Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1455 1474 【Jun 1 shot】Next

Chapter 1455 Chapter 1474 [Closed Shot] Part [-]
After the meeting with the three Wall Street giants, Soros rubbed his chin, frowned and thought for a long time, and finally decided to take a walk and find Mr. Evanley.

Evan Lee, the head of the Rothschild family, is also the head of the largest private investment bank on Wall Street.

As far as Soros is concerned, although he has great confidence in the ability of these financial giants to gather, he is still afraid that something will happen. In the meantime, he personally found Mr. Evanli and got his promise to help.

In the villa where Evanli lived——
As an investment tycoon, the Rothschild family represented by Yi Wenli has always been very business-oriented and very profit-oriented. Therefore, every time Mr. Yi Wenli meets with people to discuss business, he will choose to do it in his office or in a public place, never in person. Invite people to the place where he lives to show his "distinction between public and private".

But today, Soros made an exception and was invited to meet at the villa where Mr. Evanli lived. It can be said that this is definitely the first time.

Mr. Evanley's villa was built in the largest golden port in New York City, on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, and the scenery is very beautiful.

At the moment, Mr. Evanley is fishing by the sea.

Under the leadership of the old housekeeper, Soros came to Ivanli's side.

Evanli took a can of beer, opened it and took a sip, then turned to Soros and said, "Do you want to drink?" Then, he took a can from the mini freezer beside him and threw it to Soros.

Of course, Soros didn't come to drink, but he still took it and said, "Thank you!"

Yi Wenli nodded, looked at the fish maw rippling on the sea again and said, "I know what you want from me——yes, no one thought that Song Zhichao would do something strange, directly smashing Hong Kong real estate, which attracted the Hong Kong government to come forward Intervention..."

Soros took a big sip of beer and said, "This must have been calculated by the surname Song and the Hong Kong government. How could the Hong Kong side announce it right after they smashed the deal? It's so accurate!"

Yi Wenli still didn't look back, "Whether they calculated it well or not, you lost this move."

Soros squeezed the beer can: "No, we haven't lost yet! Now we have invested more than 500 billion Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong's financial market, and we will invest another 500 billion in the future. It depends on how they save themselves in Hong Kong?"

Yi Wenli smiled and shook the fishing rod in his hand, and the swim bladder floated in the water, "You are right that you refuse to admit defeat. After all, 500 billion Hong Kong dollars is not a small amount, and it is almost 80 billion when converted into US dollars... But you Are you confident?"

Soros nodded firmly, "I have! So I hope to get your help!"

Yi Wenli smiled: "You want me to go to war with the big country behind Hong Kong?"

"No, I just need you to support me and give me a steady stream of funds!"

"How much do you want to borrow?"

"100 billion!"

"100 billion Hong Kong dollars?" Yi Wenli looked back at Soros in surprise.

"No, it's 100 billion dollars!"

Evanli: "...?!"

He suddenly smiled and said, "Dear Soros, do you know what you are talking about now?"

"Of course I know," Soros said, "the funds we can use now are only about 80 billion U.S. dollars, and the Hong Kong government's U.S. dollars are at most 300 billion in reserves, and more than half of them cannot be used directly, so we have to make a call." A blitzkrieg, I want to invest 180 billion US dollars at one time, and they will be caught off guard!"

A sea breeze blows.

The cold sea breeze blows over Soros's slightly tired and vicissitudes old face, making the wrinkles on his face more eye-catching and glaring.

But his eyes were piercing, as if an old tiger was preparing for the final fight, and there was a ray of blood red faintly reflected in his eyes.

Yi Wenli stared at Soros for a long time, and finally smiled with a corner of his mouth.

"Okay, I promise you! Soros, I admire your spirit of fighting to the end, which is the demeanor of a Wall Street financial predator!"

Soros: "...?!"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Evanli would really agree to himself, and immediately became excited, "Are you serious?"

"of course it's true!"

"Thank you, thank you very much, Mr. Evanley!" Soros was very excited.

"You don't need to thank me, you asked for these yourself! If you want to thank you, you should also thank yourself!" Yi Wenli said lightly.

Soros really didn't know what to say.

After thanking Ivanli again, Soros left with great excitement.

For him, he has received a lot of goods this time, and with the support and help of the Rothschild family, they, the Wall Street predators, will be invincible, and they will kill Song Zhichao and his gang in Hong Kong to the last!

The sea breeze is rustling——
The roar of the waves—
Watching the back of Soros leaving, Ivanli, representing the patriarch of the Rothschild family, drank the can of beer in his hand and threw it directly into the sea.

Beer cans float on the sea surface, slowly drifting to the depths of the sea with the sea breeze.

Yi Wenli stood up, thumped his back and waist tiredly, and said, "I'm over 70 years old, I'm old after all, my whole body is so stiff after sitting for a while!"

At this time, the old housekeeper who had been waiting by his side said, "Sir, why are you old? According to our Jewish saying, 70 years old is the golden season for a man to mature!"

Evanli laughed "haha", "Really? I'm in the golden age of a man now?"

The old butler smiled "hehe", "Of course, compared to Soros just now, you are much younger in spirit!"

Evanli nodded, "You're right about that. That Soros just lost one battle and became so sluggish. If he loses one more time, why don't he just lie in the coffin?"

The old butler: "What you said is quite pitiful—but, sir, do you really want to help him?"

"Help! Of course I want to help! After all, I represent the Rothschild family, and I must count on what I say!" Yi Wenli said loudly. "As Jews, in addition to knowing how to make money, we also need to know two words - credit!"

After a pause, Ivanli said: "Well, you can ask someone to call the headquarters, and just tell me what I said, lending 100 billion US dollars to Soros and others!"

"Direct remittance?"

"No, directly transfer to Hong Kong - ABN AMRO Bank!"

Rothschild has an office in Hong Kong in Asia, called "BN AMRO-Rothschild". The business in Asia is under the holding of ABN AMRO. Because the right to speak is not large, some personnel rights are controlled by Managed by Dutch Bank.

But this time, Yi Wenli felt that it was just right to remit the money to this bank. Although it was a loan to Soros and others, the money still had to be under his own supervision.

The famous Jewish saying: what falls into one's own pocket is one's own money!
(End of this chapter)

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