Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1447 1466 [4 Sea Assistance]

Chapter 1447 Chapter 1466 [Four Seas' Assistance]
South Korea, Song Group Branch ---
As the heads of the Song Group in South Korea, Qi Wanda and Zhu Fugui can only be described as very busy during their stay in South Korea.

Since Song Zhichao set up a separation of powers when he left South Korea, Qi Wanda and Zhu Fugui, together with Xin Dongxiong and Lin Shiling on the South Korean side, took control of the group, so the two can now be said to be the backbone of the Lotte Group and the Elephant Group.

There is no way, who made the Korean branch of the Song Group have too much energy, not only controlling the sky, but also controlling the elephants. Even the Samsung Group, the original overlord of South Korea, is three points afraid of the Song Group.

Today, Qi Wanda had just negotiated a future cooperation plan in the communication field with a business leader from South Korea when the phone rang.

at the same time--
At the largest private golf course in Seoul, South Korea, Song Zhichao's cousin Zhu Fugui is playing golf with a group of South Korean politicians.

As far as Zhu Fugui is concerned, he is an all-rounder in aristocratic sports. Not only does he play golf well, but he also plays bowling, polo, and billiards very well.

Zhu Fugui was originally a little fat, although he was not as fat as Qi Wanda, but he was a bit potbellied.On the contrary, during this period of time in South Korea, I kept exercising with these Koreans, which made my body trimmed a lot. In addition, Koreans pay special attention to grooming. Most men look like Chow Yun-fat. A tie is a bow tie, or a flower arrangement on the chest, which is very grand.

Influenced by the habits here, Zhu Fugui is also very fashionable in dressing now, coupled with his original aura of big arms and round waists, he has the taste of a Korean tycoon.

"President Zhu, good shot!"

When Zhu Fugui hit the golf swing, there was a burst of applause from around.

Most of these applause were local councilors and dignitaries in Seoul, including the high-ranking Zhang Taejun and others.

Zhu Fugui was not impolite, and happily accepted the applause and praise of these people, and then handed the club to the caddy next to him and said: "Whether this golf can be played well depends on the coordination of waist strength and hip strength. To put it more bluntly, like those of us who are in business, we must work together with you who are engaged in politics, so that we can build a better city of Seoul!"

Having been a tycoon for so long, Zhu Fugui is used to talking nonsense when he sees people.

Sure enough, these remarks immediately aroused applause from around.

Those politicians praised: "Well said! It has connotations!"

"President Zhu is really a great philosopher!"

"The meaning is profound, Smecta!!!"

Zhu Fugui laughed out loud when he heard this.

After staying in South Korea for a long time, Zhu Fugui has figured out the personalities of these Korean stickmen.

Koreans don't like modesty. On the contrary, they like to be brave. To put it bluntly, they like to brag, and they are the best in the world regardless of martial arts and martial arts.

After Zhu Fugui got to know them, he was no longer used to their "pissing nature", but he was more aggressive and arrogant than these Korean sticks.

Since then, they have been more and more respected and admired by these Koreans.

Seeing these Koreans treat him with low eyebrows and flattery, Zhu Fugui cursed in his heart, it's really cheap.

At this time, the melodious music sounded, but it was his mobile phone that rang.

Today, the mobile phone system in the global mobile phone market is almost contracted by Song Zhichao's Wanda Communications, and even the mobile phones developed by Samsung use Wanda's newly developed "Longteng" system.

Zhu Fugui loves the company very much, and of course the mobile phone must be researched and developed by Wanda.

The assistant next to him handed the phone to Zhu Fugui. Zhu Fugui glanced at the number and immediately became serious.

For a moment—
After answering the call, Zhu Fugui said to the South Korean politicians in a small voice: "I'm sorry, everyone, I can't play golf with you today, and I will make up for it later."

"Oh, does President Zhu have something important?" Zhang Taejun couldn't help asking.

Zhu Fugui said lightly: "Because I want to go back to Hong Kong!"


Wall Street, New York, USA——
Wanxin International Investment Company recently opened a branch in the United States.

To be precise, since Wanxin International Investment Company took root in Hong Kong, it has already begun to explore the American market, but at that time it did not directly start the company openly, but invested secretly.

But now it's different.

As the general manager of Wanxin International Investment Company, Rolando is now in the United States according to Song Zhichao's plan, and has begun to acquire and invest in TI companies such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

Before boarding the plane, Wanxin International invested in Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and McDonald's in the United States. At present, the US market has almost become the market with the largest investment amount of Wanxin International.

As the person in charge, Rolando worked even harder in the United States, showing the fearless dedication of a ghost to help Song Zhichao open up the world and open the door to American capital.

At this time, Rolando, who had just finished the investment meeting, hurried back from the meeting room to his president's office.

When I turned on the phone, it seemed that there were three missed calls. Then I checked the area of ​​the call, which was Hong Kong.

It seemed that he had already made preparations, and Rolando told the female secretary beside him: "Leave the affairs here to Vice President Douglas first, and the dinner with the President of the United States is also temporarily cancelled, I want to go back to Hong Kong!"


Japan, Osaka——
Fu Qingying has never liked the news in Japan very much. On the contrary, she likes Osaka, Japan very much.

She not only likes the cultural atmosphere with a long history in Osaka, but also likes the slightly leisurely pace of life in Osaka.

Especially after handling a large amount of business in Tokyo, Japan, Fu Qingying likes to bring her children to live in Osaka for a few days.

In Osaka, Fu Qingying owns a 300-year-old antique Japanese-style building.

This building has a large area and can accommodate hundreds of people, but now only Fu Qingying and her son Oscar live here, and of course, there are dozens of people who serve them.

At this moment, Fu Qingying was soaking in the hot spring very moistly, closing her eyes and resting her mind.

Beside her, a charming maid massaged her shoulders.

Oscar, the son of Fu Qingying and Song Zhichao, was also playing in the hot spring. At the moment, he was playing with a toy cruise ship in the water.

"Mom, look, this boat can swim in the water." Little Oscar blinked and said to his mother.

Fu Qingying opened her eyes and took a look. The toy boat was really swimming on the water surface, and it was making a whistling sound.

Fu Qingying smiled, and reached out to touch the child's chubby face, "Does Oscar like boats?"

Oscar nodded, "I like boats."


"With a boat, you can go back to Hong Kong."

Fu Qingying was startled, "Why do you want to go back to Hong Kong?"

"There are many people Oscar likes in Hong Kong, including grandpa, grandma, and little aunt, by the way, sister Du Chunmei and uncle Jiajun..." Oscar counted with his fingers.

Fu Qingying smiled, "Is that all?"

Oscar immediately tilted his head and said, "There is one more, but I dare not say..."

"Why don't you dare say it?"

"Because once I say it, Mom, you will be unhappy for several days."

Fu Qingying fell silent, she knew who Oscar wanted to talk about.

Although children are still young, they are already sensible. Many times what they think is much more profound than what adults think.

at this time--
Clogs sounded.

A maid wearing a pink and white kimono embroidered with a chrysanthemum pattern ran over with a phone in her hand.

Fu Qingying frowned.

As she explained, she should not be disturbed by outside things when she was resting.

But before Fu Qingying opened her mouth to reprimand, the maid had already run to her, knelt down in front of Fu Qingying and handed her the phone: "Master, it's a very important call!"

Fu Qingying was surprised, answered the phone, and then——
Her expression became very strange.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Oscar asked with his head raised.

Fu Qingying took a deep breath, then handed the phone to the maid, and said to Oscar: "Do you want to go back to Hong Kong?"

"I think!" Oscar said naively.

Fu Qingying smiled, and reached out to touch Oscar's little head, "Okay, let's go tonight and go back to Hong Kong together."

"Mom, what are you doing back in Hong Kong?" Little Oscar asked curiously.

Fu Qingying came out of the hot spring with a clatter, her phoenix eyes sparkled and she said, "Of course I'm going to save that annoying father of yours!"

(End of this chapter)

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