Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 93 093 [Fixed]

Chapter 93 093 [Fixed]

The moment Haitang's hand pressed the start button, the hearts of the thirty or so workers beside him were all lifted.

They stared wide-eyed, hoping for a miracle.

The originally lifeless machine started to turn.

A miracle really happened!

Everyone is excited, they want to cheer, they want to jump for joy, they want to hug together to express their excitement and excitement at the moment.

But they did nothing, just stood quietly and listened carefully to the roar of the machine.

In the past, this sound was noise to them, but now, it is an extremely beautiful note to them.

At this moment, Haitang was also in an indescribable state of excitement, until her feet were kicked by something, and then she realized, looking at her feet, Song Zhichao was trying to get out, and it was his feet that touched Haitang just now. feet.

Not caring too much, Haitang was infinitely grateful to Song Zhichao, a great benefactor. She knelt beside the cardboard, bent over and rushed out of Song Zhichao, saying: "Secretary Song, the machine is ready, be careful, don't knock it. head."

Song Zhichao didn't answer. He had been under the ground for too long, his whole body was stiff, and he wanted to get out, but he was powerless.

As if seeing Song Zhichao's embarrassment, Haitang grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it hard, and Song Zhichao got out inch by inch.

The workers who were excited found that the benefactor was still drilling underneath and did not come out.

At this time, someone shouted at Wang Gang who was still in a daze, "Ah Gang, you have great strength, help you pull the cardboard with everyone, and drag Secretary Song out!"

Only then did Wang Gang wake up.

When the machine restarted just now, he was not happy in his heart, but shocked.

The worrying thing finally appeared.

This "Secretary Song" who came out of nowhere actually repaired the machine.

But at this moment he couldn't think much about it.

He joined hands with everyone, "One, two, three, work hard!"

A loud bang!
The cardboard and Song Zhichao were dragged out by the crowd, but due to excessive force, Song Zhichao happened to collide with Haitang who was pulling him——
Haitang originally knelt on the ground, but this time her center of gravity was unstable, and her whole body directly pressed towards Song Zhichao!
Originally, Haitang's face was stained with oil, but Song Zhichao's face was also covered with oil now after tossing around.

At this moment, the big painted face faced the big painted face.

The two looked at each other.

Those who are close can feel each other's breath...

Song Zhichao only felt that the other party was exhaling Ruolan, and a pair of water-like cut pupils were staring at him infatuatedly.

Not to mention, due to the hot weather, Song Zhichao only wore a thin white shirt, and Haitang only wore a thin shirt.

Seemingly feeling the changes in Song Zhichao's body, Haitang immediately got up shyly from Song Zhichao's body. Fortunately, the oil stains covered her cheeks, otherwise she would have turned red into an apple.

The people around were in a state of excitement, and didn't notice anything unusual here. Only Wang Gang saw this scene, and his heart was deeply stabbed.

Then he forced a smile, warmly served tea, separated Song Zhichao from Haitang with his body, and then deliberately praised Song Zhichao: "Secretary Song, I really have you, such a machine can handle it! You drink water first!"

"Yes, Secretary Song is really sharp. He can repair even foreign machines! Wipe your face!" Another person handed over the towel.

"It looks like Secretary Song has drunk foreign ink, and he can even read foreign characters!" The others surrounded Song Zhichao directly and praised with admiration.

Especially those female workers, their eyes are full of little stars at the moment, holding their hearts and looking at Song Zhichao with incomparable admiration, as if he is some kind of "Four Heavenly Kings" and some kind of "Youth Idol".

There were more and more compliments around him. Even a calm and prudent person like Song Zhichao couldn't help being a little embarrassed. After drinking tea, he wiped his face, waved his hands and said, "It's my luck, the machine is just a broken part. .”

Before everyone praised him again, he said again: "Everyone, stop surrounding me, I want to wash my face first!"

Only then did everyone notice that Song Zhichao's hands and face were covered in oil, and his handsome face was even darker.

As the director of the factory, Haitang felt a little embarrassed in addition to being grateful at the moment, feeling sorry for him, who came to place an order, but turned him into a big face, so he said: "Yes, everyone Don't be around, I'll take Secretary Song to wash it, you start the machine first, and make a sample."

Then, Haitang turned back and asked Song Zhichao what requirements he had for the samples.

Song Zhichao just smiled, and briefly stated his requirements for the plush panda. I was afraid that everyone still didn't understand, so he took out the 1984 Asian Games panda commemorative coin from his pocket and threw it to Wang Gang. Said: "If you still don't know, just follow the panda above!"


Behind the Haihai Toy Factory, there are horizontal washing pools——
The washing pool is located behind the canteen of the factory, and the workers often line up after eating, washing dishes and cleaning lunch boxes in the pool facing the faucet.

But at the moment there are only two people in the huge washing pool, Song Zhichao and the female factory director Haitang.

As a man, Song Zhichao still knows how to behave like a gentleman, so he asked Haitang to wash her hands and face first, while he helped with various detergents.

In particular, most of the stains on this type of machine are black engine oil, which is very troublesome to clean.

It's okay to say that it's okay to wash it with gasoline first, and then wash it with washing powder.

But the cheeks are a bit troublesome, especially for a girl like Haitang, the face is a very important part, and it can't be washed directly with gasoline.

Helpless, Haitang had no choice but to ask Song Zhichao for help, took a wet towel, dipped it in gasoline, and wiped the oily black spots on her cheeks bit by bit.

At first, Song Zhichao didn't care too much, he did it very carefully and seriously, until Haitang's snow-white cheeks and beautiful face slowly revealed like a picture scroll as the oil stains faded away, Song Zhichao was surprised.

You know, Song Zhichao is someone who has been here anyway, and has seen many big stars, big beauties, Internet celebrities, models, etc. in his previous life, but the Begonia in front of him still surprised him a little. ", the Begonia in front of me fits this description very well, at least in Song Zhichao's view, the other party is very worthy of the title of "Pan Yu's flower"-although Song Zhichao has always felt that this title is very earthy.

However, the surprise in Song Zhichao's eyes was only fleeting. For him, he only admired Haitang's beauty and had no other distracting thoughts.

As a girl, especially a girl who gets along face to face and at close range, Haitang also keenly captures the subtle changes in Song Zhichao's expression before and after.Her beautiful eyes flickered, and her psychological changes were a bit complicated. At first, she was a little nervous and a little proud, but when she felt Song Zhichao's indifferent expression, she unexpectedly felt a little bit disappointed.

"It's almost there! Uh, there's a little bit of it on the temples, don't move it..." Song Zhichao took a towel and dipped it in gasoline, moved close to Haitang's face, and began to wipe the oil on Haitang's temples.

Move carefully, attentively, and concentrate.

Haitang didn't know why, but her heart suddenly jumped up and down, her beautiful eyes didn't dare to blink, just because Song Zhichao's breath brushed her cheeks, making it tickle...

Fortunately, the oil stains covered up Song Zhichao's handsome appearance, otherwise we don't know what will happen to Haitang.

Even so, Haitang's body gradually stiffened.

She didn't dare to move, and let Song Zhichao wipe the oil from her temples.

Song Zhichao didn't think too much about it, he just wiped it seriously until——
"You bastard, quickly let go of my sister!"

Suddenly someone shouted from behind.

Song Zhichao couldn't help but look back, only to see a half-grown boy holding a thick water gun and glaring at him with an angry face.

Seeing Song Zhichao looking towards him, the middle-aged man said angrily: "Fuck the street, go to hell!" Pull the trigger——

Several strands of pitch-black waterline shot straight at Song Zhichao's face!
(End of this chapter)

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