Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 126 128 [Eating should not be too ugly]

Chapter 126 128 [Eating should not be too ugly]

Longtaida Hotel, in the room——
"How about it, are you satisfied with this story?" Song Zhichao crossed his legs and flicked the ash into the ashtray with a smile.

Jin Jiu was almost dumbfounded. He usually likes to listen to storytelling, but he didn't expect Song Zhichao to be a first-rate storyteller.

The same is true for Fatty Qi, who finds this story intriguing.

Only Mao Youwang had a calmer expression. After all, he was one of the parties involved, so of course he understood the plot of the story.

"It turns out that apart from being able to do business, Ah Chao, you also know this kind of high technology. I admire it! I really admire it!" Jin Jiu clasped his fists and praised.

Fatty Qi also clasped his fists: "The boss is indeed the boss, you know everything I don't understand, but I don't understand what you understand!"

Song Zhichao laughed and scolded: "Don't flatter me, I need everyone's help in the future. In business, you can't do it alone, you have to work together."

Next, Song Zhichao told Mao Youwang the next development plan of the renamed "Wanda Technology Company".

First of all, get the order of 100 million voice chips, and earn the 50 completely.

Then we need to invest heavily in scientific research and development. In Song Zhichao's words, this is an era of great change, and everything is possible.Especially as technology is the primary productive force, the wealth and profits it will bring in the future are simply beyond your imagination. Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, and Lei Jun are all rich with the technology at hand, and they can’t spend a few lifetimes with a lot of money ...

The big guys didn't know who the two horses and Lei Zi were, but they were too embarrassed to ask, so as not to appear "ignorant".

Especially Fatty Qi thought that the richest person was Li Ka-shing from Hong Kong, but who are these three who suddenly appeared?Could it be the overseas Chinese in Malaysia and Thailand?He wondered.

Song Zhichao didn't explain to them that these three great gods are all top figures in the future IT industry, but he just revealed a little bit about the future prosperity of technology according to his own wishes.

Just a little bit, the three feel differently.

Jin Jiu thought it didn't matter, he was a coolie, and technology had something to do with him.

Fatty Qi found it incredible, and felt that these so-called "high-tech" could fool people more than their cheaters.

As for Mao Youwang, he listened intently, and even took the initiative to ask Song Zhichao what the future research direction of the company should be.

Song Zhichao directly pointed out two points, the first is the discization of video tapes and music cassettes, and the second is the digitization of communication equipment.

Such esoteric content was difficult for Mao Youwang to digest for a while, let alone Jin Jiu, a big bastard, and Qi Fatzi, a charlatan, they were directly confused.

Song Zhichao knew that it was useless to speak too clearly at this time. The limitations of the times are left here, and this kind of technological matter needs to be done slowly.

So Song Zhichao didn't explain these anymore, but turned to Jin Jiu and said that brother Jiu may need to take care of him this month, especially the chips produced by the electronics factory must be safe.

Who is Jin Jiu, of course he understands what Song Zhichao means, but he is afraid that Cheng Fafa will not be able to swallow this breath and play tricks behind his back.

Looking at the whole Pan Yu, there is no one who dares to do this kind of deed except Cheng Dafa's horse Niu Xiong, and the only person who can compete with Niu Xiong is of course his boss Jin Jiujin.

Jin Jiu used people's money to ward off disasters for others. The [-] Song Zhichao just gave was not much more than that. Jin Jiu immediately patted his chest and assured that it would be absolutely fine.For him, it was nothing more than sending some younger brothers to watch around the electronics factory, and paying attention to Niu Xiong's movements.This kind of thing just takes a little effort and basically doesn't cost a lot of money.

After making these arrangements, Niu Xiong and Mao Youwang left separately, they had their own things to do.

Looking back, only Song Zhichao and Qi Wanda were left in the entire guest room.

Song Zhichao did a rough calculation. The two times he earned, besides investing in "Wanda Toy Trading Company", investing in "Wanda Garment Factory", investing in "Wanda Technology Company" and the dividends distributed to everyone, he had cash on hand. There are still about 30. In this era when "ten thousand households" are very powerful, so much money is definitely not a small amount.

According to Qi Wanda, since we have money on hand and Wanda has three subsidiaries, we should repackage Wanda's "headquarters", at least rent a company front and hire a few people, lest others say that we are Purse Company.

Song Zhichao just smiled, saying that the fat man is addicted to being a boss, and he still cares about these surface jobs.

The fat man said, "I'm used to being a cheater, pretending to be a ghost."

Then he asked Song Zhichao if he wanted to rent an office or not, and how many of them he was optimistic about.

Song Zhichao stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand, and suddenly said: "Why do you want to rent? Just buy a room and forget about it, and you don't have to worry about the rent in the future... Zhong You, it is best to buy a shop as an office, and the location is the first choice." , preferably in a prosperous location, it doesn’t matter if you have more money.”

Fatty: "Huh?" His expression was astonished, as if he didn't expect Song Zhichao to think farther than himself.

How did he know that for Song Zhichao, he clearly knew how crazy and abnormal the real estate in the mainland would be in the future, and now buying some shops while the prices were low would definitely make a profit without losing money.

But for Fatty, what he saw was Song Zhichao's grandeur, and he rented it for himself. After all, it cost less, but the other party bought it directly.

"If you say that, I'll really do it. I'm looking at a storefront. It's very good. It costs about [-]. Are you willing to part with it?"

"Just do it if you like it. There's nothing to be reluctant about." Song Zhichao smiled, "I just gave you a bonus of [-] yuan, and I think it's a profit to buy a store with [-] yuan!"

The fat man chuckled and gave a thumbs up: "So, I followed the wrong person!"

However, Song Zhichao shook his finger, with a trace of coldness on the corner of his mouth, and said with a serious expression: "I don't know if you are following the wrong person, I only know that we have a tough battle to fight next, if we win, we will exhale and raise our eyebrows, if we lose, Maybe you will be beaten back to your original shape immediately, are you afraid?"

Fatty Qi was taken aback by Song Zhichao's sudden change of expression, and when he came back to his senses, he asked, "Didn't we win? We've made that rotten person Cheng Dafa ashamed."

"I'm not talking about him, I'm talking about our real enemy—Miss Fu!"

"Ah, what?" Fatty Qi was taken aback, "Did you make a mistake, how could Miss Fu be our enemy?" His tone was still full of fear towards the Fu family.After all, he is from Hong Kong, and Qi Wanda knows the status of the Fu family in Hong Kong better than anyone else.

Song Zhichao didn't care, and said with a sneer, "From the moment she deliberately placed an order for Cheng Fafa, she had already set up a plan and wanted to kick me out... It's a pity, why didn't she expect that I would come back!"

"What do you mean?" Qi Wanda was a little confused.

"It means, why does Miss Fu directly give Cheng Fafa a deposit of 100 million yuan in cash?"


"Because she wants to get rid of Cheng Fafa, to be precise, she wants to swallow Cheng Fafa's toy factory!"

"How to swallow?"

Song Zhichao didn't answer, but used his little finger to pick out his ear, and then blew on his fingertips: "Of course, eat slowly—Miss Qianjin, don't eat too ugly!" The tone was contemptuous.

(End of this chapter)

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