Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1379 1399[Raise your hand and surrender]

Chapter 1379 1399[Raise your hand and surrender]
"Boss, we seem to be really surrounded, what should we do!"

Seeing that the boss Zhou Zhenhao was silent, Curly and Bai Mao became anxious.

"What should I do? Look first!" Zhou Zhenhao was furious, and ordered the two younger brothers to observe the enemy's situation first.

To be honest, Zhou Zhenhao didn't believe that he would be surrounded by the police even if he was beaten to death.

where is this place?
How can the police know where even ghosts can't be found?
Curly and Baimao ran to the window together to look out as instructed.

It didn't matter what they saw, it gave them a big jump.

I saw that the outside was full of policemen in darkness, and they were surrounding their ship with guns and nuclear bombs.

"Boss, it's bad! We are really surrounded!"

"Boss, what should we do? We can't escape!"

Curly and Bai Mao panicked and said to Zhou Zhenhao.

Zhou Zhenhao was also flustered at the moment.

"Calm down! Be sure to stay calm!" Zhou Zhenhao said loudly.

"No, boss, we are going to be arrested!"

"Yeah, we can't escape!"

The curly and white hairs panicked, like ants in a hot pan.

clap clap! !
Zhou Zhenhao slapped twice.

The yelling curly hair and white hair became quiet.

Zhou Zhenhao said to them: "Why are you panicking? Look at what you look like! As I said, you will have to pay back sooner or later! But now is not the time for us to admit defeat!"

Curly Hair and Bai Mao didn't say a word, they just looked at Brother Hao helplessly, hoping that he could come up with a countermeasure.

"Damn it, when will this phone be able to locate? I've never heard of it before!" Zhou Zhenhao muttered.

How did he know that mobile phone positioning technology has actually been developed in the United States in 1996. At that time, the American rescue center mainly cooperated with communication companies to develop this new type of positioning search and rescue business.

However, due to the high cost and the need to deploy satellites or establish communication base stations, it has not been valued by major communication companies around the world.

Song Zhichao is an "experienced person" who understands the importance of this "communication positioning" technology in the future field, especially in future car navigation and mobile phone navigation.

So Song Zhichao made great efforts to invest in Wanda Communications, and let CEO and technical backbone Mao Youwang vigorously develop the application of this positioning system.

Today, this research and development project has achieved some success, and the location of mobile phones can basically cover the whole of Hong Kong, so Song Zhichao can find Zhou Zhenhao's hiding place so easily.


How did Zhou Zhenhao know that his hiding place would be defeated by "high technology", like a trapped animal, wanting to make the last desperate struggle.

"Don't be afraid! The hostages are still in our hands, these policemen don't dare to mess around!" Zhou Zhenhao yelled, and then he grabbed his phone and shouted to Song Zhichao over there: "Song, I admit that your wrist is as good as the sky!" But you! But don’t be too complacent, now that the police have found us, it’s a big deal that we will die!”

"Really? You want the fish to die?"

At the pier, Song Zhichao walked up to the female inspector Huang Jiahui with a smile on his mobile phone, staring at the wrecked ship surrounded by police.

"Why, do you think I dare not?" Zhou Zhenhao went all out, "Others ridiculed me as 'the lame man II', today I will show you that I, Zhou Zhenhao, am really a lame man!"

"Really?" Song Zhichao smiled contemptuously, then hung up the phone.

"Hey, hey! Hey!" Zhou Zhenhao yelled a few times holding the phone, and then smashed the phone to the ground, "Throw away your mother! If you don't give me face, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Outside the wreck--
Song Zhichao who hung up the phone directly handed a piece of paper to the female inspector Huang Jiahui and said, "Inspector Huang, I've seen your performance!"

Huang Jiahui: "...?!"

To be honest, she was really shocked by the "high technology" developed by Song Zhichao.

As long as you know the phone number of the other party, as long as the other party turns on the phone or makes a call, you can track and locate him through the satellite positioning system-these plots that only exist in science fiction actually appear in real life.

Then Huang Jiahui thought again, if this "high technology" is applied to criminal investigation operations, wouldn't there be no fish that slip through the net?Those criminals couldn't escape even if they wanted to? !

However, Huang Jiahui heard that the investment in this technology is very large, and the surname Song will never use it for the police for no reason. Maybe they will charge money—how much?Let alone a few million!

How did Huang Jiahui know that a few million is not enough. According to Song Zhichao's plan, if the Hong Kong police are willing to rent it, they will have to pay at least 700 million to Wanda Communications for the use of technology every year.

In addition, organizations such as Hong Kong mountaineering organizations and survival in the wild can rent this technology from Wanda, and the annual rental fee is as high as tens of millions.

Of course, these are only for Hong Kong. Now Song Zhichao has similar base stations in the UK, Japan, and Russia. By then, the rental fees in these countries will be calculated in the billions per year.

It can be said that the technology developed by Song Zhichao in advance is definitely a huge profit, making a lot of money.

Thinking this way, Huang Jiahui once again felt that it is really easy for rich people to make money, and they can make so much money by just researching something.

"It's a vampire!" Huang Jiahui scorned Song Zhichao for a moment, then reluctantly took the note Song Zhichao handed over, thinking whether to shamelessly read it out to the kidnappers.

At this time, Abang leaned over and said with a smile, "Madam, how about I read it for you?"

Huang Jiahui was a little moved, and felt that Abang was better, and knew to take her self-esteem into consideration.

"Madam, I'm mainly afraid that your voice is too low for those gangsters to hear!" Abang explained, "You know, this is a rare opportunity for us to establish a good relationship with Mr. Song—it will definitely be good if we do it. A lot!"

Huang Jiahui: "...?!"

I seem to have overestimated the awareness of this boy Abang.

"You don't have to worry about it! I'll figure it out myself!" Huang Jiahui rolled her eyes at this little follower, who was eating inside and out, then coughed twice, picked up the loudspeaker and began to read according to what was written on the note——
"Listen up, gangsters on board, on behalf of the Hong Kong police, I would like to announce Mr. Song Zhichao's promise: whoever releases Ms. Du Chunmei and guarantees her personal safety will receive a reward of up to 30 yuan, and Mr. Song will Plead with the judge personally, and give me a lighter sentence! Time, 3 minutes, start counting now!"

Everyone at the scene: "...?!"

Involuntarily looking at Song Zhichao, he said to himself, rich people are different, they use money to solve everything - but those are kidnappers, will they listen to you? !
In the cabin——
Curly and Baimao looked at each other involuntarily, their hearts throbbing slightly.

Zhou Zhenhao became vigilant, stared at Curly Hair and Bai Mao and said, "Don't be fooled by Song! He's playing tricks! He's playing tricks on you!"

Curly: "Boss, do you have to be so nervous? We have told you that we are very loyal to you!" While speaking, he slowly approached Zhou Zhenhao.

"Yeah, we think you're right, we're going to kill you!" Bai Mao also moved over.

Zhou Zhenhao: "What are you guys going to do? Don't come here!"

"We don't do anything, we just hope that the boss can see our loyalty and give us a way to survive!"

"Yeah, we have been with you for so many years, and we have worked hard without credit. Why don't you take advantage of us!"

"You are all like this, and you still say you are loyal? Rebellious boy! Erwu boy! I misjudged you!" Zhou Zhenhao was furious, "Don't even think about it, that Song will really give you so much money? Will he really do it for you? You plead with the judge? Fool! He lied to you!"

"If Mr. Song said to reward us with 300 million yuan, we might not believe it, but 30 yuan, of course we believe it!" Curly said.

"Yes, Mr. Song is so rich, of course he doesn't care about this small amount of money! On the other hand, if we help you get the money this time, how much can you share with us? One hundred thousand, or fifty thousand?!" Bai Mao asked rhetorically.

Zhou Zhenhao blushed. In fact, he planned to get the money and only divide [-] between these two guys.

Curly Hair and Bai Mao are both shrewd and ghost-like characters. Looking at Zhou Zhenhao's face, he knew that he guessed right. From the beginning to the end, this dear brother Hao didn't intend to give him a lot of money!

Lonely man!
Since you are so ruthless, don't blame us for being ungrateful!
Therefore, Curly Hair and Bai Mao smiled sinisterly, rubbed their hands together, learned the opera lines in Cantonese opera, and said to Zhou Zhenhao: "Excuse me, boss! I will borrow your head for use!"

(End of this chapter)

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