Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 96 096 [Salted fish turned over]

Chapter 96 096 [Salted fish turned over]

In the director's office of Haihai Toy Factory——
At this moment, Song Zhichao, assistant to the general manager and secretary-general of "Wanda Toys Import and Export Trading Company", and Haitang, representing the person in charge of "Dahai Toy Factory", signed an order agreement for [-] plush panda toys.

The content of the agreement stipulated that within three months, Haihai Toy Factory must deliver 6000 panda plush toys that passed the quality inspection to Wanda Company; for this purpose, Wanda Toy Company paid a deposit of [-] yuan in advance.The contract takes effect from the date of signing.It has legal effect and cannot be repented.If you go back on your word, you will be fined and deducted liquidated damages.

In short, after Song Zhichao and Haitang signed and pledged, the [-] order contract officially came into effect.

After signing, Song Zhichao extended his hand to Haitang in a very friendly way.

Haitang hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her hand.

Song Zhichao held the opponent's hand, which felt as soft as boneless, and his fingers were like peeling onions. He shook it lightly, then let go and said, "Director Hai, the contract has been signed. I hope your factory can process and produce as soon as possible." , it would be best to produce [-] pieces by the end of this month."

Haitang nodded: "Don't worry, I can't guarantee anything else, it's still possible to deliver on time within a month."

"Hehe, then I'll have to work." Song Zhichao smiled, packed up the contract, then opened the briefcase he brought, carefully put the contract in the bag, and took out 6000 yuan from the bag, all of which were hundred-yuan bills , handed it to Haitang and said, "Director Hai, this is the deposit paid by our Wanda Company to your factory, please order first!"

Haitang took the money, but did not check it herself, but handed it over to the factory accountant in charge of finance.

The accountant hasn't seen so much money for a long time. When he worked hard with Hai Chengfeng, the factory manager, he had tens of thousands of funds in his hands. Not good, let alone tens of thousands, you won’t even see 100 yuan for a long time.

At this moment, holding this thick wad of hundred-yuan bills in his hand, the accountant was so excited.

He counted, counted carefully, counted carefully, and while counting the brand new banknotes, he smelled the smell of the banknotes.

For a moment—
The accountant counted the money, then tied it up with a rubber band, handed it to Haitang and said, "Director, I've already counted it, 6000 yuan is a lot."

Haitang nodded, then handed over the money to the accountant and said, "Reserve a part to buy raw materials, and pay the wages owed to the workers!"

The accountant nodded and took the money back.

Haitang turned around and saw that Song Zhichao had packed his briefcase and was about to leave, so she said, "Secretary Song, I'll see you off."

As soon as Song Zhichao and Haitang went out, the old employees of the factory began to kiss this rare order frantically one by one!


The gate of Haihai Toy Factory——
Haitang saw Song Zhichao off and sent him here.

The two of them didn't actually talk much along the way.

Song Zhichao was thinking about the next development plan in his mind, but Haitang had many doubts that could not be answered.

After leaving the gate, Song Zhichao smiled and said to Haitang: "Director Hai, don't give it away. The factory will be very busy in the future, and I hope you will pay more attention to our toys."

"That's for sure." Haitang smiled, a blush appeared on her pretty face, she bit her red lips lightly and said, "Speaking of which, we should thank Secretary Song, if there is no order from you, our factory I'm afraid it won't last long."

Song Zhichao waved his hand, "Don't think too much—to tell you the truth, I am looking forward to this cooperation, and hope that both parties will be satisfied."

Haitang also laughed, "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it too."

Song Zhichao waved his hand, ready to really leave this time.

But Haitang suddenly called him again, with a hesitant expression on his face, hesitant to speak.

Song Zhichao was carrying the briefcase, and seeing her swaying expression, he swept his little finger over his brows and said with a handsome smile: "Director Hai, I know that you personally sent me off not only because of being polite, but what's your problem?" If you want to ask, just say it!"

Seeing that Song Zhichao made it clear that he would not look good if he kept hiding it, Haitang plucked up his courage and said bluntly: "Actually, I have always had a question...why don't you choose from so many manufacturers? Choose our sea?"

Fearing that Song Zhichao didn't understand, Haitang added: "Pan Yu has many big toy factories. For example, the developed toy factory has the largest factory area and the strongest strength; Zhongyou, an order of 30 pieces is not a small amount, so you can Are you afraid that our factory will screw it up?"

After hearing Haitang's words, Song Zhichao smiled. He put the briefcase on his abdomen with both hands, stared at Haitang, made a very serious and solemn posture, and said, "I can explain this to you..."

"First, I don't like Cheng Fafa, let alone his factory! Second, I prefer to cooperate with your factory, because we are all waiting for an opportunity to make Xianyu turn around! Third, I don't know if you believe it or not , I told my friend that I chose your factory because there is a beautiful female factory director here!"

If the last sentence was uttered from other people, Haitang would definitely think it was a disciple, a man of Meng Lang, or even a man of salty wetness, but it was so calm when it came from Song Zhichao's mouth. So calm, so much so that Haitang's first feeling after listening to it was...very comfortable.

Haitang looked at Song Zhichao shyly with her beautiful eyes, and it took a long time before she uttered a few words: "Secretary Song really knows how to joke."

Song Zhichao just laughed, "That's right, I was just joking! So, don't think too much, work hard, and wish us a happy cooperation, OK?"

Haitang brushed her hair from the sideburns behind her ears with her hands, lowered her head, not daring to look at Song Zhichao, and said, "You're right, wish us a happy cooperation!" unconsciously kicking the ground with her toes.

The two exchanged a few more simple greetings before Song Zhichao waved goodbye to her.

Seeing Song Zhichao's leaving back, Haitang quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the ground under her feet, she had been kicked out of a bunker by herself at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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