Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 97 097 [Salted fish turned over]

Chapter 97 097 [Salted fish turned over]

When Haitang returned to her office, the old accountant was sitting in front of the desk, wearing reading glasses, looking at the payroll, paying everyone their salaries very carefully.

Calculated according to the factory's benefits, it has been almost three months without wages, and each employee has a minimum of 80 yuan a month, and after three months, it is more than 200 yuan.

If it is repaid for three months at a time, more than 30 people will need 7000 yuan, and the reservation money just received is not enough to pay the workers.What's more, we need to import raw materials later, pay electricity bills and so on, all of which need money.

Therefore, what Haitang means is that each person will be reissued for one month first. According to this amount, more than 30 people will be given a maximum of 3000 yuan, and the factory has [-] yuan left for capital turnover.

As for raw materials, the factory warehouse still has some plush silk floss, plush fabrics, and dyes in stock, and the quality is not bad, so there is no need to buy them for the time being...

Everyone in the factory had no objection to the arrangement of the Haitang factory manager. Some old employees even discussed whether to send it out for half a month first, and wait for the factory to get through the difficulties before sending out more. After all, everyone knows what is the most important right now. , Whether the factory can be brought back to life or not, we just have to watch it once.

To this, Haitang refused, because she knew that during this period of time, it was very hard for everyone to drag their families along, and she couldn't let the family have no food for the sake of the factory.

Xiongzi Haijun stood aside, with a water gun pinned to his waist, puffed up his cheeks, watching his elder sister Haitang give money to the old employees to cheer them up.

The more he looked at the old lady's appearance, the more suspicious the navy became.

You know, the elder sister Haitang has always kept strangers away from men, especially those stinky men, bad men, and mangy men who are not handsome. .

But today... Wuli Long Dongqiang, the elder sister seems to be interested in the secretary surnamed Song.

How did you get it?

Ever since the old lady came back after delivering that shit Secretary Song, her face was full of spring breeze, and her brows exuded a little youth...

Although Xiongzi Haijun is poor in studies, he usually likes to read novels.He reads all kinds of messy novels, he reads martial arts novels, and he also reads romance novels, so according to the description in romance novels, as long as a girl is tempted, the spring breeze will caress her brows. , will hit the bosom with a deer.

The bear child Haijun stared at the chest of the elder sister Haitang to see if there was really a fawn bumping around.But the more he looked at him, the more frightened he became, because he saw that the old lady would hold her chest from time to time, as if she was stuffy and out of breath... Occasionally, her eyes wandered, and she still held her cheeks, thinking——
"Hey! Elder sister is thinking about spring!" Xiongzi shook his head deeply, and made an accurate judgment based on the knowledge he learned from Aunt Qiong Yao's novels.

At this moment, the bear boy looked at his elder sister Haitang, and the magnetic voice of Uncle Zhao Zhongxiang from "Animal World" sounded in his ears: "Spring is here, and the wombat is in heat again..."


Today is a good day, and the whole Haihai Toy Factory is as happy as Chinese New Year.After all, no salary has been paid for more than three months, and everyone is very happy to receive a month's salary at once today.

Chunfeng Street, at the crossroads.

Uncle Bing just came home from get off work on his bicycle, and there was a stall selling roast goose next to him. There were many people gathered in front of the stall, and the fragrant smell of roast goose wafted from the crowd.

"Crunch!" Uncle Bing squeezed the brakes of his bicycle with both hands, and stopped at the edge of the road. He tilted his head, closed his eyes, sniffed hard with his nose...

How long has it been since you smelled the familiar smell of roast goose?

Oily but not greasy, fat but not rotten, crispy and delicious, it melts in the mouth——
This is the famous "Chen Kee Roast Goose!"

Uncle Bing swallowed his saliva, tried hard to twist his neck away, got back on his bicycle and left, but his feet seemed to lose strength all of a sudden, and he couldn't move the wheels no matter how hard he pedaled.

It wasn't that he was greedy, he thought of his wife and children, they like to eat roast goose the most, and every time he was paid, he would buy roast goose legs for them...

Seeing them happily eating roast goose legs, Uncle Bing felt that that was the greatest happiness.

"Old Dou, you can eat this roasted goose leg."

"No, you eat, you still have to study!"

"Take a bite, and I'll eat again!"

"Okay, I'll just take a small bite!"

Think of this-
Touching the 80 yuan in his pocket, Uncle Bing gritted his teeth for the last time, tied the car on the side of the road, and then strode towards the roast goose stall. Before the person arrived, the voice came, "Boss, give me two Roast goose leg! Remember, it needs to be fat!"


Xinhua Road, Xinhua Garment City.

Sangu walked into the clothing city and looked around.

She was looking for the store in her memory.

A few months ago, when she was wandering around here, she saw a very beautiful children's clothing, which was worn on a plastic child mannequin, and it was very conspicuous when placed outside.

The third aunt looked at it eagerly, and felt that the little dress was very foreign and beautiful. She was going to buy it when she had money and make it a present for her little granddaughter's birthday.

However, the efficiency of the factory was not good, and she had not received her wages for more than three months. She could only watch the clothes on the child models from a distance, and she still couldn't buy them until her granddaughter's birthday passed.

But today, she touched the 70 yuan in her pocket, with a determined look on her face, no matter what, she must buy that beautiful dress.

Yes, the little granddaughter will definitely be more beautiful wearing it!
Finally, Sangu found the children's clothing store, but unfortunately, the boss said that the clothes were sold out and out of stock.

The joy of the third aunt suddenly disappeared, she saved the money in her hand, and felt extremely lost in her heart.

At this time, the boss said that all the packages were sold out, but there was still a sample in the store that was originally worn on a model. If Sangu wanted it, he could sell it at half price.

As soon as the boss finished speaking, Sangu couldn't wait to say, "I want it!"

For her, it's not a dress, it's a promise, a promise to my dear granddaughter!


Wang Gang's mood is very complicated.

With his new salary in his pocket, he wandered in front of the cinema.

Today's movie theater business is not good, and a lot of business has been robbed by the video halls that can be seen everywhere on the street.

That’s right, I really can’t watch the movies these days, what are they made of? The most popular Kung Fu movies are not as good as the TV series, so I flip through them casually. It’s either "The Thief of Dongling", or "The Thief of Bashu" and the like, which are popular in the video hall. Compared with Hong Kong and Taiwan films, they are simply weak.

Only those men and women who want to have a formal relationship will have nothing to do and spend an extra dollar to get into the movie theater for a "romantic" time.

Wang Gang really wanted to buy two movie tickets for a romance, but he had a special romantic partner, Haitang, the female director of his factory.

There is no doubt, in fact, since Haitang took office, Wang Gang has fallen in love with her.

I think she is beautiful, kind, and capable.

Suppress the fluttering heartbeat.

Wang Gang walked over and began to browse through the upcoming posters.

There are many movies on the bulletin board, and the upcoming ones include "The Battle of Liaoshen" starring Gu Yue, "The Special Economic Zone Working Girl" starring Yu Feihong, and "Blood Battle on Mount Wutai" by Liang Xiaolong, etc.

Wang Gang wanted to see "The Great Battle" and "Blood Battle at Wutai Mountain" the most. Man, who doesn't like to watch war movies and martial arts movies; What's more, this kind of drama is not conducive to ambiguity and communication when watching movies...

So in the end, Wang Gang chose the "SAR Working Girl" starring Yu Feihong.

After choosing a movie, I checked that the release time is next Wednesday at [-]:[-] p.m. Wang Gang made some calculations and found that the time was fine. Although there are orders in the factory now, he still has time to come.

After making the calculations, Wang Gang walked to the ticket gate, and said to the yawning conductor, "Excuse me, here are two tickets for the movie "SAR Working Girl" next Wednesday."

The other party looked at him, "One piece is one yuan and fifty cents, two pieces are three yuan!"

"No, here you are!" Wang Gang handed over the money to Wu Re.

The other party tore up the ticket and gave it to him, not forgetting to say: "Remember, no refund or exchange!"

Wang Gang nodded, took the ticket in his hand, looked at it carefully, then carefully stuffed it into his work card, and put it in his pocket. He breathed a sigh of relief, and threw away the frustration caused by Song Zhichao before. On the one hand, I feel that I have taken a big step towards a beautiful love mood.


That night, many old employees of Haihai Toy Factory bought things for their families more or less.

They have not been paid wages for more than three months. They can persist without betraying the factory. In addition to their own gratitude, the understanding and support of their families is also the most important reason.

Now that I have money in my hands, although it is not much, I try my best to help the family improve the environment.

Even with a meal of meat.

Even with a sip of wine.

Even if you buy a piece of clothing, give a small, insignificant gift.

This is also a kind of compensation they owe to their families.

Such is the life of an honest man.

Such is the life of ordinary people.

And this kind of bland life, many people call it --- happiness!

(End of this chapter)

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