Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 90 090 [Flying order]

Chapter 90 090 [Flying order]

At the entrance of the factory, a young man in a suit and leather shoes and a briefcase walked in with a smile on his face.

The man was very handsome, and he looked seventeen or eighteen years old at most, but the smile on his face made people feel that he was very mature and stable, especially when he saw everyone staring at him, he didn't have the slightest timidity, and responded neither humble nor overbearing. He smiled at everyone and nodded.

"Who is he?"

"do not know."

"It doesn't look like Cheng Fafa's group."

Everyone whispered.

The young man glanced at the crowd, then looked at Haitang, who was covered in oil stains and looked like a female man, and asked again in a very polite tone: "Excuse me, who is the director of Haitang Hai?"

Haitang glanced at the other party suspiciously, but felt that the other party was not only handsome, but also had a kind face and a pleasant smile.

"I am!"

"Oh, so you are the director of Hai Factory, sorry for your disrespect!" While speaking, the young man took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over in a gentlemanly way: "This is my business card, please have a look."

Haitang could not help but frown when she heard him speak politely. She took the business card and glanced at it, only to see it said: "Wanda Toys Import and Export Trading Company, General Manager Assistant and Secretary, Sales Representative Song Zhichao!"

"Your surname is Song, Secretary Song?" Haitang asked.

"Yes, I'm an assistant secretary." Song Zhichao said kindly.

Haitang was a little uncomfortable with Song Zhichao's kind tone.

"What do you want from me?"

"I asked you to help make some toys."

"Toys?" Haitang's eyes lit up when she heard that the other party wanted to place an order to make toys.

Just now that damn Cheng Fafa said that no one would place an order and let their toy factory wait for bankruptcy, but now someone came to place an order.

But Haitang is not an ordinary person after all, and he was frightened by Cheng Dafa, a mangy dog. Who knows if this is a trap set up by him, and he deliberately asked someone to place an order to deceive himself.Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a coincidence that the man ran over as soon as the mangy dog ​​left.

Haitang rolled her eyes, took another look at the business card, and said with a smile, "Secretary Song, do you know Cheng Dacheng, the factory director?"

Song Zhichao nodded, "I know him. He is the boss of Fafa Toy Factory. He is very powerful. He has three big factories."

"Then do you know that he just came here?"

"I saw the car, but I didn't see anyone—I didn't expect that car to be his."

"Then do you know what he told us just now?"

"What did you say?"

"He said, whoever dares to place an order with our factory, he will kill him!" Haitang said in a sharp tone on purpose, and then fixed her beautiful eyes on Song Zhichao, "Now I ask you, are you afraid?"

Song Zhichao was taken aback for a moment, and asked back, "Why should I be afraid?"

Haitang was also taken aback, "Aren't you one of his people?"

"Who says I belong to him?"


Seeing that Haitang was dumb, Song Zhichao couldn't help feeling amused.

"Director Hai, let me say it again. I am the secretary and business representative of Wanda Toys Company, not someone from Fafa Toys Factory! My surname is Song, and my name is Song Zhichao!"

Seeing Song Zhichao's serious answer, Haitang couldn't help but blush, knowing that she might be wrong.

"Sorry, they just came here to make trouble, I thought..." Haitang looked a little awkward.

Fortunately, Song Zhichao smiled at this time, "Don't say so much, Director Hai, I am here this time to sincerely hope to cooperate with you to produce a batch of toys. I wonder what your intention is?"

Haitang adjusted her posture, "What kind of toys are you going to want, let me tell you."

"Panda, to be precise, it's that kind of fluffy plush toy!" Song Zhichao laughed, "If your toy meets our required standards, then we will pay a part of the deposit first, but the amount will not be too much, about 6000 yuan About, and then sign a formal contract to produce a total of [-] pieces, what do you think?"

"One hundred thousand?"

Including Haitang, everyone in the toy factory was startled.

Everyone stared and stared, you looked at me, I looked at you, all with incredible expressions on their faces.A few of them couldn't hold their breath, and even swallowed their saliva, feeling that they were about to suffocate at this moment.

You must know that since the factory faced a crisis, the highest order was only four to five thousand. Even when the factory was at its most glorious, orders as large as one hundred thousand were not too many.

No, to be precise, the old men of the toy factory haven't heard of such a big order for a long time.

At this moment, their eyes were bright, and they all looked at Song Zhichao with hope and longing, as if Song Zhichao had descended from the sky and was a saint who brought them happiness and good news.

After all, Haitang is the factory director. After being surprised, she quickly began to calculate: According to the current order price in the toy market, the combined manufacturing cost and profit of a medium-sized plush toy is about 5 cents, and the total amount of [-] pieces That's [-] yuan!This is definitely a life-saving money for the Haihai Toy Factory, which is about to go bankrupt.

Trying to stabilize her ups and downs, Haitang had no choice but to ask tentatively, "Sorry, Mr. Song, your order is really too big. We're afraid we won't be able to make the quantity of [-] pieces."

Song Zhichao smiled: "I know, you have a small number of people now, and [-] is just a little too much; but it doesn't matter, I'm not asking you to make [-] at once, as long as it's done within three months."

Haitang took a deep breath, "If the project is completed in three months, it will take an average of more than 3 pieces a month, and 30 days a month. Basically, more than 100 pieces will be completed every day, and they will be evenly distributed to 30 people, each with a day. To make more than 30... is acceptable."

"It's not acceptable, it's easy to fix!" Song Zhichao said with a smile, "There are so many veterans in your factory, the technology is absolutely first-class, they are hardworking, and they can endure hardships. Coupled with mechanized production, let alone 30 people a day. Multiple, even more than 300 should be no problem!"

Song Zhichao's words were a compliment to the old workers around, and everyone couldn't help laughing, thinking that Secretary Song was handsome and gentle, and his speech was very pleasant, making people feel very comfortable after listening to it.

Song Zhichao took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat oozing from his forehead. There was nothing he could do. The workshop was big and stuffy, and because there were no orders to start work, he didn't even bother to turn on the electric fan. In addition, he was wearing a suit and leather shoes and a tie. No wonder you're not sweating.

Seeing this, Haitang gave the people around her a wink, and immediately someone ran over to turn on the electric fan cleverly.

When the fan is turned on, the hot air is blown away.

Song Zhichao felt much more comfortable. He put the briefcase in his hand on the machine beside him, and continued to say to everyone: "That's how the orders are. It seems that there are many orders. After counting the details, there are only a few! Besides, if my order this time The order is only a thousand or a few hundred, maybe you are still unwilling to do it!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed.

But everyone’s smiles are so bitter, what is unwillingness to do it, the factory looks like this, even if the order is only a dozen, they will do it-after all, they have to survive!
As the current female director of the toy factory, Haitang feels the deepest. It can be said that Song Zhichao's delivery of the order this time is a timely gift for them.

But soon, Haitang woke up from the excitement and joy, and thought of a very realistic problem.

After hesitating for a while, Haitang said: "Excuse me, Secretary Song, I want to ask, if you want plush toys, can you use other kinds of toys? For example, plastic toys, electric toys, or puppet toys?"

Song Zhichao shook his head: "I just want plush toys."

"This..." Haitang hesitated to speak.

Who is Song Zhichao? Just by looking at her expression, she knew something was wrong, "But what's the problem?"

"I'm really sorry." Haitang said bluntly, "Actually, the plush toy machine in our factory is broken, promise, it's the one behind me..."

Haitang pointed to the large machine she had just repaired, and then said: "Our staff can prove that I am not lying."

At this time, the strong young man who had been beaten by Niu Xiong stood up, and he said in a puffed up voice: "My name is Wang Gang, and I am a machine maintenance personnel in the factory. I can prove what Director Hai said, the internal structure of this machine Something went wrong, and the maintenance instructions are all in English, although I can repair some machines, I can’t understand English.”

Haitang went on to say, "I translated some content by flipping through the dictionary, but unfortunately, even if I repair it myself, I can't fix it."

After a pause, he continued: "According to the current situation, if you want to repair this machine, you must hire a manufacturer that produces this machine with a high salary, but this machine is imported from abroad, and hiring foreign experts will not cost much Said, I'm afraid it's too late."

After saying this, Haitang sighed, looked at Song Zhichao and said, "So, Secretary Song, can you change it? We can provide you with plastic panda toys. You can rest assured about the quality."

For Haitang, for the remaining 30 workers in the factory, they finally received an order, and they really didn't want to just throw it away.

The others all stared at Song Zhichao with pitiful eyes, for fear of saying "no" from his mouth.

You know, this is the hope of all of them. If the hope fails, it will be more uncomfortable than killing them.

Song Zhichao looked at Haitang, then looked at this group of old workers with pitiful eyes, vicissitudes on their faces, and thick calluses on their hands, suddenly smiled, and said to Haitang: "Director Hai, the English Where is the maintenance manual, I want to take a look first!"

Haitang, including the others, couldn't help being taken aback, wondering why Song Zhichao wanted that manual.

At this time, the smile on Song Zhichao's face became stronger, and he said slowly: "It just so happens that I know a little English, and it just so happens that I know a little repair technology!"

(End of this chapter)

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