Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 145 148 [Exhale and raise eyebrows]

Chapter 145 148 [Exhale and raise eyebrows]

Broadway dance hall ---
As the trendiest and newest song and dance hall in Pan Yu, this Broadway is also full of disasters.

It was almost stranded due to funding problems before, and then it was finally proudly established with Cheng Fafa's spare no effort in raising funds.

The newly established Broadway lived up to expectations and began to dominate Pan Yu, stealing away many Caesars dance hall customers at once, becoming Caesars' biggest enemy and forcing Caesars to transform from a dance hall to a club.

Afterwards, Broadway and Caesars Club competed with each other, constantly launching a tug-of-war for customers, until Cheng Fafa was arrested by the police. In order to raise money to redeem her husband, Zhao Jinhua had to auction off the newly built Broadway. to Mark et al.

Broadway is full of disasters, and as Cheng Fafa's brother-in-law, Zhao Jinbao feels that his fate is more troubled than this dance hall.

Everything was fine at first. I was the brother-in-law of the director of the toy factory and the manager of the production department. For this reason, many people flattered me and flattered me. I was in the toy factory.

Then, the toy factory was bought by others, and I was retaliated and insulted by the workers of the toy factory. Those who had been bullied by myself began to resist themselves and doubled their revenge.

No way, I had no choice but to leave the toy factory and come to the Broadway dance hall. Fortunately, my brother-in-law is the owner of this dance hall, and I am the supervisor, and I also bring my girlfriend Tian Xiaoli to work here.

But the good times didn't last long. In just a few days, the dance hall was sold by his elder sister. Zhao Jinbao, who relied on the power of his brother-in-law, clearly felt the change in the attitude of everyone in the dance hall.

Even Tian Xiaoli, who came with him, also frequently received blank stares, as if they were superfluous here.

Soon, the new boss took office, and it was Mark, the old rival of Zhao Jinbao's brother-in-law Cheng Fafa.

As soon as Zhao Jinbao saw Mark, he knew that his good days were numbered.Sure enough, soon Mark announced internally that there would be a new supervisor to replace the current supervisor Zhao Jinbao, and asked Zhao Jinbao if he had any objections?

Zhao Jinbao could have no objection.

Now he is riding a tiger, if he resigns and leaves, he won't get any money, and no one will dare to accept him outside.After all, my popularity was too bad in the past, relying on the support of my brother-in-law Cheng Fafa, I swaggered everywhere and bullied many people.

At this time, Zhao Jinbao felt worse than death, but it didn't matter, now that he had a thick skin, he could still hold on.

Unlike Zhao Jinbao, Zhao Jinbao was dismissed from the position of supervisor, but Tian Xiaoli, who was related to him, was fine. She was still the foreman of the dance hall, and her salary and benefits remained the same.

This made Zhao Jinbao feel a little unbalanced for the first time.

He has always had an absolute sense of superiority before Tian Xiaoli. He is a local, has a big backer, and has a high position. Tian Xiaoli has always been attached to him.

As for Tian Xiaoli, a migrant girl with no backing or resources, a factory worker can only rely on others in this field.

But now, Zhao Jinbao's sense of superiority is no longer there, but reversed. Tian Xiaoli is the foreman, and he is nothing.

The huge psychological contrast made Zhao Jinbao feel suffocated.

He kept drinking to numb himself, and when he was drunk, he kept losing his temper with Tian Xiaoli.

Tian Xiaoli didn't understand what mistake she had made, looked at Zhao Jinbao who seemed to be a different person, a little at a loss, she even began to miss Song Zhichao a little bit, at least the former Song Zhichao was submissive to her and never dared to speak loudly to herself.

On this day, the new boss, Mark, summoned everyone in the Broadway dance hall, announcing that the new supervisor is about to take up his post, so let everyone get to know each other.
There are a total of 130 employees in the Broadway dance hall. Except for Mark himself who is also the general manager, the most powerful are the three directors, the financial director, the business director, and the on-site supervisor.

In particular, the on-site supervisor has the greatest power, responsible for on-site supervision and management, including employee management, wine management, and song and dance contract artist management; it is also the most lucrative position. In terms of drink rebates alone, a lot of money can be made from artist signing.

Because of this, the on-site supervisor is often the person most trusted by the big boss of the dance hall.Everyone guessed that this person might be a relative or friend of Mark. Only in this way can he sit in such an important position.

In the lobby of the Broadway dance hall——
More than 130 people all lined up neatly and stood in the most standard posture, waiting for the new on-site supervisor.

Zhao Jinbao, who was resigned from his position as supervisor, was very depressed at the back of the line. The first row of the line was either the foreman or the team leader. He is now one of the most ordinary employees and is not qualified to stand at the front.

As the boss, Mark is the kind of person who can easily get along with everyone, not to mention that he used to run a dance hall. He is familiar with this kind of scene. And generate too many ideas.

Since he promised everyone that there will be a dinner party at the end of each month, and that outstanding employees can get bonuses every month, Mark also promised that anyone who has worked in the White Broadway dance hall for a full year will get a salary increase of [-]% per month. Yuan.Don't underestimate the ten yuan, which is definitely a big reward in this era. For a while, those employees who had other ideas also settled down.

In just one speech, Mark showed his superb management skills, and then he announced that the newly promoted on-site supervisor came on stage, and everyone applauded.

Zhao Jinbao was unwilling, but had to face the reality. Seeing that the guy who stole his official position was about to come out, he wished to see who this guy was and what he was like.

Seeing that Mark asked everyone to applaud, he coped with Tian Xiaoli, Xia Xiaofang and the staff and applauded together.

Amidst the applause, a person came out and stood in front of the crowd.

At first, Zhao Jinbao didn't see clearly behind him, but felt that the man was quite big and seemed familiar.

He tried his best to squeeze through the gap between the people, looked carefully with his eyes, and finally saw clearly, then Zhao Jinbao was stunned, his mouth grew wide, and his eyes were full of surprise, "Why is it him?"

Even after beating Zhao Jinbao to death, he didn't expect that the newly appointed supervisor who stole his position was actually that fat Zhu Fugui!
Who is Zhu Fugui?Zhao Jinbao knows better than anyone else.

A former wage earner in a toy factory, stupid and incompetent, because he was implicated by his cousin Song Zhichao, he was sent to the warehouse by himself to work as a coolie.

During that time, Zhu Fugui was Zhao Jinbao's tool to vent his anger. He could step on and bully him however he wanted, and Zhu Fugui was completely useless, he didn't dare to resist at all, he just smirked.

But there is such a person, such an idiot, the second idiot, standing in front of everyone majesticly with his breasts and belly protruding, announcing in his terrible Cantonese: "Hi everyone, I am the new supervisor --- Zhu Fugui !"

(End of this chapter)

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