Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1380 1400 [Day of Judgment] Part [-]

Chapter 1380 1400 [Day of Judgment] Part [-]
When Zhou Zhenhao, the "Lame II", was bound and surrendered by his henchmen, Curly Hair and Bai Mao Wuhuada, the surrounding Hong Kong policemen were all stunned.

Money is really useful!

Unexpectedly, these "kidnappers" were captured with one shot and one bullet without a single soldier.

"You two despicable bastards! I won't let you go even if I go to jail!" Zhou Zhenhao yelled at Curly Hair and Bai Mao.

"Shut up, you! Do you really think that you can get out of the prison safely?" Curly said, and then hit Zhou Zhenhao's head with a chestnut.

"Yeah, hurry up and wash your ass and wait to go to jail!" Bai Mao also imitated his curly hair, wanting to hit Zhou Zhenhao's head with a chestnut.

Zhou Zhenhao waited for him to glance, and he shrank back in fright.

The female inspector Huang Jiahui couldn't stand it any longer.

These scoundrels simply didn't pay attention to them, the police, and even beat and scolded them when they came out.

"Catch them all!" Huang Jiahui ordered.

Abang, the follower, immediately said, "Obey!"

Together with other police officers, they handcuffed Zhou Zhenhao, Curly and Bai Mao.

Curly and Baimao yelled loudly: "We voluntarily surrendered, and we caught Zhou Zhenhao! We brought Ms. Du out safely! Please tell Mr. Song, the 30 he said must be fulfilled!"

Huang Jiahui rolled her eyes, she really is a group of guys who want money and life, "Take them all away!"


Inside the BMW ---
Song Zhichao saw Du Chunmei who was rescued.

Song Zhichao asked her, "Are you afraid?"

Du Chunmei shook her head: "Not afraid."

Song Zhichao smiled, and handed over a bottle of water: "Aren't you afraid of facing such a vicious gangster?"

Du Chunmei also laughed, took the water and said, "You forgot, when I was a child, I dared to throw stones at those vicious dogs on the side of the road, and I was almost bitten by a dog once!"

Song Zhichao: "Remember, you were protecting my sister Yuqing that time! When she saw the vicious dog, she was so frightened that she burst into tears, her clothes were wet with tears and snot!"

Du Chunmei: "So, since I'm not even afraid of vicious dogs, how can I be afraid of those vicious people?"

Song Zhichao nodded, and then said meaningfully: "You have grown up."


After Huang Jiahui finished dealing with the matter here, she walked to the BMW.

Boom boom boom!
Knocked on the car door.

Song Zhichao asked Ruan Jun to open the car window.

Huang Jiahui poked her head over and said, "Mr. Song, although this case is over, you still need your assistance to make a statement, and Ms. Du also needs to make a statement."

Song Zhichao nodded: "I know this, but Ms. Du is not feeling well right now, so we'll talk about the confession tomorrow."

Huang Jiahui shrugged: "Okay, if that's the case, I'll contact you tomorrow."

Song Zhichao waved his hand, signaling Ruan Jun to close the car window.

Suddenly, Song Zhichao seemed to think of something, and called Huang Jiahui again, "Inspector Huang, there is something I want to ask you..."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"As you know, this incident is quite a big one, but I don't want to make it public, so I ask the police to help you, don't tell this matter..."

"Understood, haha! Understood, haha!" Huang Jiahui nodded, smiling all over her face, "Take care of Miss Du's emotions—after all, being kidnapped by someone doesn't feel good to anyone!"

"As long as Inspector Huang understands, thank you!" After Song Zhichao finished speaking, he instructed Ruan Jun to drive.

Watching the black BMW sedan slowly driving away from the pier.

The bright smile on the female inspector Huang Jiahui's face immediately subsided, "Cut, why don't you tell me if you don't tell me? What do you think of me? Display?! I don't! This is a big case I solved, of course Let’s spread the word and invite credit!”

Huang Jiahui despised Song Zhichao's "IQ", and then triumphantly told his little follower, Abang, to say, "Remember, immediately contact the Public Relations Division after you get back to the police station, and ask them to notify all the media in Hong Kong, and say that our case is serious. Group Nine has a big case solved!"

"But just now Mr. Song said..."

"You idiot! You are paid by the government, why do you care so much? Could it be that you really want to change jobs?"

"No! No! I'm just asking casually." Abang hurriedly expressed his loyalty, for fear that Inspector Huang would see something.

"Actually, job-hopping is pretty good. I heard that Song's company pays well, and the benefits are also good!" Abang muttered silently.


As expected by Song Zhichao---
The overjoyed female inspector Huang Jiahui really held a police meeting the next day and announced on the spot the process of arresting the kidnapping suspect Zhou Zhenhao.

In an instant, the whole of Greater Hong Kong was in an uproar.

Who is Zhou Zhenhao?

Who is the big boss of Hong Kong's most famous Jade Palace Casino?Kang Yonglian, the heir of the Kang Corporation and the helm of the Kang Corporation Entertainment.

Who was kidnapped this time?

Du Chunmei, a lawyer from Hong Kong BWF Chambers, whose English name is Du Ruila, the point is that she is the housekeeper of Hong Kong tycoon Song Zhichao!
The combination of all the above factors immediately gives people unlimited reverie.

Could it be Du Chunmei who Kang Yonglian instructed Zhou Zhenhao to kidnap?After all, Ms. Du Chunmei is Song Zhichao's most loyal housekeeper. It is said that Song Zhichao was brought to Hong Kong from the mainland and cultivated by herself as a heroine.

But how.

All Hong Kong people began to imagine.

Kang Yonglian, who originally wanted to stay aloof and watch the excitement, did not expect that these despicable and shameless policemen would publicize this matter.

Obviously wanting to pour dirty water on himself!
But Kang Yonglian was very determined.

Because he believed that Zhou Zhenhao would not confess himself.

The reason is very simple, if Zhou Zhenhao confessed himself, then there would be only one dead end.

On the contrary, if he keeps his mouth shut, maybe he will give some money to him after the aftermath, and ask the best lawyer to help him get rid of the crime.

In fact, Kang Yonglian thought so, and did so.

He first gave Zhou Zhenhao 100 million "settlement expenses", and then invited the most famous British barrister in Hong Kong, Ma Ruide, to help Zhou Zhenhao defend his innocence.

Barrister Ma Ruide is a native of the UK. He has been in the legal business for more than [-] years and has fought countless similar cases. It can be said that he has rich experience.It can be said that in the whole of Hong Kong, these British guys are the only ones who can compete with a super big like Bi Wenfeng.

Now, Kang Yonglian felt that he was full of sincerity, and that "dead cripple" Zhou Zhenhao should have felt his "good intentions" even if his head was full of shit.If he is smart, he should know what to say and what not to say.

Think of this-
In the president's office of Kang Entertainment Company——
Kang Yonglian stretched his feet proudly on the desk.

Beside, the beautiful star Wen Qingqing gently put a grape into his mouth.

Kang Yonglian took a delicious bite and said, "Are you interested in going to court with me to watch a play?"

"Watching a theater in court? What's there to see?"

"Of course there are good-looking ones! Let's see how that Song Zhichao makes a fool of himself in person!" Kang Yonglian became more excited as he thought about it, and couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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