Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 91 091 [Genius Maintenance Worker]

Chapter 91 091 [Genius Maintenance Worker]

In his previous life, before Song Zhichao started his own business, he had suffered a lot and had done a lot of work.

Especially during the work-study program at the university as an intern, Song Zhichao once worked as a temporary worker in a well-known foreign company, mainly repairing various machinery and equipment and other electronic products operated by the company with his master.

At that time, because there were many work-study students and their salaries were very low, these students were very popular with these big companies.

For these "high quality and cheap" temporary workers, or "interns", foreign companies have never been stingy with "exercising" them. Almost the hardest and most tiring work of the entire company is piled on them. And they are required to complete the tasks on time, otherwise their wages will be deducted, or they will be fired directly.

Facing such almost "inhumane" exploitation and oppression, many college students working as temporary workers couldn't stand it, and finally resigned voluntarily; three months later, Song Zhichao was the only one left among the 13 people who originally joined the company with Song Zhichao. people.

In the eyes of outsiders, especially Song Zhichao's resigned classmates, Song Zhichao is simply a freak, a strong man with self-abuse tendencies.This is specifically reflected in work. Song Zhichao actually likes this extremely "difficult" and even inhumane temporary work.He likes to rush to do the work that others think is the hardest and most tiring. The work that is not done by a human being in the eyes of others is a rare training for him.

Song Zhichao's purpose in doing this is actually very simple, that is to constantly train himself and accumulate experience and skills, because he keeps in mind one sentence: too many skills don't overwhelm you!

Later, the company's master who led Song Zhichao to work could no longer teach Song Zhichao skills, because Song Zhichao had basically learned to repair all kinds of machinery at this time, and even Song Zhichao couldn't repair many machines that even the master could not repair. It's easy to catch.

This situation lasted for about half a year, and almost everyone in the foreign company knew Song Zhichao's name. The reason was that he was a "temporary worker" who was a part-time work-study worker, and he was even better than experienced old employees. The first person that comes to mind is him.

This kind of existence that can be called "defying the sky" made Song Zhichao's "internship" end, and the boss of the foreign company was willing to spend three times his salary to hire him to stay in the company.

Song Zhichao did not accept this, because he had already learned what he wanted to learn here. For him, the outside world was more exciting, and he needed to learn more.

It is precisely because of such a legendary experience that Song Zhichao is very confident in repairing machines and working on electronic equipment.After all, machinery is a versatile thing, and the principles are mostly the same. As long as you know how to maintain one kind of machinery, you can basically do the rest immediately.

What's more, in Song Zhichao's view, this machine has its own maintenance manual, and it should be easy to solve it just by looking at it.


Song Zhichao had a plan in mind, but for the people in the toy factory, whether the machine could be repaired was of great importance.

Therefore, when the guy named Wang Gang found out the machine maintenance manual and gave it to Song Zhichao, all eyes were on Song Zhichao.

For these old workers, the appearance of Song Zhichao is undoubtedly a major turning point for the factory.If he can really accept his order of 30 plush toys, then the factory will be completely saved.

But the situation in front of them is obviously very bad. An important machine in the production of toys has a problem, which almost dashes the hope they just saw.

But now Song Zhichao picked up the maintenance manual, which was all in English, and said that he not only understands English, but also understands maintenance, which rekindled a glimmer of hope for everyone.

Besides, Song Zhichao took over the maintenance manual and looked at it. Sure enough, it was full of small English characters. After a careful look, he couldn't stop him.

Soon, Song Zhichao understood that this was a toy automatic cutting machine.The main function is to cut pieces for plush toys, puppet toys and other toys that need to be cut.As long as you manually input the style and size of the pieces to be cut into the computer operation of the machine, you can start the machine to cut various fabrics and fabrics.

To put it bluntly, this is a large automatic cutting machine, and the place of production is Birmingham, England.

Song Zhichao knew that Birmingham was an important industrial city in the UK. He had traveled there in his previous life, and he also knew that as one of the three holy places of the British industrial revolution, Birmingham had always been among the best in machine manufacturing.And it is not uncommon for this kind of cutting machine for making toys to come from here.

It turns out that the production of plush toys is generally divided into six processes, namely cutting, sewing, assembling, filling, overall and packaging.In the whole process, cutting is undoubtedly the most critical and important link. If this link is not done well, the rest will be useless.

No wonder the female factory manager, Haitang, could only sigh in dismay when faced with the [-] order from Song Zhichao. If the machine couldn’t be repaired well, no matter how skilled the workers in the factory were, they couldn’t make good plush toys. Come.

After watching for about five or six minutes, the people around were almost afraid to breathe. They all stared at Song Zhichao eagerly, wanting to ask but dare not.He only waited for Song Zhichao to put down the maintenance manual in his hand, and then began to loosen his tie with his hands, took off his suit, and said with a smile on his face: "If you can trust me, I can try to repair it."

Haitang immediately said: "Secretary Song, you can try it anyway, the machine is broken anyway."

The person next to him even said: "Yes, the big deal is that the deaf will become dumb after cultivation, anyway, this machine has already hit the street!"

"Just try it, don't be shy!"

Seeing Song Zhichao take off his suit jacket, the people next to him hurried forward to help put it away. Afraid that his hands would get dirty and the suit was dirty, he pinched the corners of the suit with his fingers and folded it, and then lined the newspaper securely and placed it on the side.

At this time, Song Zhichao was only wearing western trousers and a white shirt. He rolled up the sleeves of the shirt, unbuttoned it, and tucked the lower end of the shirt into the trousers. The cardboard laid on the ground slowly drilled under the machine——
After a while, I heard the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong from below. It seemed that Song Zhichao had already started work and started repairing the cutting machine.

As for whether he can fix it, it's really hard to say.

After all, this machine has been repaired by several people, but they all failed in the end. The machine is still as dumb as it is difficult to start.

(End of this chapter)

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