Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1454 1473 [Jun 1 shot] Part [-]

Chapter 1454 Chapter 1473 【A close call】on
As a world-renowned free trade port, Hong Kong has always dominated Asia's financial status. The most prominent advantage is the "liberal market economy". To put it bluntly, Hong Kong's economic market is dominated by free competition, and the country and the government do not interfere.

But the so-called "non-interference" is relative, not absolute. Under certain special circumstances, the Hong Kong government will "have to" intervene in the economy. For example, Hong Kong's real estate has completely collapsed!

After the complete collapse of Hong Kong's real estate, this will undoubtedly affect the entire financial market in Hong Kong, which in turn will affect the people's livelihood in Hong Kong.

At this time, if the Hong Kong government continues to uphold the attitude of "non-interference" and ignore the collapse of real estate, it will be unreasonable.

In order to appease the people, to restore the economy as soon as possible, and bring Hong Kong into a normal development track, at this time the Hong Kong government can boldly stand up and say what the government will do in the future, the real estate industry will do the same, and the financial market will do the same...

To put it bluntly, at this time the Hong Kong government has the "right to speak" to guide all aspects of Hong Kong's economy!
From the very beginning, when the Kang Group united with the top [-] real estate developers in Hong Kong to start a real estate war with the big bosses of the Song Group, it is not that Kang Zuyao and the others did not consider this, but in their inertial thinking, whether Hong Kong real estate will collapse , When it collapsed, it was led by real estate developers like them.

As their opposite, the only thing Song Zhichao can do is to keep suppressing their raised land prices in order to compete with them.

But they never expected that Song Zhichao would break the habitual thinking, come up with a reverse thinking, and directly lead the real estate collapse!

In this way, the Hong Kong government already has the "qualification" to guide Hong Kong's economy before the Kang Group and the others are fully prepared!
So, what will the Hong Kong government do to restore the economy?


Three days later——
Unsurprisingly, Hong Kong real estate collapsed completely under the joint "smashing of the market" by the Song Group!
Hong Kong's real estate and finance are the two pillars. The collapse of real estate has directly affected the turmoil in the financial market.

at the same time--
The Kang Group, the [-] real estate developers, and the financial giants headed by Soros in the United States have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in Hong Kong's financial market, and are doing their best to short Hong Kong.

Faced with such an "unprecedented" situation, the Hong Kong government, which seemed to have been prepared for a long time, stood up and expressed its position at the first time——
"In order to restore the economy and consolidate Hong Kong's status as an international financial center, the Hong Kong government and the economic development department have made the following decisions during the special period—"

"First, in order to stabilize the normal development of Hong Kong's real estate industry, the Hong Kong government has to guide the housing prices of Hong Kong's real estate today, so that housing prices are in an appropriate value area..."

"Second, in view of the unfavorable situation of Hong Kong's real estate, the Hong Kong government will conduct short-term supervision of Hong Kong's financial market to prevent some criminals from taking the opportunity to disrupt Hong Kong's financial order!"

"Third, the above two points will be implemented in a short period of time, and we hope that the general public and international financial personnel will supervise!"

It has to be said that the news released by the Hong Kong government was like a giant thunderbolt, directly blasting the Kang Corporation and Wall Street predators to death!
"What do you mean? The Hong Kong government wants to take action?"

"Who doesn't know that the backstage of Hong Kong is mainland China?"

"Who has the ability to compete with the power of a country?"

In an instant, countless people seemed to think of something.

It's going to change!

The Hong Kong River is turbulent!


Hong Kong, Kang Group Company ---
In the president's office——
Kang Zuyao stood in front of the window with a haggard look, and his blood-red eyes were now covered with terrifying bloodshot eyes, which made people feel chills.

As his biological son, Kang Yonglian said anxiously at the side: "Father, those [-] real estate bosses outside are all shouting..."

"What are they shouting about?" Kang Zuyao's voice was hoarse.

Kang Yonglian said with low confidence: "They... They are clamoring to make you responsible, Father! They say that you have lied to them. Now that the government intervenes, the money they invest in the financial market is likely to be wasted!"

Kang Zuyao laughed, very stern and penetrating, "You said I lied to them? What the hell are they? When making money, they just yelled and yelled, for fear that others would not know how much money they made; Put everything on my head, what do they think of me? An idiot, or a scapegoat?" After saying these words, Kang Zuyao's body was shaking, and if he hadn't stretched out his hand to hold the table, he might have fallen to the ground.

"Abba, are you okay?" Seeing this, Kang Yonglian hurriedly asked with concern.

Kang Zuyao waved his hand, "I'm fine, let those idiots make trouble outside, let's ignore them!"

Kang Yonglian opened his mouth, and finally couldn't help but said: "But... in this situation, what should we do?"

Kang Zuyao sneered: "Since the Hong Kong government has issued an order, there must be strong funds behind them to support them. Now the funds that can defeat the power of one country are only those on Wall Street."

"You mean... Soros?"

Kang Zuyao nodded, "That's right, Wall Street is fully capable of taking charge of the overall international financial situation, it depends on how Soros operates!"

Kang Yonglian: "...?!"

He looked weird, and seemed to be guessing, if he was that Soros, what should he do!


America, Wall Street—
Tiger Fund Headquarters——
In front of the huge financial stock market screen, Soros' green eyes were fixed on the Hang Seng stock index in Hong Kong.

Next to him, are three other Wall Street hedge fund bosses.

At this moment, their expressions were very dignified, their brows were tightly furrowed, their eyes were tense, and there was no chatting and laughing like they used to.

"Since the introduction of the Hong Kong government's policy, the tens of billions of funds we have invested have all been lost --- what should we do now?" A big man couldn't help asking Soros.

Soros clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, stared at the big screen and said, "If we stop now, all the tens of billions of funds invested will be in vain. It can be said that we will lose everything! Are you willing?" He turned his head and looked ferociously at the three big men.

The three big guys look at me and I look at you, of course they don't want to!

Who are they?

The financial predators on Wall Street have always been the masters of eating human flesh and drinking human blood. When did they suffer?

Soros sneered, "Since we don't want to, then we have to fight to the end!"

"You mean... to invest tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars in?"

"That's right! Increase the intensity, stud all when necessary!"

The three bosses looked at each other, "Is this too crazy?"

"Yes, what we are facing now is the Hong Kong government, and behind it is a big country supporting it!"

"Don't worry, we will create international public opinion so that that big country does not dare to support Hong Kong too unscrupulously. In this way, how long do you think Hong Kong, a tiny place, can last?" Soros said harshly.

The three bosses glanced at each other again, gritted their teeth and said, "That's good, let's do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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