Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 12 012 [1 Realm, 1 Heaven]

Chapter 12 012 [One Realm, One Heaven]

When Brother Mark calmed down, knowing that Song Zhichao was not joking, he was slightly dazed.

"A Chao, I know you are a talent. If you don't talk about anything else, let's talk about your eloquence. You are a person in the world, and few people are better than you. But you asked for [-] yuan for three days, who can bear it?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Chen Jianjun was afraid that Mark would be angry, so he hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Brother Mark said that, these days, earning one or two hundred yuan a month is already pretty good, but if you earn 1 yuan in three days, isn't that a joke? !" After finishing speaking, he gave Song Zhichao a wink, the meaning was obvious, telling him not to ask too much, no, don't be too exaggerated.

Song Zhichao pretended not to see it, and said to Mark with a smile: "I heard people say that there is nothing you can't do in Panyu, Brother Mark. It seems that this statement is a bit exaggerated."

Brother Mark's face was a little ugly, he took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and smoked it vigorously.

At this time, Anna whispered a few words in his ear.

After finishing speaking, Anna looked at Song Zhichao with a meaningful smile.

Song Zhichao knew that he didn't give that little gift in vain.

Brother Mark's face was cloudy and uncertain. Suddenly, he crushed the half-smoked cigarette fiercely, and then Trump said to Song Zhichao in Cantonese: "Ge Laozi, you forced me. Let me tell you, I still have a lot of cigarettes on hand." There is really a very important thing to be done, if you can do it, I will reward you with 1 yuan!"

Song Zhichao smiled, "Let's hear it."

When it came to business, Brother Mark didn’t bother to use Cantonese any more, and said directly in Trump: “It is estimated that the army has told you my details, yes, I am not a local, let alone a Hong Kong person; I am from Sichuan. I came here to work, luckily, I got a big boss in Hong Kong surnamed Fu, and he spent money to invest in the Caesars dance hall I am managing now."

Brother Mark let go completely, poured himself a glass of wine, and took a sip.

"Although this store was invested by others, I managed it with my own blood and sweat. In Panyu, you can ask anyone casually, who is the big boss of the Caesar Song and Dance Hall? No one says the surname is Fu. Will say the surname is Zhang, it is me Zhang Tiezhu!"

"But in fact, I have to pay money to the superior every month, and report to the superior every month. No matter how big the shop is, what's the use of making more money? I'm just a wage earner! So ,I can not be reconciled--"

Song Zhichao didn't interrupt Mark's words, but just listened quietly.

Chen Jianjun waved his hand and signaled the waiters to go out first, after all, they couldn't listen to some words.

Anna knew the details, and knew Mark's mood best, so she stroked his back and comforted him.

"Now, it's almost the end of the month, and the rent of this store is due again, so I want to talk to the higher-ups, spend 100 million to sell this store, and become my real company of Zhang Tiezhu."

"Isn't this request too much? But that crazy woman, that crazy woman, just ignored me and never gave me a chance to talk. I tried many methods, but in the end they didn't work——say, he was a stern person, and now I'm I swear, as long as you can deal with this woman, get her to sign a contract, and sell the Caesars Dance Hall to me, I will reward you with 1 yuan, how about it, do you dare to do it?"

Song Zhichao didn't agree immediately, but held the matchbox between his fingers and wandered around, "What's the girl's name and what's her background?"

Mark gave a secret compliment, he could hold his breath, "That woman is from Hong Kong, her surname is Fu, and her name is Fu Qingying."

After thinking for a while, Mark said again: "Since you are interested in this job, then I will make it clear to you. This Fu family is very remarkable in Hong Kong and Macau. I heard that it is a big family, and my parents have also been the king of gambling in Macau. "

Hearing this, Song Zhichao immediately remembered the play "Legend of the New Casino Brother" starring Hua Tsai in his previous life. Although many of the stories in it were made up, the big families in it were real. There are people, for example, the He family, the Huo family, and the Fu family among them.

"People say that the young ladies from the big families are all ladies, but this Fu Qingying is a crazy woman, a crazy woman. Every time I come here from Hong Kong, it is nominally to inspect the business of the singing and dancing halls, but every time I put the singing and dancing The hall was messed up. Either hitting the guests with the bottle, or throwing money at the artist, getting drunk and going crazy, smashing the tables and chairs, knocking down the wine cabinet...every time I ended up coming to her Wipe your ass."

When Mark said this, it seemed that remembering the grievances for so long, the eyes of a big man turned red.

"She's not doing business, she's clearly messing things up." Mark sighed and continued, "In order to get rid of this crazy woman, I also sent someone to check her details. Although she is the daughter of the Fu family, Three years ago, he married a son of another famous family in Hong Kong. I heard that the man is very flirtatious and often flirts outside. Once you are abandoned by a man, you become a jerk, you don't care about anything, you just run out to play, and your own shop is also smashed, you have enough fun, but you hurt me!"

Having said that, Mark drank the wine glass in front of him in one gulp, then stared at Song Zhichao with burning eyes and said, "I've told you everything that should be said and shouldn't be said tonight, now give me a letter , can you fix it?"

Song Zhichao put his random matchbox on the table, and looked at Mark without any evasion: "It's difficult..."

"That is impossible!"

"I haven't finished yet—" Song Zhichao's lips curled up, "Challenges come only when they are difficult, and I am just the kind of person who likes challenges the most!"

Mark smiled, "I knew I was right! Yes, as a man, you have to challenge the difficulty. Otherwise, how can you earn [-] in three days? Come on, for your courage, I toast you!"

Mark took the initiative to pour a glass of wine to Song Zhichao, and Chen Jianjun stood up to accompany him.

The three of them paired cups and drank them all in one gulp.

After sitting down, Song Zhichao said: "Although I am willing to challenge this difficult task, I still need your cooperation, Brother Mark."

"Don't worry! Ge Laozi, I will provide you with everything you need, and anyone who doesn't cooperate is the grandson of a turtle!"

"Hehe, then there will be Lao Mark." Song Zhichao said with a smile.

Chen Jianjun could see it. Although Song Zhichao was only seventeen or eighteen years old, this young man was very well-off.

He held the initiative from the beginning to the end of the banquet tonight, and in the end, it was not so much that he was begging Mark for a job, it was better to say that Brother Mark was begging him for help.

Earn [-] in three days, is it possible?
If it were someone else, Chen Jianjun would have laughed long ago; but for Song Zhichao, he couldn't laugh.


Then everyone chatted a few more words and said some interesting things, and then the banquet was dissolved.

Song Zhichao and Chen Jianjun sent Mark and his girlfriend to the door of the hotel. After waving goodbye, they watched them leave slowly in a black Santana.

These days, owning a Santana personal car is a big deal.

At least Song Zhichao could tell that Chen Jianjun was staring at the car's butt with envy.

"When will Brother Jun buy a car for fun?"

"That stuff burns money, so I can't afford it."

"It's not that I can't afford it, it's that I'm reluctant." Song Zhichao smiled at him, "Sometimes you have to work hard to make money, but you have to be willing to spend it. The more you spend, the more you can earn."

What is the logic?Chen Jianjun didn't understand.

Song Zhichao took the suit jacket handed over by the waitress, took out 30 yuan from his wallet, and handed it to the waitress, "Thank you for your hard work!"

The waitress was extremely happy and kept saying thank you.

Chen Jianjun was speechless, "You are really generous, no wonder you have to earn [-] yuan in three days. Like you, how much money you have is not enough to spend."

Song Zhichao smiled, "Brother Jun is feeling sorry for me? I just said, isn't money just for spending—besides, I bought her two pairs of earrings."

"That's not going to cost thirty. You know, I can only earn 30 yuan by selling half-day tickets in my video hall."

"Brother Jun is being modest, your video room costs at least a hundred dollars a day."

"As far as you know. Those who have to pay taxes, and those who give people protection fees, only a few dozen yuan in their pockets."

Song Zhichao nodded, "Is Brother Jun interested in running the dance hall with that Mark?"

"What?" Chen Jianjun was taken aback, his eyes widened.

No need for him to say anything, Song Zhichao already knew the answer.

These days, although opening a video hall makes money, it is nothing compared to opening a dance hall.Opening a video hall makes a small amount of 100 or [-] yuan, but opening a dance hall makes tens of thousands of dollars.

"What do I need to do?" Chen Jianjun couldn't help swallowing, his voice trembling.

"It's very simple, sell your video studio quickly, and then make up 10 yuan!" Song Zhichao hooked his fingers on the suit and put it on his shoulders, "Remember, you must be quick."

Chen Jianjun hesitated.

It was really impossible for him to make an immediate decision to sell the video studio on which he depended.

Song Zhichao didn't say anything more. For him, reminding Chen Jianjun of this sentence was just to repay him a favor.As for whether Chen Jianjun can do it, it depends on him.

Diligent and thrifty in housekeeping is enough to be a little rich.

Only by breaking the boat can we become rich and powerful.

One level of realm, one level of heaven.

Unfortunately, many people do not understand.

(End of this chapter)

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