Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 144 147 [King of Panyu]

Chapter 144 147 [King of Panyu]

The storm last night washed the whole Pan Yu clean.

No one knew what happened other than the monstrous thunderstorm.

Cheng Fafa and his good partner Niu Xiong were arrested by the police together.

Because they were suspected of mobbing and smashing the Caesars Club, there are witnesses and physical evidence, which cannot be denied.

The person in charge of the case was Zhang Qingtian, the director of the Public Security Bureau whom Song Zhichao knew, nicknamed "Iron Faced" Zhang Qingtian. Together with his accomplices.

Zhao Jinhua, nicknamed "Jiaopohua", is also affectionate and righteous. The husband and wife are not in the same forest as the big guy guessed, and they fly separately in the end. In order to save her husband Cheng Fafa, she insisted on creating her husband Chengfa. The "Broadway Dance Hall" was sold to raise money for ransom.

Of course, Mark would not let go of such a good opportunity. Immediately, he and Wu Bingkun and others raised more than 80 yuan, and sold the dance hall worth more than 150 million yuan in one go.

What surprised Song Zhichao was that Jin Jiu, who had a good relationship with Mark during the period, did not participate in this matter.

a week later -
After Mark actually won Broadway, Jin Jiu found Song Zhichao at night, and Song Zhichao thought he was here to invite him to have a drink. After all, it was a happy event for Mark to win the dance hall this time.

On the way, Jin Jiu was driving, and Song Zhichao was sitting in the passenger seat, chatting with Jin Jiu.

Suddenly, Song Zhichao asked: "Mark won the dance hall, why didn't you participate?"

Jin Jiu, who was driving, didn't make a sound, but slammed the steering wheel. The car stopped and stopped on the side of the road. Only then did Jin Jiu turn his head to stare at Song Zhichao and said, "Brother Chao, I want to be with you!"

Jin Jiu called Song Zhichao not "A Chao" or "Chao Boy", but a very respectful "Brother Chao", which made Song Zhichao startled, and said with a smile, "What are you doing? What do you mean by me... yes Are you kidding me?"

Jin Jiu looked very serious, looked at Song Zhichao and said, "I didn't joke, Brother Chao, I know you are sharp, so I want to talk to you!" His tone seemed very serious.

Song Zhichao stopped smiling, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and put it in his mouth.

Jin Jiu took out the lighter and lit it for him.

Song Zhichao patted the back of his hand, restrained his smile, looked up at Jin Jiu and said, "You are betraying Mark."

"No!" Jin Jiu said, "Mark and I are just friends, I am not his follower, and I have never expressed loyalty to him."

"Then why do you want to follow me? I'm just a small person. As you can see, I used to be a wage earner..."

"A hero doesn't ask where he comes from..." Jin Jiu said, "Besides, in my eyes, you are definitely not an ordinary person. You can achieve so many achievements in a short period of time, and you are definitely worthy of my following!"

Song Zhichao smiled, "I'm a scammer, you will follow?"

"I'm just a guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. Are you willing to take it?"

Jin Jiu looked at Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao looked at Jin Jiu.

Suddenly, Song Zhichao patted Jin Jiu on the shoulder: "I like strong men the most, work hard in the future!" Then he said, "My family is weak, so I have nothing to give you now, but you can help cover that deep-sea fish port hotel first— —”

Jin Jiu was overjoyed, he knew that he had made the right bet this time.

It is better to be a chicken head than an oxtail.

Following Mark will never be able to get ahead. It is different from Song Zhichao, because Song Zhichao is a person with bigger ambitions than the sky.


The reason why Song Zhichao was so proud and dared to hand over the Shenhai Yugang Hotel to Jin Jiu was because on the day of the accident, Cha Yongxiao, as the prince of the Shenhai Yugang Hotel, signed a secret transfer agreement with Song Zhichao to transfer the hotel to Jin Jiu for free. This hotel chain was transferred to Song Zhichao.

Because of this, Song Zhichao boldly promised Jin Jiu to take care of the hotel for him.

To manage this kind of hotel chain, you don't need much management experience, you just need to be alone and you know how to make your subordinates fear.All the hotel chains hire professional managers. They go back to do how to operate and manage them. If they can't do well, they will be fired.That's what hotel owners do.

In fact, what Song Zhichao likes most is the "chain" point, which has a gold-lettered signboard of a deep-sea fish port.

The reason why Cha Yongxiao transferred the hotel directly and didn't take away the signboard was simple, because he was afraid of embarrassment.For those ignorant people, they didn’t take the signboard. In name, this hotel is still a chain of theirs, and the hotel’s surname is Cha, but in fact, only Cha Shao knows best. The money earned by the hotel has flowed into other people. Pocket and property rights have already been changed to Song Zhichao's name.

Young Master Cha was slapping his swollen face to pretend to be a fat man, but he had to pretend to be a fat man because he was doing it for Cha's family's face.

As for what the old man Zha Dongchen, who is at the helm of the Zha family, will do in the future when he finds out about this, Zha Yongxiao can only pray to God.

Jin Jiu is not really well-developed and simple-minded. If you believe him, Song Zhichao will not entrust the hotel to him.

In fact, Jin Jiu's shrewdness is not inferior to Mark's. On the contrary, Mark's ability to read the situation is not as good as Jin Jiu's.

At least Jin Jiu knew that Song Zhichao was not an ordinary person, and he was willing to bow his head and bow his head. Mark also saw that Song Zhichao was not an ordinary person, but he admired him and was afraid.

Of course, this fear cannot be seen. He Mark is one of the best characters in Pan Yu, but at the banquet that night, his respect for Song Zhichao was obvious to all.

Facing the crowd, Mark raised his glass to thank Song Zhichao, saying that without Song Zhichao's help, not only would his club be lost this time, but he would also be imprisoned by that Cha Shao. He said that he had made money by winning Broadway this time, and if Song Zhichao was willing, he was willing to give away this dance hall with both hands.

In fact, what Mark said this time is also the truth, and everyone knows that it is all thanks to Song Zhichao that they turned defeat into victory this time.

In the face of Mark's gratitude and admiration, Song Zhichao didn't take any credit for it, he just said that these are all easy to do and should be done by himself.Tell Mark not to be too rusty, too polite.

Throughout the banquet, Song Zhichao called Mark "Brother Mark" and Wu Bingkun "Uncle Kun" as usual, appearing very kind, humble and polite.Only Mark and others know best what kind of cruelty, insidious and cunning lies behind this harmless handsome face. Cheng Fafa, Niu Xiong, Miss Fu, and Zha Yongxiao were almost buried by him.

Now, Cheng Dafa and Niu Xiong are still in jail after washing their buttocks.

After Miss Fu heard that she was tricked by Song Zhichao on toys, she somehow made a fortune.

Cha Yongxiao directly lost the hotel and issued a 100 million IOU.

Of these four people, any one of them could shock Pan Yu by stomping their feet, but they were all played around by a wage earner.

Come to think of it, even Mark finds it scary.

Therefore, taking advantage of the wine, when Song Zhichao proposed to give his cousin Zhu Fugui a position in the Broadway dance hall, without further ado, Mark directly promised a supervisory position and gave Zhu Fugui 15.00% of the shares.

In the eyes of outsiders, Mark's actions are very loyal. After all, Zhu Fugui dared to fight against Niu Xiong's group alone that day, and he was considered a hero.

But in the eyes of Jin Jiu, Wu Bingkun and others, this just shows Mark's fear of Song Zhichao. Song Zhichao just made a small suggestion, and Mark showed goodwill. It is clear at a glance who is the real "King of Pan Yu"!
(End of this chapter)

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