Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 95 095【Cheers】

Chapter 95 095【Cheers】

Song Zhichao didn't expect Haitang to come back suddenly. Seeing her question, there was no embarrassment on his face. He just bent down slightly and picked up the soap that Haitang dropped on the ground because of his surprise, and then said to Haitang with a smile: "With him Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

Only then did Haitang breathe a sigh of relief, and seeing Song Zhichao's calm expression, he really seemed to be joking, while he was relieved, he was even a little bit disappointed.

Beside, Xiongzi Haijun saw this process clearly, seeing Song Zhichao resolve the embarrassing situation lightly, and seeing the old lady blushing while the other party didn't care, he couldn't help giving Song Zhichao a thumbs up in his heart , Xin said, this is a master, he can pick up girls without trace.

Although Hai Hai thought so in his heart, he didn't intend to let Song Zhichao go. He opened his mouth and said, "Sister, he's lying! He just said..."

Before Xiongzi Haijun could finish speaking, he heard the strong boy Wang Gang running towards us not far away, waving his hands, and shouted loudly: "Director Hai, Secretary Song, the panda sample has been made, you guys Come and see first!"

Song Zhichao was overjoyed.

Haitang was startled.

Although the two were in different moods, they had the same thoughts. The first thing they thought of was to go and have a look.

So the two of them no longer cared about what the bear had to say to them, Song Zhichao washed his face with Haitang's help, and then they left.

The bear child Hai Hai shouted loudly in the back: "Don't leave, I haven't finished talking yet! This Secretary Song is not a good person, he said he wants to pick you up--sister, did you hear that?"

No matter how hard the brat yelled, no one responded.

In the end, the brat stomped his feet and gritted his teeth in anger: "Mumba, if you want to pick on my sister, I will never let you do it!"


Haihai Toy Factory, in the workshop——
The originally deserted workshop was extremely lively at the moment.

More than 30 workers huddled together, passing the newly made toy samples to each other.It was a baby-sized little panda with a naive appearance.After several processes by factory workers, this sample has been made in such a short period of time.

If there is any difference between this sample panda and ordinary pandas, it is that it looks cuter and more familiar. As long as you look at its appearance carefully, you will find that it looks exactly the same as the Asian Games mascot panda "Panpan".

There are also differences between pandas and pandas. Some have large dark circles, some have small dark circles, some have round tails, some have short tails, and some have bloated limbs and slender bodies, while others have The body is bloated, the limbs are slender... Just like people, people are beautiful, ugly, fat and thin, and pandas are the same, pandas are also fat, thin, beautiful and ugly...

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet first!" Suddenly someone shouted, "Director Hai and Secretary Song are here, let's all be quiet and let them see our work!"

"Okay, everyone shut up!"

With a command, the originally bustling scene immediately fell silent, leaving only the whirring of electric fans in the air.

Haitang and Song Zhichao walked to the middle of the crowd, and then the uncle called Bing Shu handed over the sample panda Panpan that everyone had just made to the director of Haitang.

Haitang looked at it, then touched it with her hand, mainly to see the quality and feel of this plush toy.

After feeling it and feeling that it was not bad, Haitang handed over the plush panda to Song Zhichao. After all, he was the representative of the company who placed the order. Only when he confirmed that the toy was qualified, could they accept the order and start production. .

If Song Zhichao felt unqualified after watching the toy, then they could only rejoice in vain.It can be said that in terms of toy quality inspection, there are no specific standards. If there are any, then it is a sentence from the representative of the other party, whether it is successful or not, qualified or unqualified.

At this moment, everyone's mood became tense, and old workers like Uncle Bing even began to think about it. If Secretary Song said that this product was unqualified, then they had to think of a way.Everyone has tried their best to do their best, but they are still not qualified. We can only say that they are making things difficult. Why are they making things difficult? Of course, they have to get kickbacks.I don't know if Director Hai understands this truth.Back then, Director Hai Chengfeng met many customers like this. If they didn’t give kickbacks, they wouldn’t place orders and refuse the goods.

At this moment, Uncle Bing was a little worried that Haitang, the new female factory manager, was inexperienced, didn't know how to deal with the world, and wouldn't be able to get things done if he didn't forget to put some money in the other party's pocket.

In fact, not only Uncle Bing thinks this way, but Sangu and a group of old people think so too.These old people have stayed in the factory for a long time, and they have experienced a lot of things, such as getting kickbacks, stuffing red envelopes, and treating guests to dinner!
Looking at this time again, everyone's eyes were fixed on Song Zhichao. To be precise, they were staring at Song Zhichao to check why the plush panda toy in his hand failed.

Song Zhichao seemed to be very professional. He not only held the toy in his hand to examine it like Haitang, scratched it, and even put his nose close to it to smell it.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

In fact, Song Zhichao is justified in doing so. Many plush toys generally only focus on the appearance, while ignoring the smell of the toy.What's more, stuffing plush toys with some black-hearted cotton waste, regardless of whether there are viruses or bacteria, only cares about the appearance and shoddy, so that you can save costs and make a lot of money.

Song Zhichao's nose is very sensitive, and he only needs to smell it a little to know what the stuffing inside this plush toy is.

He removed the plush panda from the nose, and then pulled the toy's torso and the gaps where the limbs were stitched...

This is also crucial.

Many people have had this experience after buying a plush toy. When the toy is pulled a little, a hole is immediately opened in the gap; Silk floss and the like all came out.

Song Zhichao's super-serious and super-professional inspection operation method made everyone around feel terrified, for fear that the sample was not well done in any way and would be tested by the other party.

As the director of the factory, Haitang stared at Song Zhichao intently, for fear that he would suddenly put down the toy and say, "I'm sorry—it's unqualified!"

Time passed by minute by minute.

The sweltering air was swept by the fan, but it didn't feel cool at all.

For everyone, this is simply suffering.

Finally, after Song Zhichao finished his inspection, his gaze shifted from the plush panda to everyone, scanning for a week.

Everyone's breath was held——
Song Zhichao's eyes moved from Wang Gang to Uncle Bing, then from Uncle Bing to Sangu, and finally settled on Haitang's face. There was no smile on his face, and he said in a very serious tone: "This way I just tested it, and the answer I gave was—"

Nervous, extremely nervous!
Everyone's hearts were lifted.

"My answer is - qualified!" Song Zhichao said loudly.

In an instant, the whole workshop cheered!
Like a landslide and tsunami.

(End of this chapter)

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