Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 92 092 [Days Like Years]

Chapter 92 092 [Days Like Years]

On the surface, repairing a machine seems to be an easy and effortless task. As long as you take a wrench, a screwdriver, etc., and fiddle with it a few times, you may be able to get it done.

Especially those men, there is a natural desire to "maintain" all kinds of machinery. Even if many men have not learned professional mechanical maintenance skills, they can still try it out.

For example, Wang Gang, a technician and maintenance worker in this factory.

Wang Gang is just 20 years old this year, and he is a strong guy with a strong physique.He is powerful, intelligent, not ugly, and even a little handsome, so he is very popular among factory girls.

For a long time, Wang Gang has been an invisible "maintenance engineer" in the machinery department of this factory. He usually makes toys, but when the machinery encounters problems, it is when he personally takes care of it.

At that time, Wang Gang felt that he was the most handsome and coolest, especially when he repaired the machine and restarted it, he felt that he was the "Little Ma" in the Hong Kong movie "A Hero" who was crazy about all the female workers in the factory. Cheers and worship.

Women like to be vain, men like to show off.

Wang Gang is such a person.

Wang Gang has always regarded himself as the best man in Haihai Toy Factory, and he is also proud of being surrounded by many female workers.

But in the past two days, his pride was broken by this damn machine.

I didn't know that this machine was "sick", so I just lay down and fiddled with it, it just couldn't be repaired.

Helpless, Wang Gang had no choice but to try his best to find the maintenance manual of this machine, but--it sucks!All of them are in English.

Wang Gang was distressed, he had no schooling, these English knew him, but he didn't know any of them.Holding an instruction manual full of English, in his eyes, almost all of them are messy "little tadpoles looking for their mother".

Well, Wang Gang surrendered.

He thought he couldn't repair this machine.

Or leave it to someone with patience.

Immediately, Wang Gang approached Haitang, the female factory director, and told him that he could not understand English and couldn't repair it. He also said that unless an expert who made the machine came to repair such a machine, otherwise, no one would be able to repair it. good.

When he said these words, Wang Gang was actually a little nervous. He was afraid that his words would be too big.But he had to behave less frustrated in front of the director of Haitang.So it can only be that the machine is too broken, and no one can fix it.

Haitang was dubious about Wang Gang's words.

Wang Gang has been in the factory for so many years and has repaired many machines for the factory.There are all kinds of problems, even if the most bad ones are in his hands, they will be cured immediately.But now this machine can't even be repaired by him, is it really necessary to hire an expert?
But it costs money to hire an expert, not to mention that this machine is imported from a foreign country, and the expert is likely to be a foreigner, too. My own factory is about to close down, so how can I hire someone else?
After thinking about it, Haitang finally invited a few maintenance masters from the factory to try it out, but those masters, like Wang Gang, had no idea about this machine, and they couldn't understand the damn English maintenance manual.

The beach is distressed.

Wang Gang was a little lucky.

Fortunately, it's not that I can't fix this machine, but everyone can't fix it.

I am still the best.

He is the most talented man in Haihai Toy Factory.

But now, a "Secretary Song" popped up all of a sudden. He even said that he knew a little bit of maintenance technology, and let him show him the maintenance manual in a grand manner. After reading it, he took the tool and drilled into it. Under the machine, and began to crackle and fiddle.

Can he really fix it?
Wang Gang couldn't believe it.

Or he couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it.

Because Song Zhichao is so handsome, if he is handsome and talented, he will definitely be popular with girls.

Wang Gang couldn't help but glanced at the female workers around him, and saw these nympho covering their mouths, staring at Song Zhichao who was under the machine with wide eyes, with worried faces, as if the one below was what they were worried about. Boy friend.

Wang Gang was in a bad mood.

But it doesn't matter, these wild flowers and weeds haven't caught his attention yet, but when he saw the factory manager Haitang looking at the machine with a worried face, he felt uncomfortable for some reason.


Next to the machine—
Haitang was full of worry, she knew the difficulty and pain of repairing the machine, especially on such a hot day, in such a narrow place, she couldn't even straighten her arms, bumps and bumps were even trivial things, and her own arm broke out. Several bruises...

"Third Aunt, go and prepare some refreshing tea. Secretary Song will come out and drink it for him later." Haitang couldn't help but said to a thin woman next to her.

"Uncle Bing, go find a clean towel, and Secretary Song will come out later to wipe his face." Haitang said to a lame old man next to him.

"Zhongyou, Ah Gang, go and move the small fan in my room and blow it to Secretary Song down there!" Haitang said to Wang Gang who was looking at him from the side.

Wang Gang's expression was slightly abnormal, but he didn't say anything.

He has always been absolutely obedient to Haitang.

After Haitang gave these instructions, she still felt restless. She clenched her fists tightly, her brows were furrowed, and her pair of watery eyes were always watching the bottom of the machine, for fear that Song Zhichao would come out and tell her that the machine couldn't be repaired well.

Everyone else was also nervous, especially standing like this and being unable to do anything, it was the most uncomfortable.

On the contrary, like Uncle Bing and Third Aunt, she has work to do, but she feels relieved and feels better.

I don't know how much time has passed.

For the workers of Haihai Toy Factory, and for Haitang, the female factory director, life is like years.

They wanted to discuss in a low voice in order to relieve the tension in their hearts, but they were afraid of disturbing Song Zhichao who was drilling down to repair the machine, so they could only bear it and wait.

Seeing the time, almost another 10 minutes passed.

Even with the fan on and nothing to do, Haitang felt like she was sweating profusely, with an indescribable sense of exhaustion all over her body; needless to say, Song Zhichao, who was under the machine, would definitely suffer more and be more tired.

Looking around, the workers who were full of hope at the beginning, their eyes full of hope, became a little disheartened because of the passage of time.

Haitang couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

It has been repaired for so long and there is no response. It seems that the problem of this machine is really difficult to repair, and it is really difficult. For this Secretary Song, let him come out, and giving up is the best choice.

Although unwilling, Haitang finally made a decision, no longer had any hope, and decided to give up repairing the machine.

But just when Haitang was about to call Song Zhichao to come out, someone said: "Director Hai, please turn on the machine and have a try!"

Song Zhichao's voice was not loud, and his tone was full of exhaustion, but for people outside, it was undoubtedly great news.

Unable to bear surprise and nervousness, Haitang gestured to Wang Gang who was standing next to him to turn on the machine.

Wang Gang walked over, but hesitated, he didn't dare to touch the button.

No one knew what he was thinking, but what he was worried about at the moment was what if the machine suddenly started up?
Wouldn't his own brilliance and pride be directly compared to this secretary Song?
Seeing that Wang Gang hesitated, Haitang thought he was worried about the consequences of doing this, afraid that if the button was turned on, the machine would still not move, then he would become a sinner in everyone's eyes, and everyone's hope would be shattered in his hands. .

In the end, it was Haitang who went out in person.

She stood where the machine was turned on and glanced at everyone.

Everyone looked at her.

Haitang glanced at the start button again, and then at Song Zhichao who was still under the machine.

Such a machine imported from abroad, Wang Gang has not repaired it, he has not repaired it, and even hiring foreign experts may not be able to repair it... A secretary of a toy company, a person who just talked to each other, and a person who is at most seventeen or eighteen years old young man, can he really fix it?
With a stomach full of doubts, Haitang pressed her hand towards the start button without hesitation!

(End of this chapter)

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