Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 94 094【Do you want to pick on my sister】

Chapter 94 094【Do you want to pick on my sister】

Seeing streams of water shoot out——
Song Zhichao couldn't dodge in time, not to mention that there was Haitang hiding behind him, if he dodged, she would be the one who would be unlucky.

Helpless, Song Zhichao had no choice but to bite the bullet and was shot by the black water.

Black water splashed, Song Zhichao frowned, and at the same time, a strange smell filled his nose.

He is very familiar with this smell, and he often smelled it when practicing calligraphy in the past.

It's not water, it's ink!

"Fuck the street! Die! Die!" The half-child was still shooting at Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao got angry, and was about to lose his temper when Haitang, who had been hiding behind him, came out first and said, "Little brother, stop!"

"Sister, he bullied you, I'll shoot him for you!" said the half-child.

"He didn't bully me, don't shoot anymore!" Haitang stepped forward and snatched the big water gun from his younger brother Hai Hai without saying a word, then pulled him aside, and reprimanded him——
"Why don't you just shoot people with water guns indiscriminately without asking clearly?"

"Did you see clearly, he didn't bully me, he was helping me clean my dirt!"

"He's not from Cheng Dafa's group!"

"Zhongyou, didn't I let people watch you? How did you escape?"

Faced with the series of questions and reprimands from the elder sister, the middle-aged and middle-aged Haijun was ashamed of being reprimanded, and had no choice but to honestly explain everything about himself.

It turned out that the navy was protected by the elder sister Haitang before, and someone took him into her factory director's office to guard him, so that he would not mess around and be hurt by Cheng Fafa, Niu Xiong and others.

The caretaker couldn't bear his temper, and heard that there was another person outside, probably Cheng Dafa and his gang, who came to make trouble.

The caretaker locked the door of the office, hung the key on the doorknob, and ran to the workshop to watch the excitement.

Xiongzi Haijun wandered wildly in the office for a while, searched the whole office, but couldn't find anything of interest.

Finally, I couldn't hold it anymore, so I found a thin steel wire in a corner of the office, first straightened the wire, then made the end of the wire into a hook, and then poked it outside through the window, with great effort He even hooked the key hanging on the doorknob.

After all, the bear is a bear. He also heard what the guard said to others when he left. He really thought that there were villains again to bully his elder sister, and he immediately became furious. He felt that these villains were the same as the RB devils on TV. It's just as bad, but it's a pity that my most handy weapon, the slingshot, was confiscated. After searching around, I finally found a bunch of defective toy water guns in a dilapidated corner of the factory.

After all, it took a long time for the navy to pick out a good-looking water gun from a lot of defective products, and then deliberately found a can of ink in the office, poured it into the water gun, and then acted proudly He put his gun on his body like Zhang Ga, a small soldier, and prepared to "revenge" the people sent by Cheng Dafa.

Unexpectedly, just after the navy left the door, it didn't take long to see something happening by the pool behind the cafeteria. After a closer look, it turned out that a bold guy was reaching out to "touch" his old sister's face!

The Navy was outraged on the spot.

Ever since his elder brother Hai Chengfeng passed away, his elder sister Haitang was the goddess in his mind, inviolable and inviolable!
For this family and for the factory, Haijun knows that her elder sister has paid a lot. She wakes up the earliest every day and works the last. But helplessly, I am too young to help.So the navy told himself that no matter what time and situation he encounters, he must act like a man and protect his sister as soon as possible!
But now, there is a man who is violating his sister in front of his face!

"You bastard! Damn you bastard! I greet your whole family!" Xiongzi Haijun gritted his teeth and immediately went into a rage.

Only then did he rush forward, causing such a misunderstanding that he shot Song Zhichao.

After listening to his younger brother's explanation, Haitang really couldn't laugh or cry, she really didn't know whether to praise him for his heart to protect her, or to scold him for meddling in his own business and making trouble for no reason.

At this moment, Song Zhichao said slowly: "Miss Hai, if you haven't figured out how to educate your brother, can you help me first, I was shot in the face with ink, I really can't open my eyes... "

It was only now that Haitang remembered that she was only focused on scolding her younger brother, but forgot what happened to Song Zhichao.

Looking at the party involved, Song Zhichao, his whole body was shot in a mess with ink, and his white shirt looked like it was splashed with ink, and it was shot in a mess. The worst thing was that he had a lot of ink shot on his face, just like a Beijing opera singer with a painted face At this moment, he frowned tightly and closed his eyes, for fear that ink would flow into his eyes.

Seeing his appearance, Haitang really wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, but at the same time admired him a little bit. This was the case, and he spoke slowly and without anger.

"Sorry, Secretary Song, my younger brother is too naughty! I'm really sorry!" Haitang quickly apologized.

Song Zhichao was still very calm, but this time he didn't answer, but pointed to his face.

Haitang understood right away, quickly stretched out her hand, took Song Zhichao, slowly brought his face under the faucet, and then turned on the faucet.

Crashing, the water from the faucet washed the ink on Song Zhichao's face, and soon the water in the pool turned black.

"If you can't wash it clean like this, I'll get you some soap!" Haitang said.

Turning around, Haitang told her little brother Haijun again, "Don't anger Secretary Song again, he is not a bad person, on the contrary, he is a great benefactor of our factory - he repaired the broken machine in the factory!"

The Navy was skeptical.

It wasn't until Haitang left that he asked Song Zhichao, "Have you fixed that broken machine?"

Song Zhichao nodded.

"Aren't you with that mangy dog ​​Cheng Dafa?"

Song Zhichao nodded again.

"Then why didn't you dodge when I shot you just now?"

Song Zhichao didn't nod this time, but said, "If I avoid it, your sister will suffer."

Hai Hai's small face couldn't help being startled, staring at Song Zhichao, and suddenly said: "To be honest, do you want to pick on my sister?"

Song Zhichao didn't expect this little guy to ask such a tricky question, so he intentionally teased him, reached out and pinched his little cheek until the other's cheek was marked with conspicuous finger prints, and then He smiled and said, "If I say yes, what would you do?"

Before Haijun could answer, he heard a "snap" behind him, as if something had fallen to the ground.

Song Zhichao looked back abruptly, and saw a piece of Lux brand soap dropped at the foot of a person, opposite, Miss Haitang looked at him with a surprised face, and said in surprise, "What did you just say, Secretary Song?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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