Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 13 013 [Men are not easy to do]

Chapter 13 013 [Men are not easy to do]

After leaving the "Deep Sea Fish Harbor" restaurant, Song Zhichao did not return to the dormitory of the toy factory.Although he knew that he would pay back the money in three days after he promised, those debt collectors would not be stuck there, but Song Zhichao was very dissatisfied with the living environment there, and he couldn't even take a bath.So Song Zhichao found a small hotel called "Ping'an" nearby.

The Ping An Hotel is not too big, and the slogan of this era is posted at the front desk, "Customers are God, let them feel at home".

The night shift at the front desk was a long-haired boy with a sneaky head. He was watching "Story Meeting" under the desk lamp. When he heard someone coming, he looked up and saw Song Zhichao. He immediately asked with a smile if he wanted to stay in the hotel.

Song Zhichao nodded and asked how much a single room cost.

Changmao said, "There are high-end ones and not-high-end ones. The high-end ones have water, TV, and showers, and they cost five yuan a night; the low-end ones only have a bed, and they cost three yuan a night."

Song Zhichao said, "A senior one."

Changmao grinned, "I know you are a decent person just by looking at your clothes, of course you have to live in the high-end ones; those in the low-end ones are for poor wage earners, and it's better to live in the low-level ones like you. Buried."

Song Zhichao didn't talk nonsense with him, took out his ID card, paid the rent, and then gave Changmao half a pack of cigarettes, saying, "I want to sleep well at night, and I don't want someone to knock on the door in the middle of the night."

Changmao is also a human being, so he took out one and smelled the smell of Caidie cigarettes, put it on his ear, and said, "Relax! I will explain it, and you can sleep soundly!"

Song Zhichao went upstairs, found his room 502, opened the door, and a musty smell unique to hotels came over his face.

Song Zhichao frowned, then touched the wall with his hand, found the light cord of the electric light, and turned on the light with his hand, only then could he see the layout of the whole room clearly.

It is about ten square meters, full of various things, such as TV cabinets, black and white panda TVs, and the viewing antenna on the TV is broken and sticks upright behind the buttocks, like a monkey's tail.

It was a single bed, and it was quite soft after pressing it with my hands. When I lifted the mattress, it turned out to be Simmons's.This came as a surprise to Song Zhichao.

In addition, it is a hot water bottle, which has hot water.To the left of the bed is a small toilet with a shower, no awning head, rough walls, not even tiles, but tiles on the floor, which is obviously a waterproof layer, and only one can stand in a small place people.

Song Zhichao couldn't care too much after a busy day, so he took off his clothes and went into the toilet to flush.

After about 10 minutes, he came out of it wrapped in a bath towel, but he felt that the greasy body was swept away, and he was extremely comfortable.I reached out to find the remote control to turn on the TV, but after searching for a long time, I realized that this kind of TV does not have a remote control and needs to be turned on manually.

Press the TV button, the black and white TV lights up, the pattern is very unclear, but you can barely watch it.

Song Zhichao was wiping his wet hair with a towel, while turning the tuner with his hands. It was almost twelve o'clock, and many channels had no signal. Fortunately, he found a Cantonese channel. It is a Hong Kong urban drama "I am Kind".

I remember well, this drama was only broadcast in Hong Kong this year, I didn't expect to receive it here.

Song Zhichao took out a cigarette, lit it, and leaned on the bed watching the new TV series.

There was knocking on the door from time to time, those girls should be dispatched, taking turns knocking on the door of those lonely men to send "warmth".

Song Zhichao could clearly hear the voice from the next door.

"What are you doing?"

"Brother, do you want to play?"

"play what?"

"You can play whatever you want?"

"Do you want money?"

"of course yes."

"How many?"

"Five dollars."

"It's too expensive, five yuan can buy a lot of pork!"

"How can pork compare to me!"

"It can't be compared, you don't have the smell of pork."

"You don't even smell it, how do you know I don't smell good?"

"Whether it smells good or not, I don't play anyway! I will buy more tomorrow!" The door slammed shut.

"Lonely man!" The woman kicked the door hard.

It can be said that as long as there are men staying in the room, almost all of them receive the treatment of "knocking on the door to send warmth".

Song Zhichao was an exception.

Half a box of Butterfly Cigarettes can handle everything, which makes Song Zhichao feel very comfortable.


While Song Zhichao was very comfortable, Chen Jianjun was not at all comfortable.

Because of what Song Zhichao said before, Chen Jianjun was completely out of his mind.

After Chen Jianjun left the hotel, he didn't go anywhere else, but went directly to his own video studio.

Like many video halls, when it is almost twelve o'clock in the evening, the door of the video hall will be locked, so that the audience can watch the "night show" unscrupulously inside, and find some wonderful video tapes for the audience to enjoy. one time.

Chen Jianjun's woman had already gone home to take care of the children, and it was Chen Jianjun's mother-in-law who stayed here to watch the door.

When the old lady heard the knock on the door, she got up from the mat on the floor with a cattail fan, and then opened the rolling gate with all her strength. Seeing that it was her son-in-law, she asked why you came so late.

Chen Jianjun buried his head in silence, and finally after thinking about it, he bravely said to the old lady: "Mom, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"What's the matter, can't we talk about it tomorrow?" The old lady is not a local either. She came to the south with her son-in-law to work hard, and she suffered a lot before.

Chen Jianjun took out a bottle of Jianlibao from the freezer and handed it to his mother-in-law for her to drink.The old lady waved her hand and said, "This stuff is for money. I don't care if I drink it." Then she put Jianlibao back into the freezer.

Seeing that the old lady was reluctant to drink even a can of drink, Chen Jianjun was even more embarrassed to speak.Seeing that there was a cattail fan beside him, he took it in his hand and fanned it vigorously.

The old lady also came here, and when she saw his expression was wrong, she guessed that he must have something on his mind, so the old lady poured a glass of water, handed it to Chen Jianjun and said, "If there is anything wrong, just talk about it, don't be bored in your heart, What can I do if I'm bored?"

Seeing the old lady's question, Chen Jianguo became cruel, gritted his teeth, and said, "Mom, there is actually something I want to discuss with you."

"What's the matter, tell me." The old lady seemed very open-minded.

So Chen Jianjun had the courage to repeat what Song Zhichao had told him, saying that he would sell the video hall and invest in opening a dance hall, saying that he could make a lot of money that way.

As soon as the words were finished, the old lady fanned the cattail fan vigorously and persuaded: "Dajun, you can rest assured! Our video studio business is also very good, why are you going to order those? If you mess up, What can I do with chicken and egg? As for me, I can live for a year or two at most, and then I won’t need you to support me, but you still have a wife and children, what can they do? Drink Northwest Wind with you?”

Chen Jianjun didn't speak, but just turned the teacup with his hands.

"This person, you must be content. Don't always be so high-minded and want to make a lot of money. This money is too much, and you can't make it all in your life. If you have such a good video hall, you should guard it carefully. You can't sell it now. Is it cheaper for others?"

Chen Jianjun picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, feeling hot and burning his mouth.

"I know you won't listen to what I say, but as the saying goes, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of your eyes. I advise you, just stick to this stall and work hard, don't give me those moths , otherwise even if my daughter doesn't talk about you, I will poke your back!"

The old lady had already reached this point, and Chen Jianjun knew that it would be useless to say any more.

He scratched his head, put down the teacup and said, "Mom, don't take it seriously, I'm just joking." He said and got up, "I'll go back to sleep tonight, and you will help guard here—I haven't been back for several days , look at my son."

The old lady laughed and said, "Go! Anyway, I'm old and I don't sleep much, and I can't sleep in bed. While I can still move, I will help you for a few more years."

Chen Jianjun was a little sad, he didn't say anything more, went out, pulled down the shutter, told the old lady to lock the door, and then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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