking with Song Zhichao, "My elder sister doesn't like to watch this kind of movie, she likes to watch martial arts movies! Zhong You, she doesn't like you either." A type of boy..."

Wang Gang refused to accept it, "Then what type does she like?"

Haijun then pointed to Song Zhichao who was not far away, "That type, handsome and talented!"

Wang Gang glanced at Song Zhichao, but he didn't speak, but his eyes couldn't help showing a trace of jealousy, and a flame was slowly burning deep in his heart.

The navy continued to attack him, "Why, you are not convinced? Do you have someone handsome? Do you know English? Can you repair machines? Neither, nor can you compare yourself to others?"

In the end, the bear boy gave him a heavy blow, "As bad as you are, let alone my sister, even I wouldn't like you!"

Wang Gang clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, took one last look at Haitang, then at Haijun, snorted, and left without saying anything!
Watching Wang Gang leave, the bear child also snorted, curled his mouth, and raised his chin: "Calm down, you are not good enough for my elder sister!" He said to Wang Gang's back.

Turning around, the brat held the "match gun" and turned his eyes and closed his eyes, took a look at Song Zhichao who was talking to his elder sister Haitang, then let out a "bang" in his mouth, and then pretended to blow Blowing on the muzzle of the gun, he said to himself: "What is Song Zhichao, if you dare to offend my sister, I will shoot you dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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