Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1448 1467【[-] million war】on

Chapter 1448 1467 [[-] Billion War] Part [-]
Although Hong Kong is small in size, there is still a lot of land that can be used.

Therefore, from the perspective of population and land, Hong Kong is not a place where there is not enough land to build high-rise buildings or accommodate so many Hong Kong people.

But why are real estate prices in Hong Kong so high?
Even under the leadership of the Kang Group to speculate on land and buildings, real estate prices have been rising step by step?
The reason is that although Hong Kong has a lot of land available for development and construction, these lands are either in the hands of those big real estate businessmen or in the hands of the government.

Real estate developers know that things are rare and expensive, and land is used less and less, so they hold it in their hands and don't develop it, and wait until it rises to a high position before making plans.Therefore, a lot of vacant land is left for nothing, and many Hong Kong people have no houses to live in.

To put it bluntly, it is real estate developers who hoard and treat land as a kind of "rare goods to live in" and occupy the latrines without shitting.

As for the land in the hands of the Hong Kong government, it is a bit sad.

Often when the Hong Kong government wants to come forward to solve the problem of insufficient living space for Hong Kong people and many Hong Kong people have no place to live, it will raise two issues.

First, develop mountainous areas, such as the Lantau Island area, and carry out public housing construction in order to meet the living needs of the majority of Hong Kong people and allow everyone in Hong Kong to have a house to live in.

Second, learn from Macau and carry out a huge land reclamation plan to use limited resources to turn the coast into land, and then build buildings on this land to provide cheap places to live for the general public.

But the idea is good, and so is the vision.

The starting point is even better, it is to seek the welfare of the majority of Hong Kong citizens, and to care about the housing problems of the majority of Hong Kong people.

But this also obviously touched the interests of those big real estate developers and touched the "cheese" they originally wanted to keep.

If the government really develops the mountains and forests to launch low-cost public housing, reclaims land from the sea, and creates some cheap buildings, then who will buy the houses of these big real estate developers?

No matter how many people there are in Hong Kong, it is still limited. What's more, Hong Kong's population is negative growth without counting the migrant population!
It can be predicted that as long as the Hong Kong government really promotes these plans, the wishful thinking of these real estate developers will be completely shattered, and all their vested interests will be lost. This is what they absolutely do not want to see.

For this reason, they had no choice but to make moves to bring down these government plans.

Do you want to develop mountains and forests?Well, I will give money to those environmentalist organizations to come forward and sue the government for environmental damage. If the momentum is not strong enough, then they will go to the international arena. Those environmentalists in the world are not vegetarians, even the Russian President Even the president of the United States dares to be hard steel, are you still afraid that you are a small Hong Kong?

You want to reclaim land from the sea?Well, let me say that there are dolphins in this coastal area, which belongs to the dolphin sanctuary, and they will die if you fill the sea, and then animal protection organizations will come forward and condemn this practice as "inhumane"!
In short, the Hong Kong authorities want to benefit the country and the people, do practical things for the people, and completely solve the problem of high housing prices and living difficulties for the people. Justice and righteousness threaten you, making it impossible for you to work at all.

Of course, behind these organizations are people like the Real Estate Developers Alliance who are obstructing it. To be precise, they are in charge of everything. For their benefit, Hong Kong people are trapped in life and death!
The current situation is extremely serious——
Kang Zuyao led many speculators in Hong Kong. The greedy real estate business has raised the housing price to 20.00%, and it is ten points away from the real estate collapse.

The Hong Kong government cannot take the initiative to ask these real estate developers to reduce prices, because Hong Kong is a free economic system, and everything is handed over to the "free competition" mechanism where the weak can prey on the strong. Do not respect the laws of economic development."

Therefore, Hong Kong can only hold on, waiting for the appearance of the "black knight".

The black knight really appeared, he is Song Zhichao!

In fact, Song Zhichao's intervention in Hong Kong's real estate has already been expected by many Hong Kong tycoons.

After all, Song Zhichao has the reputation of "the savior" abroad. Now that something happened in Hong Kong, how could he sit idly by?

In addition, there are rumors outside that Song Zhichao is now the "heir" of the real boss Huo. In the future, the righteous people in Hong Kong and the business community in Hong Kong will only follow him.

Whether the rumors are true or not.

Just when Song Zhichao took the initiative to intervene in Hong Kong's high real estate prices, many Hong Kong tycoons and bigwigs also stepped in to help.

Fu Jiajun, Song Zhichao's best friend, first stood up and said, "I am willing to follow Mr. Song Zhichao, set things right, and formally participate in the competition for Hong Kong's real estate industry!"

Ho Hung-sun, the Macau gambling king known for his speculation, also stood up, "Although I like to speculate, I don't want to see Hong Kong encounter this storm, and I am willing to follow!"

Then there is the real estate tycoon Li Zhaoji, "Hong Kong is not a place where people can manipulate it casually, and it is not the main battlefield of those financial executioners. I will follow!"

Seeing that even the big brother Li of the four major real estate developers has expressed his opinion, a large number of people in Hong Kong will stand up soon, including the Hong Kong Zheng family, the charter king, Dong Chuanwang, etc., and even the entertainment tycoon who has retired behind the scenes for many years Mr. Shao Yifu also stood up and stated, "Hong Kong cannot be chaotic, nor can it be brought down by those financial giants. We need to work together and unite as one!"

for a while-
The Hong Kong media concentrated on reporting, and even those foreign media went crazy.

Hong Kong has become the focus of Asia and even the world. Countless media reporters from foreign countries have come to Hong Kong for the purpose of follow-up reports.

American journalists, British journalists, French journalists, German journalists, Russian journalists, Japanese journalists, Korean journalists, etc. More than half of the more than 200 countries in the world have sent media to Hong Kong to report.

At this time, the Hong Kong business community was completely torn into two camps.

Headed by the Kang Zuyao Kang Group, they frantically raised the price of real estate and deliberately brought down the evil faction in Hong Kong.

There are also those headed by Song Zhichao and the Song Group, which are going to suppress land prices in order to bring order out of chaos.

Both parties have gathered their people and have saved more than [-] billion Hong Kong dollars to prepare for a showdown in the real estate market and financial market.

At this moment, any plots and tricks are useless—power decides everything.

To put it bluntly, whoever has strong capital will be the big winner of this duel --- in the face of absolute power, all tricks will only become jokes!

It is precisely because of this that Hong Kong people are fond of calling this "big duel" the "battle between good and evil" in the business world, and in the future it will be called "a war of hundreds of billions"!
(End of this chapter)

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