Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 146 149 [Ambition]

Chapter 146 149 [Ambition]

At this moment, the meeting site——
Looking at Zhu Fugui standing in front of the crowd, surrounded by the crowd, applauded and praised, and loudly announcing his name
Zhao Jinbao's feeling is like a dog.

Who would have thought that the new supervisor, the guy who stole his position, turned out to be a dead fat man trampled by him like mud.

Zhao Jinbao was inexplicably surprised, but soon he shrank his head, for fear that Zhu Fugui would see his appearance.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Jinbao seemed to have remembered something, and secretly looked at Tian Xiaoli who was standing in the front row.

Sure enough, Tian Xiaoli's almond eyes widened at this moment, looking at Zhu Fugui in disbelief.

Speaking of which, when Tian Xiaoli was in love with Song Zhichao, Zhu Fugui liked to call her "Little Cousin", but now, this guy who he didn't pay attention to has turned into the director of this dance hall.

Tian Xiaoli couldn't figure it out, and didn't know what went wrong.

Didn't Zhu Fugui leave the factory with Song Zhichao, and then heard that he couldn't even find a job, and his life was very miserable, very miserable, but now——
Seeing Zhu Fugui speaking on the stage, Tian Xiaoli felt her chest constricted and panicked. She didn't dare to stare at Zhu Fugui for fear that Zhu Fugui would see her.She became cautious and timid, and she was no longer the "little cousin" who dared to make fun of Zhu Fugui when she saw Zhu Fugui.

But vaguely, Tian Xiaoli felt that Zhu Fugui should have seen her a long time ago. After all, she was standing in the first row, and she was so beautiful, so eye-catching, it was impossible for him not to see her.

But Zhu Fugui's gaze passed her clearly and never stopped, it was a kind of inadvertent contempt, which made Tian Xiaoli's heart ache.Could it be that even he looks down on himself now?
Thinking that since I climbed up to Zhao Jinbao, I went downhill. I was kicked out of the toy factory first, and then came here. Even Zhao Jinhua said that he was a broom star. All followed bad luck.

Are you really a broom star?Tian Xiaoli was confused.

Xia Xiaofang, who was standing beside Tian Xiaoli, noticed Tian Xiaoli's subtle expression change. She looked at Zhu Fugui who looked straightforward on the stage, and then at Tian Xiaoli who avoided Zhu Fugui's gaze. Xia Xiaofang quickly deduced that the two of them knew each other.

Xia Xiaofang tried her best to search her memory. After a while, her eyes lit up, and she thought of someone. That person was Song Zhichao, the boyfriend Tian Xiaoli had dumped before. It seemed that Song Zhichao had a cousin named "Zhu Fugui". The new supervisor in front of me is almost...the other party can't really be...

Xia Xiaofang couldn't help but glanced up at Zhu Fugui.

On the stage, facing more than 100 people, Zhu Fugui was actually very nervous. He never dreamed that one day he would become a supervisor and speak in front of so many people.

In the past, Zhu Fugui was very envious of those who stood on the stage and gave speeches. In his hometown, his parents told him that those who could speak were all stars from the sky, and they were either officials or bosses.

In the village, the village chief speaks, the head of the army speaks, and the leaders speak on TV... Later, he came to the south to work and entered the factory. The member at the bottom can only stand obediently in the line and listen, applauding along with the big guys.

Zhu Fugui is very envious of those who can stand and speak in front of so many people. He also fantasizes that he can have such a day, but he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

Because of a word from his cousin Song Zhichao, he was directly promoted from a waiter to a supervisor.

Zhu Fugui remembers clearly that night his cousin Song Zhichao came to him and asked him: "Would you rather be a mud and be trampled on all your life, or would you rather be a rock, even if it is broken, the back will be hard?"

The words were too profound for Zhu Fugui to understand, but he knew that this was his cousin Song Zhichao giving him a chance.So he just nodded and said, "I'm going to be a rock."

"No regrets?" Song Zhichao asked him.

"No regrets," he said.

So Zhu Fugui got the news the next day that he would be transferred to the Broadway dance hall as the on-site supervisor there.

Zhu Fugui still remembers the envious eyes and complimenting tone of those around him, "Fugui, don't forget me when you are prosperous!" "Fugui, you are lucky, not everyone can be a supervisor!" " Fugui, remember me in the future!"

Ever since he was a child, Zhu Fugui has never been so envied by anyone, nor has he been praised so much.

In the past, he was always the one who was at the bottom, the one who was used to make fun of and insulted, and was always the useless fat man.

But now, he is Zhu Fugui, Director Zhu!
All of this was bestowed by his cousin Song Zhichao. Without his cousin Song Zhichao, Zhu Fugui would not be where he is today.

Yes, in order to live up to his cousin's expectations of him, Zhu Fugui will definitely work harder and harder!
Thinking of this, Zhu Fugui's nervousness, along with the rising ambition, turned into nothingness, his tone began to be firm, his voice began to rise, his speech posture began to relax, and his whole person became energetic and extraordinary.

Next to him, as the owner of the ballroom, Mark has been paying attention to Zhu Fugui's changes. He saw his nervousness and timidity when he came on stage, but soon, Zhu Fugui got used to this kind of scene of talking with everyone. Mark was slightly surprised , Some regret that I agreed to Song Zhichao's request too early.

Song Zhichao suggested that Zhu Fugui be the supervisor. In Mark's view, it was actually a nail in the ballroom, but this nail made Mark feel at ease because he was Zhu Fugui.

Zhu Fugui has not worked in Caesars for a long time, and Mark knows best what kind of person he is. He is timid and cowardly. He has been working in the south for so long, and he can't even speak Cantonese well.If we say that the reason why Mark is willing to follow Song Zhichao's suggestion and promote him as a supervisor is also because of his shortcomings.

In person, on the surface, the reason why Mark promoted Zhu Fugui was not only because of Song Zhichao's face, but also because Zhu Fugui made great contributions this time.

What Mark has to do is to let everyone know that he is hungry for talents and appoints people on their merits!
This is Mark's ultimate goal. Of course, the fear of Song Zhichao deep in his heart is also one of the reasons, but Mark himself is unwilling to admit it.

But now, Mark suddenly felt that he had made a wrong calculation, and the Zhu Fugui in front of him was not really useless.

That's right, a person who can restrain Niu Xiong's twenty or so people with his own strength, not afraid of being beaten or losing his life, how can such a person be a waste?
Not to mention anything else, just because he is Song Zhichao's cousin, Mark should know clearly that he will definitely be an ordinary person.

But now, it's too late.

Thinking of this, Mark sighed deeply.

Zhu Fugui's speech was not very long, and he, who always thought he was clumsy in tongue, was able to speak so much on such an occasion, even he himself found it inconceivable.

The meeting is over.

Looking at the people leaving, Zhu Fugui came down from the stage, walked up to Mark, and asked Mark, "I don't know if I'm good or not?"

Mark said: "It's very good. It's inevitable that you will be a little nervous on stage for the first time. I think the employees below have responded very well."

"Hmm, I hope so." Zhu Fugui scratched his head and smiled honestly.

Next, to Zhu Fugui, Mark kindly explained a few more words, talked about some problems that are often encountered in management, and finally said: "If there is something that can't be solved, you can come to me, don't worry!"

Zhu Fugui nodded, and seeing Mark finished his explanation and turned to leave, Zhu Fugui suddenly stopped him from behind and said, "Brother Mark, actually I still have something to say to you..."

"Oh, what is it?" Mark turned around and looked at Zhu Fugui curiously.

Zhu Fugui scratched his head, "No matter what time it is, we are one family!"

Mark was taken aback, "You came up with this yourself?"

"No, my cousin asked me to tell you." Zhu Fugui was very honest.

Mark smiled, turned and left without saying a word.

But I can't help but tremble in my heart--
Song Zhichao was so powerful that he even guessed what was on his mind at the moment. He asked Zhu Fugui to pass this sentence to himself to reassure himself.

Thinking of meeting Song Zhichao for the first time a few months ago, and remembering talking and laughing with Song Zhichao together, Mark tightened his collar. Perhaps, being a family member with such a person is much better than being an opponent.

As for the so-called "King of Panyu", it is just a false name.

I should take a longer view, besides Pan Yu, there is also the whole of Nanyue...

But soon, Mark thought of Song Zhichao again. For this young man, does he want to be the king of Panyu, the king of Southern Guangdong, or the emperor of other places?
Mark couldn't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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